

Some random point in time, along the way. Letting go of hours and minutes for a moment, feeling cool air sneak into shorter days, into earlier dusk. But there's still a scent of wet grass, of apples and plums ripe with the last weeks sun, the sound of families heading home from the gardens, the sounds of kids and dogs and bicycles altogether under skies that have seen many rainbows in just a short period of time.

#outerworld #wetlands #moving_on #autumnal_harvest #summer_moves_on

#moving on #autumnal harvest #summer moves on


Last week, we had a day trip to #Torquay but rather than drive or take the train, we decided on a different route. The first leg was a #cycle trip to #Exmouth, about 17 km, followed by a boat trip around the #Devon #coast. The weather was a bit changeable but there were only prospects of short showers.

Well the first shower- didn't take long to arrive and here you can see the drops falling into the #EnglishChannel in the #wake of the #boat. An interesting combination of periodicity and irregularity on the water's surface.
Rain falling on the sea

But soon the rain cleared up and the Sun poked through the broken clouds.
Sunshine filtering through clouds

The first part of the #coast travelling #west is primarily #sandstone with its distinctive orange colour. You can see the layers tilted through geological action. #Erosion is always evident at the surface but on the action is the sea. The rocks are dated at about 250 million years.
Sandstone cliff
Sandstone cliff with erosion

On to a bit of #EngineeringGeology and #GeotechnicalEngineering, the erosion is a serious problem for any structures built on or near the coast and there is a mainline railway track on the route to London which runs along it on this stretch. #NetworkRail is busy trying to stabilize and strengthen the cliffs using #RockAnchor, #RockBolts and #meshing to retard the process. Here you can see workers #abseiling as part of their work.
Workers working on cliff face to stabilize the slope
Train going past a sandstone cliff

The erosion causes all manner of interesting irregular shapes in the rocks which make ideal place for #Seabirds to live. These include #Cormorants, #Shags and #Gulls.
Eroded sandstone cliff with a large void
Cormorants on a sandstone cliff
Sandstone cliff
Sandstone formation with large void

As you travel further west, the stratum abruptly changes to #limestone which is over 300 million years old. The form of erosion is also different as limestone is also chemically eroded by slightly acidic water. You can also see that the colour of the sea here is a very deep green.
Limestone cliffs
Limestone eroded to resemble a giant seat
Limestone with brightly coloured vegetation
Limestone with brightly coloured vegetation
Titled layers of limestone in a cliff

The #limestone also forms small #islets just off the #coast, again on which birds alight.
Cormorants on a limestone islet
Larger islet

A close approach to an islet reveals the beautiful detailed patterns of #rock and #vegetation.
Limestone islet
Bright vegetation at the waterline
Limestone cliff edge

Approaching our destination, some brave souls were clambering over this islet and perhaps were preparing to dive into the water.
People on a jagged islet

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Summer #Devon


Wieder Dämmerung. Blick in die weichen glatten Farben dieser Stunde, wartend auf den Abendstern an einem Himmel so still, dass man nicht einmal in Gedanken flüstern möchte aus Sorge, damit irreparablen Schaden anzurichten. Ein dunkler Fluss zieht heute durch Wiesen, in denen einzelne wenige Lichtpunkte flackern und ferne Musik von den Banken und Pavillons am Weg klingt. Im Biergarten herrscht noch Hochbetrieb, aber die Schirme werden weniger, die Abende wieder kürzer. Die Großfamilie zieht mit Kindern und Handwägen zurück in die Blöcke des Wohngebiets, nimmt ihre Gespräche und Lieder mit. Tag flirtet mit Nacht am Rande des Parks.

#outerworld #summer_moves_on #concrete_city #edge_of_dusk

#summer moves on #concrete city #edge of dusk


Wieder Ortswechsel. Beton, rostige Schienen, Putz, der von Wänden blättert, und der intensive Duft verfallener, halbleerer Häuser am Weg. Unorte, deren Geschichte einst abriss und die heute anknüpfungs- und erzählungslos schlummern. Orte immer am Transit, die nur in Worten leben, weil für die Momentaufnahme Zeit und Inspiration fehlen. Dahinter, etliche Minuten weiter, tritt der Fuß in nasses Gras, schließt das Gartentor unter dem Sommerflieder. Immer noch Hitze auch in diesem Grün. Und: Himbeeren, Orangenlimonade, gelber Kuchen. Für manche kleinen Fluchten findet sich Zeit auch in engen Tagen.

#outerworld #concrete_city #summer_moves_on

#concrete city #summer moves on