

British Times: Firing the Khyber-Shaken ballistic missile from the southern regions of Iran towards northern Syria, where Iran could use its short-range missiles based in Syria, is a message to Israel, whose missiles can easily reach a range equivalent to the distance between Iran and Israel.

#iran #Syria #Israel


The Israeli army released a series of figures on the 100th day of the war. Caution is advised both with Hamas figures and here, as both are active warring parties and want to shape the information space accordingly.

Attacks by #Hamas, #Hezbollah, #PIJ
- 9,000 rockets and projectiles were fired from the Gaza Strip
- 2,000 rockets and projectiles were fired from Lebanon
- 30 rockets were fired from Syria

Israel attacks
- a total of almost 30,000 attacks carried out in the #Gaza Strip

Israeli casualty figures
- 522 soldiers were killed, including 188 in Gaza
- 2,356 injured soldiers
- 1,700 injured people were evacuated
- 9,000 soldiers suffer from PTSD
- 75% of the injured are fit to fight again

Summary of compulsory military service
- 295,000 soldiers were drafted into the army
- About 40% of conscripts have a family (are mother or father)
- About 1% of conscripts are over 60 years old

Hamas losses
- over 9,000 dead, including 2 brigade commanders, 19 battalion commanders and more than 50 company commanders
- Around 2,300 suspected Hamas members arrested

#Lebanon #Palestine #Israel #Syria #Politics #IDF #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #CeasefireNow


Iran IRGC claims responsibility for tonight's attacks against multiple targets in Iraq and Syria using the Fateh ballistic missiles.

Video shows American air defense failing to intercept the incoming Missile that exploded moment later.

The attacks are supposed to be an answer to recent dual ISIS suicide attacks in the city of #Kerman that killed over 100 people and injured many more.

Iran blames US and Israel for being behind the recent surge of ISIS attacks against various targets all over Iran.

#ISIS #Israel #iran #Terrorism #IRGC #Iraq #Syria #Politics



The Iranian navy has detained a US tanker in the waters of the Gulf of Oman 'on a court order', Tasnim reported.

According to Sky News, the tanker was boarded by "armed men" wearing military uniforms and masks. IRI claims that the tanker contains stolen oil from Syria and Iraq and it will be confiscated.

This seems to be a response to Americans doing the same with rabkers containing Iranian oil and auctioning them on the market

#Iran #US #GolfOfOman #Oil #OilTanker #Syria #Iraq #Occupation #Politica #Sancrions


Don’t worry, Israel will be at peace once it defeats Hamas. Well, first it’ll need to conquer Syria, eliminate Hezbollah and Ansarallah, achieve regime change in Iran, and defeat all the new enemies these military campaigns will create along the way.

— Caitlin Johnstone, source

#CaitlinJohnstone #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #genocide #war #peace #Syria #Iran #Hezbollah


Russia is now openly firing Israeli missiles over Syria.


"Russian Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile systems shot down ten guided bombs and three cruise missiles launched by the Israeli Air Force towards Syria, the Russian said
Ministry of Defense on Friday."

This is the first time Russian forces in Syria acting in defense of Syria against Israeli attacks.

This is a major shif in Russian military actions in Syria and will make Netanyahu and his war goons in Israel extremely angry.

Will this be a one time thing or we are going to see more such defensive actions in the future?

#Israel #Syria #Russia #Politics


#Israel Launches Missile Attack on Targets Near Syrian Capital

Israel has upped its attacks on Syrian targets in tandem with its military campaign in #Gaza.

On Thursday night, a fresh Israeli #missile attack targeted the outskirts of the Syrian capital of #Damascus, triggering a response from the Syrian air defense system.

#Syria #Palestibs #Israel #Politics
