

Smells Like BRICSX

It appears the maintainers of #Linux are dumb enough to embrace the Grand Bifurcation and write off the #majority of the #human #population:

Following yesterday’s news first featured on #Phoronix of several #Linux #driver #maintainers being de-listed from their #maintainer positions within the mainline Linux #kernel over their connections to #Russia, #LinusTorvalds has today commented on the matter.

Since yesterday there’s been a lot of concern and mixed views over a number of Linux kernel maintainers being de-listed from the kernel’s MAINTAINERS file seemingly over being Russian or using Russian email addresses. In response to the patch posting from last week has also been proposals to revert that prior patch, some of the affected maintainers voicing their surprise over this sudden move, and some being upset over the lack of public clarity into the seemingly new “compliance requirements” imposed on the Linux kernel.

#GregKroah-Hartman who authored the patch dropping the various maintainers has yet to comment on the mailing list thread, but a few minutes ago Linus Torvalds chimed in with his opinion. Linux creator Linus Torvalds wrote:

“Ok, lots of Russian trolls out and about. It’s entirely clear why the change was done, it’s not getting reverted, and using multiple random anonymous accounts to try to “grass root” it by Russian troll factories isn’t going to change anything.

And FYI for the actual innocent bystanders who aren’t troll farm accounts – the “various compliance requirements” are not just a US thing.

If you haven’t heard of Russian sanctions yet, you should try to read the news some day. And by “news”, I don’t mean Russian state-sponsored spam.

As to sending me a revert patch – please use whatever mush you call brains. I’m Finnish. Did you think I’d be supporting Russian aggression? Apparently it’s not just lack of real news, it’s lack of history knowledge too.”

It’s not as if the Russians are simply going to throw up their hands and start using #Windows11. This promises to be the Mother of All Forks, and given the recently expressed position of #BRICS on the #illegality of #Western #sanctions, I doubt any of the BRICS countries are going to stick with the #original #Linux version.

This is where the fatal #flaw of having a weak central figure like Torvalds in charge inevitably comes into play. #Succession plans are difficult enough for strong Alphas to accomplish successfully, but when a mild-mannered Delta is the man in charge, some sort of future #debacle is all but guaranteed.

#Linus, it’s not that anyone thinks you’re supporting Russian aggression. It’s just that we assumed you wouldn’t be #retarded enough to publicly #endorse the #division of the #global #Linux #community and the creation of a #Sino-Russian #alternative #operating-system. But we were wrong.


How Russia’s succession problem makes its future uncertain

The regime’s problem might not be that it has no successor to Putin, but that there are many pretenders who would like his post – or at least to be members of a new collective leadership. Sooner or later, Russia’s succession problem will come to the fore and Putin’s subversion of Russia’s institutions, including the presidency itself, for the past 23 years will be recognized as a liability.


#Putin #Russia #authoritarian #regime #transition #succession #politics #PutinWarCriminal #RussianWarCrimes #WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine


Agnès Pannier-Runacher en plein conflit d’intérêts avec Perenco, le n°2 du pétrole.

Dans la longue liste des collaborateurs d’Emmanuel Macron impliqués dans des scandales, la ministre de la transition énergétique vient de rejoindre le triste palmarès.

Le père de la ministre, Jean-Michel Runacher, ancien dirigeant de Perenco (le N°2 du pétrole en France), avait créé en 2016 la société Arjunem, afin de faire une donation aux enfants de la ministre, alors âgés de 13, 10 et 5 ans.
L’objectif : que ses petits-enfants n’aient pas à payer de droits de succession au moment de son décès.
Montant de la donation : 1,2 million d’euros provenant de fonds spéculatifs dissimulés dans des paradis fiscaux et du groupe pétrolier Perenco.

Les enfants étant mineurs lors de la création de l’entreprise, c’est Agnès Pannier-Runacher qui a signé les documents en leur nom.

Elle a beau dire ce qu'elle veut, elle a merdé dans les grandes largeurs. Qu'elle assume...

#justice #politique #scandale #succession #paradis-fiscaux


Barack Obama und Squid Game für Emmys nominiert | DW | 13.07.2022

Dramaserien dominieren in diesem Jahr bei den Emmy-Nominierungen. Außerdem könnte zum ersten Mal eine Serie gewinnen, die nicht auf Englisch produziert wurde. Auch der ehemalige US-Präsident könnte einen Preis abräumen.#EmmyAwards #Emmys #SquidGame #Succession #StrangerThings #BarackObama #SirDavidAttenborough #JohnOliver #TrevorNoah
Barack Obama und Squid Game für Emmys nominiert | DW | 13.07.2022