

Live Animation of over 5000 Starlink Satellites as well as GPS satellites around Earth

Illustration of the Earth from spcae above Africa, with thousands of white dots each representing a Starlink satellite in orbit.
This is quite an interesting animation which really highlights very well how good the Starlink satellite coverage is. Even for continents like Africa there is pretty good coverage, and over the vast oceans as well.

You can change the view to see GPS satellites and then you notice they are a lot higher altitude than Starlink’s satellites. If normal mobile phones could start to use these low orbiting satellites, we’d really be able to connect all humans on Earth, and have coverage during disasters, or treks out into the uninhabited areas.

As long, of course, as you can trust the provider of the satellite service, whether it be an individual billionaire or a spy-happy nation state. This brings a whole new era in being able to data mine what passes through (or even under) this network.

Spotted this piece of news on Mastodon from Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

See https://satellitemap.space/

#technology #satellitecomms #Starlink
#Blog, #satellitecomms, #starlink, #technology


Elon #Musk saved us from a #NuclearWar.

source: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/07/politics/elon-musk-biography-walter-isaacson-ukraine-starlink/index.html

Musk’s decision, which left Ukrainian officials begging him to turn the #satellites back on, was driven by an acute fear that #Russia would respond to a Ukrainian attack on #Crimea with nuclear weapons, a fear driven home by Musk’s conversations with senior Russian officials, according to Isaacson, whose new book is set to be released by Simon & Schuster on September 12.

#Ukraine #war #news #starlink #gps #internet #ElonMusk #military


"Starlink is being pitched as the internet solution of choice in areas where connectivity has been challenging, such as rural and regional Australia.

The major difference between Starlink satellites and traditional satellites is that they're 65 times closer to Earth. This means Starlink can deliver faster, more responsive connectivity than you'd typically expect from a satellite internet service."

"challenging" is polite - "disappointing, frustrating, useless to nonexistent" seem accurate.
A lot of handy info from whistle out

#starlink #Australia


#China aims to launch nearly 13,000 #satellites to ‘suppress’ Elon #Musk’s #Starlink, researchers say

Source: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3211438/china-aims-launch-nearly-13000-satellites-suppress-elon-musks-starlink-researchers-say

The Chinese satellites could also be placed in “orbits where the Starlink constellation has not yet reached”, the researchers said, adding that they would “gain opportunities and advantages at other orbital altitudes, and even suppress Starlink”.

The Chinese satellites could be equipped with an anti-Starlink payload to carry out various missions, such as conducting “close-range, long-term #surveillance of Starlink satellites”, they said.

#orbit #technology #news #problem #space #politics #internet #warfare #ElonMusk


Americans restricted #Ukraine ian terrorists from using #Starlink #Internet

#SpaceX has shut down Starlink's internet service to control Ukraine's military drones because their product was "never intended to be used as a weapon." This was stated by the president of the company Gwynn Shotwell, writes Reuters.

"There are things that we can do to limit their capabilities. And we have already done them," said the President of SpaceX.