

Indian Pipe - This fascinating plant (Monotropa uniflora) is definitely one of nature’s weird wonders. Because it has no chlorophyll and doesn’t depend on photosynthesis, this ghostly white plant is able to grow in the darkest of forests. Many people refer to this strange plant as Indian pipe fungus, but it is not a fungus at all – it just looks like one. It is actually a flowering plant, and believe it or not, it is a member of the blueberry family.

#Plants #Photography #Nature #Flowers
See more: https://levelup-flow.com/30-pretty-images-of-nature-that-are-most-perfect-examples-of-geometrical-symmetry/


It's a nice #SunnyDay outside and it really feels like spring. The #bees are busy making use of the #flowers, while the flowers are busy making use of the bees.

The #UK #ElectricyDemand is currently 32 GW and of that, 25.2% is coming from #SolarEnergy, 17.1% is coming from #WindEnergy, 16.8% is coming from #NuclearEnergy and 9.9% is coming from #Biomass and only 7% is coming from #Gas. There is also a fair amount coming from continental Europe through the various interconnections.


#Environment #Electricity #FossilFuels #GreenhouseGases Renewables #RenewableEnergy


Guten Morgen und ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich euch allen! 😀👋🍀🍀🍀🌞
Die Blumen und Blüten Pracht in meinem Garten kam heute gut zum Vorschein bei dem sonnigen Wetter. Bis zur Kommunion noch drei Wochen! Dann werden die weißen Rhododendron Blüten schon verblüt, aber die anderen lilafarbenen Rhododendron Büsche und Pfingstrosen im Pink, rot und rosa kommen zum Einsatz. Mai-Rosen haben leider in den paar letzten Tagen etwas zu viel Regen abbekommen...
#Natur #Garten #Blumen #Blüten #Freude im #Mai #Fotos #meineFotos #mywork #Nature #Garden #Flowers #Blossoms #Joy in #May #Photos #myPhotos
