

The New York Times: "The delivery of #ATACMS to #Ukraine was covert because Ukrainian forces wanted to surprise the Russians."

Two Western officials told the paper that the #US had supplied #Kiev with about 20 rockets in cluster munition versions, each carrying 950 small bombs.

Now, with the advent of ATACMS, #Germany is expected to be forced to hand over its #Taurus - Scholz refused to send the German long-range missiles ahead of the Americans.

#UkraineWar #ClusterBombs #Russia


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#Mrigasira #Nakshatra is a significant nakshatra in #Vedic #astronomy. The nakshatra is defined by piranha shakti, which implies the force to create satisfaction or happiness. The nakshatra is represented by a #deer’s #head or an #arched #bow; these symbols portray courage and vitality.

#Soma or #Chandra are the deities that rule this nakshatra. The Soma deity here represents pious #nectar that grants immortality and eternal boons to people. The Chandra or #moon deity represents hopes and endless positivity in life. The main zodiac signs linked with this nakshatra are #Taurus and #Gemini. The padas of the Mrigasira Nakshatra are Leo, Libra, Virgo, and Scorpio. The ruling planet of this nakshatra is #mars. Prithvi is the element linked with Mrigasira Nakshatra, and Gana associated with it is Deva.

Boons of Mrigasira Nakshatra
The people with the effect of Mrigasira Nakshatra are very creative and have outstanding thinking calibre.
This nakshatra is very favourable in terms of travel and adventures.
The people with Mrigasira Nakshatra are blessed with excellent spiritual capabilities.
This nakshatra is quite beneficial for people as it imparts them with a confident and outspoken nature.

Banes of Mrigasira Nakshatra
People born under Mrigasira Nakshatra’s effect have issues getting married and face problems setting good compatibility with their partner.
This nakshatra also bestows harmful properties to people, such as arrogant nature and short-tempered attitude.
People born under this nakshatra’s influence fall under the trap of brewing and multiple children.

If you are born with the influence of this nakshatra, then make sure that you are aware of all its characteristics. While performing Mrigasira Nakshatra Homam, we will execute worship of soma or Lord Chandra so that best of the boons reach you. Contact us and get this Homam done for you and attain miraculous benefits.



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#Rohini #Nakshatra is a pivotal nakshatra in the #Vedic astronomy region. The #star is an integral part of the #Taurus #constellation, and four padas define this nakshatra.

This nakshatra represents Rohana shakti which symbolises the energy to create and evolve things. The symbol of Rohini Nakshatra is a #cart or #chariot and a #banyan #tree. The chariot and banyan tree signify abundance and prosperity. The deity ruling the Rohini Nakshatra is Brahma, the creator of the universe. The planet ruling Rohini Nakshatra is the #moon; the eternal light brings happiness to the lives of people falling under this nakshatra’s effect. Gana of the nakshatra is manushya, and the element is Prithvi or earth.

The story behind the evolution of the Rohini star is that Rohini, who was the daughter of king #Darsha, was married to the moon with his twenty-six sisters. Rohini and her sisters then came to be known as twenty-seven important constellations in the realm of Vedic astronomy.

Boons of Rohini Nakshatra
The people born under this nakshatra have favourable marriages and possess good compatibility with their partners.
The nakshatra also favours activities in finance, trading and agriculture areas.
People have a good time of travel and exploration because of the influence of Rohini nakshatra in their Homam.
Rohini nakshatra also brings immense boons in the area of self-love and improvement.
Banes of Rohini Nakshatra
The people under the sign of this nakshatra face traumatic incidents linked with death.
The nakshatra is also quite unfavourable for people as they might easily face situations like destruction.

If you are born under the influence of Rohini Nakshatra, then make sure that you are aware of all the prospects and aspects of it. We will execute Rohini Nakshatra Homam for your favour so that only good benefits of this Nakshatra reach you. In Homam, we will worship the devata of the nakshatra so that all the imbalances in your horoscope and life can be quickly sorted. The main element of the Rohini Nakshatra Homam is to worship #Prajapati #Brahma and bring his blessings into the follower’s life.



Just another scary opinion, which most probably will not become true.

I believe there is a clear connection between the successful Storm Shadow attack on the general staff building in Sevastopol and the decision to ship #ATACMS to Ukraine now. I also note that the decision to supply the American missiles will surely be followed in a few days by the German decision to ship its long-range #TAURUS missiles. Both decisions have till now been held back on grounds that they would lead to a Russian #escalation of the war. Now it would appear that, facing imminent defeat, the Biden administration is throwing caution to the wind and is ready to risk outbreak of a direct, not proxy Russia-NATO war.

As a further straw in the wind, I point to another deeply troublesome bit of information that you will not find in The New York Times. The Russian news ticker today carries a report from a Russian commander in the field in Ukraine that his unit just destroyed a Leopard tank and found that the entire crew was Germans. Two of them were killed and one injured tank officer was taken prisoner. Those manning a Leopard surely were not soldiers of fortune but genuine #Bundeswehr boys. Put in other words, #NATO is now directly on the battlefield and not as advisers or instructors. We are headed into very dangerous territory.



Ex-Militär Thiele mahnt zu Zurückhaltung bei Taurus-Lieferung

Ukraine-Krieg - Ex-Militär Thiele mahnt zu Zurückhaltung bei Taurus-Lieferung

Im Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine komme der Sieg nicht näher, aber das Leid werde immer größer, sagt Ex-Militär Thiele. Er warnt vor einer Taurus-Lieferung.#Ukraine #RalphThiel #Krieg #Taurus #Waffen
Ex-Militär Thiele mahnt zu Zurückhaltung bei Taurus-Lieferung


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#Rohini #nakshatra ("The Reddish One") (40°00′ to 53°20′ Taurus)

Rohini nakshatrais located entirely within the constellation of #Taurus. In the night sky, it is comprised of the bright star known as #Aldebaran (Alpha-Tauri). The name Rohini translates as the "The Reddish One" which signifies the passionate and abundant warmth of this star. The symbol of an ox cart reflects commerce, fertility, and the ability to carry goods or ideas. #Brahma, the #God of #Creation, is the ruling deity who provides Rohini with a creative and materialistic nature.

People born under Rohini nakshatrahave great charisma and use their charm to get the attention of others. The fertile nature of this star helps those born under Rohini to achieve their goals as they have the capacity to express thoughts and materialize creations. The planetary influence of the Moon and Venus give this nakshatra the feminine qualities of receptivity and nourishment. Those born under Rohini have strong family values and an affinity for beauty, art and luxury.

#Kanchipuram Sri PandavaDhootha Sri Krishna Perumal

The #temple that holds the greatest significance for Rohini nakshatra is located in the town of Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, India. This temple is also in close proximity to the Kumarakkottam Sri #Murugan temple as well as the Sri Kamakshi Amman temple.

Rohini Devi attained enlightenment by offering prayers to Lord Krishna with complete devotion. Each of the 27 nakshatras is a wife of the Moon, but Rohini Devi was the very first to marry the Moon. She received this marriage blessing after standing on one toe of her right foot for eons at the Thaanthreeswarar Temple. Rohini also made offerings and prayers to Lord Krishna at the Sri PandavaDhootha Sri Krishna temple in Kanchipuram. After this Rohini, received true insight and divine realization with the darshan of Lord Krishna, who embodied the entire universe.

The Mahabharatha tells the story of Duriyodhana, who was trying to cunningly overpower Lord Krishna. Duriyodhana attempted to trick Lord Krishna so that he could easily kill him. Lord Krishna, a master of illusion, played along, but before Duriyodhana could trick him, Lord Krishna revealed his true cosmic nature in the form of Sri PandavaDhootha Perumal. Lord Krishna sits 30 feet tall at this auspicious temple and bestows his grace while embodying the whole universe.

Those born under Rohini nakshatra should visit this temple at least once in their lifetime to make offerings to Lord Krishna. It is recommended to offer food to the poor people at the temple as a remedy for karma with friends and family. Krishna’s favorite foods include Adai (rice cakes), Murukku (rice donut) and Seedai (rice, coconut and sesame sweet). It is also suggested to walk around the temple, from the left to the right, and carry a ghee lamp as a remedy to relieve sorrow. This is a temple of abundance and visiting on Rohini Day or Ashtami tithi will bring great benefits of prosperity.

Rohini nakshatranatives, your incense is made with the herb Jamun as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.


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#Rohini #Nakshatra is the fourth of 27 nakshatras. If you were born when the moon was between 10:00-23:20 degrees #Taurus
#Sanskrit Name: रोहिणी (Rohini). One meaning of Rohini is “the red one,” indicating beauty, passion, and a unique charm.

Planetary Ruler: #Moon. In #Vedic theology the moon is considered a manifestation of the #mind #of #God. It is associated with creativity, the mind, and the emotions. The moon is especially significant in Vedic astrology, where a person’s sign is considered their moon sign.

Nakshatra Group: Humanlike. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Rohini is a humanlike nakshatra. People in this group are generally hardworking and motivated to achieve material success. Although they are generally kind, they can also be vindictive and self-serving.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus. Taurus natives are light-hearted and likeable individuals fond of sensual pleasures. They are reliable, obedient, and generous.

Deity: #Brahma. In Vedic theology, Brahma is the deity tasked with the creation of our universe. He is the head of the Brahma-sampradaya, the succession of spiritual gurus who have passed Vedic knowledge down since the time of creation.

Symbol: Oxcart or temple. This represents firmness, tradition, religion, and focus on nature.

Power: Growth. Those born under this star are natural creators. They are gifted at preparation, instigating growth, and healing.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Rohini are Oh (ओ), Va (वा), Vi (वी), and Vu (वु). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Rohinis stand out for their creative abilities. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and the chemistry between the moon and Venus in this nakshatra results in an incredible creative ability. You are artistic, intelligent, and your creative side helps you initiate a variety of projects.

Cool-headed individuals who rarely get swept away by emotion, Rohini natives are steady and dutiful in the execution of their responsibilities. You can be counted on to speak honestly and insightfully. You are drawn to nature for its beauty and simplicity, and, like the earth itself, you provide a stable foundation on which great success can be built.

Your likeable and easy-going nature makes you easy to befriend. You don’t make things complicated and others appreciate you for that. Gentle, kind, and compassionate, you often put others before yourself. Your charisma and your attractive features ensure that you always have romantic possibilities.

Rohini Careers
Rohinis are reliable and steady workers. Your clear thinking and trustworthiness make you an ideal candidate for positions of authority, but you are also invaluable in supportive roles.

Some ideal professions include:

Politician, financial adviser, banker, or accountant
Artist, musician, actor, or dancer
Beautician, model, or fashion designer
Physician, alternative health practitioner, or nurse
Agricultural worker, farmer, or real estate agent
Taurus is the sign of the bull, and like the bull you are steady and down-to-earth. However, you also manifest the bull’s obstinacy and stubborn nature. Once your mind is made up it is very difficult for you to change it. This can make you close-minded, refusing to accept information or ideas that don’t fit in with your beliefs.

You are fond of your pleasures, whether that pleasure comes from things or relationships. This can turn into possessiveness if you allow yourself to get too attached. Material luxury appeals strongly to you and you can get too swept up in your endeavours to attain it. You may forget to consider the cost of what you are sacrificing, and whether or not the sacrifice is really worth it.

You like to be liked and you like to get ahead in life. You usually achieve both of these things, but the way you do it can be questionable. You can be opportunistic and self-serving, and may use seduction and manipulation to get your way. You are good with people and capable of getting what you want from them, but use this ability with caution.

Recommended: Learn more about the science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You are sensitive. Your connection with the moon and the soft, feminine nature of Taurus means that you are attuned to the emotions, the mind, the heart, and other subtleties of human nature. Your sensitivity to others makes you especially skilled at dealing with people, but you can be overly affected by their words and actions.

You will probably be well-educated. Thanks to your intellect you enjoy and excel at academics. You will probably attend higher education, and you may get your degree from a prestigious school.

You are spiritually-inclined. Spiritual growth is the primary, innermost motivation of this nakshatra. You are drawn to spirituality and religion and are a person of strong faith and devotion.

You have a pleasant voice. You could excel as a singer, a profession that you would enjoy for its creativity and the attention it brings. Even if you don’t sing, your speaking voice is soothing to listen to.

Your are successful and fortunate. Your lot in life is a fortunate one. According to Vedic lore, Rohini and the 26 other nakshatras are the wives of Chandra, the moon god. Rohini is his favorite wife. Therefore, Rohini natives experience more good fortune than most. Rohini is considered the star of ascent — you will likely rise to prominence in society and fulfill many of your desires.

Rohini Compatibility
Rohini sexuality is symbolized by a male serpent. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Mrigashira nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Rohinis are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Krittikas in Taurus
Mrigashiras in Taurus
Uttara-phalgunis in Virgo
Chitra (for male natives)
Chitras in Virgo (for female natives)
Jyeshta (for female natives)
Anuradha (for male natives)
Uttara-ashadhas in Capricorn
Purva-bhadrapada (for female natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Rohini’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (10:00-13:20 degrees Taurus): Aries. You are courageous and more inclined to leadership than other Rohinis. You are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. However, you are short-tempered and can indulge excessively in material pleasures, especially sex.

Second Quarter (13:20-16:40 degrees Taurus): Taurus. Artistic ability abounds in you and everything you do has a touch of artistry. You are attractive in appearance. Your manner is self-controlled. Although you appreciate the finer luxuries of life, you rarely get carried away in indulgence. Intelligent and curious, your knowledge covers a wide range of subjects.

Third Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Taurus): Gemini. Communication comes naturally to you. You are a skilled speaker, writer, and conversationalist. You are flexible and don’t get upset when plans change — you understand that change is part of life. You have a sharp intellect and your observant and shrewd nature gives you keen insight into whatever situation you find yourself in.

Fourth Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Taurus): Cancer. You are intuitive and make decisions best when you follow your gut. Family is very important to you, and you prioritize your family over other things in your life. Material success comes naturally to you — wealth will likely come your way, if you were not already born into it. However, your attachment to what is yours can make you possessive.

Rohini in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Rohini is Sthira, “fixed or steady.” Rohini is an excellent nakshatra for:

Marriage ceremonies
Building a home
Buying land
Planting trees
Undergoing a medical treatment
Learning art, music, or dance


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#Krittika #Nakshatra is the third of 27 nakshatras. If you were born when the #moon was between 26:40 degrees Aries – 10:00 degrees #Taurus,
#Sanskrit Name: कृत्तिका (Krittika) comes from the Sanskrit word कृत्त (to #cut). One meaning of Krittika is “the cutter,” indicating perceptivity, power, and a discerning nature.

Planetary Ruler: Sun. In astrology the #sun is considered the king of the planets. According to the Vedic understanding, the sun is an expansion of God. This planet is associated with the #soul or self, leadership, happiness, success, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment.

Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Krittika is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.

Zodiac Sign: Aries (first quarter) and Taurus (second through fourth quarters). Arians are loyal, intelligent, confident, competitive, and make natural leaders. Taurus natives are light-hearted, reliable, generous, likeable, obedient, and fond of sensual pleasures.

Deity: Agni. The lord of fire, Agni, is considered to be the mouth of the gods. In Vedic tradition, offerings to the gods are often made through sacred fire. Agni is also associated with transformation and purification.

Symbol: Knife or flame. This represents Krittika’s ability to burn, cut, or otherwise sever ties with negativity. It also represents some degree of ferocity and can be dangerous if misused.

Power: To burn or consume in order to purify. Just as fire burns away impurities, so does Krittika. Negative elements are burned away in order to reach a deeper truth. Krittika bestows a discerning nature and also gives light, warmth, and nourishment.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Krittika are A (अ), I (ई), U (उ), and E (ए). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Krittikas are very intelligent, and their intelligence manifests especially in their ability to see straight to the heart of the matter. Straightforward individuals who are unlikely to beat around the bush, they may be described as discerning and penetrating.

Others look up to Krittikas as natural leaders. As the sun is Krittika’s planetary ruler, leadership qualities abound in Krittika natives. You are powerful individuals whose confidence, energy, and determination will help you go far in life. These leadership qualities are especially prominent in Krittika natives whose moons fall in Krittika’s first quarter, under the influence of Aries.

Krittikas are inclined to fight for a social or spiritual cause. You strive to better yourself and the world around you, sometimes in radical ways. As the lunar mansion associated with fire, Krittika often uses the metaphorical fires of purification to bring out the good qualities of human nature.

You are well-liked by others for your bright and sociable nature. You are very nurturing, often exhibiting parental qualities. In addition to having an attractive personality, you are also physically attractive.

Parental qualities and physical attractiveness will be especially prominent in Krittikas whose moons fall in Taurus, in the lunar mansion’s latter three quarters. These individuals often feel a strong desire to have children. Through the influence of Venus, the planetary ruler of Taurus, they are talented in the fine arts. They are elegant, beautiful, and may possess a keen sense of fashion.

Krittika Careers
Due to their confidence, determination, and passion, Krittikas excel in leadership positions. Careers that contribute towards a greater cause will be attractive to Krittikas, who do best when they feel that their work is meaningful. As sociable beings, they should avoid jobs that require a lot of solitary work.

Some ideal professions include:

Entrepreneur, C-level executive, or manager
Military service member, police officer, or firefighter
Dancer, musician, artist, or chef
Teacher, coach, or personal trainer
Member of the clergy or other spiritual leader
The sun’s influence on Krittika natives creates great leaders capable of fighting for revolutionary causes. To accomplish the goals you set for yourself, you need the sun’s intense and forceful qualities. But these same qualities can make you somewhat volatile, prone to fiery outbursts and a confrontational attitude to those who don’t agree with you.

Controlling your temper and your stubbornness requires a lot of effort. When people disagree with you, your pride may cause you to overreact—you will be able to react more calmly if you remind yourself that it’s not a personal attack. The cause you are fighting for is probably worthy, but be mindful not to use that as an excuse to domineer others. Just as the sun is necessary for the ongoing well-being of the world, so are people like you—you can help guide society in the right direction as long as you don’t steamroller over them in the process.

You can get carried away with your ideas and your ambitions. Your restless nature makes it difficult for you to think things through properly before taking action. Intuition is one of your natural gifts, but acting impulsively will not do you any favors. Learn to curb your enthusiasm to prevent yourself from becoming overzealous and reckless—not every idea is worth fighting a war for!

Fulfillment of desires is the primary motivation for Krittika natives, and this trait can lead to great success. However, be careful that your desires don’t get out of hand—ambition and greed often go arm in arm. When you see something that you want it may be hard to control yourself, even if what you desire isn’t good for you or isn’t available. This tendency could lead you into multiple illicit affairs. It can also make you prone to indulge in unhealthy eating habits. If you learn to gain control over your own desires, you will achieve greater satisfaction and avoid a lot of trouble.

Recommended: Learn more about the science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
You’re self-motivated. Krittikas have strong wills and no lack of enthusiasm. You know what you want and are motivated to achieve it. You won’t need to be pushed and prodded by others to get things done, provided you think those things are worth doing.

You have a strong appetite. Good food is one of the great joys of your life. You like to eat, and your energetic lifestyle means that you need a decent amount of fuel. Your love for food could lead to skills in the culinary arts.

You’re good for your word. As the old saying goes, “my word is my bond.” This definitely applies to you. When you say you’ll do something, you’ll do it. People can trust you to be honest and accountable.

You respect holy people. In Vedic terminology, people who are holy or saintly are referred to as sadhus. Krittikas are known to value sadhus, persons who are pious and whose lives reflect religious and spiritual ideals. Religion has a somewhat tarnished reputation in contemporary society, but you know that there is always value in those who dedicate their lives to a higher principle.

You can be a harsh critic. Your discerning nature means that not much gets past you, and you aren’t afraid to point out the flaws you see. Try not to hold others—and the world around you—to standards that are too high. A little tact and tolerance can be invaluable.

Krittika Compatibility
Krittika sexuality is symbolized by a female sheep. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Pushya nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Krittikas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Shatabisha (for female natives)
For Krittika natives in Aries (1st Quarter):

Chitras in Libra (for male natives)
Ashwini (for female natives)
Swati (for female natives)
For Krittika natives in Taurus (2nd-4th Quarters):

Chitras in Virgo
Chitras in Libra (for male natives)
Shravana (for female natives)
Dhanishtas in Capricorn
Mrigashiras in Taurus (for male natives
Ashlesha (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Krittika’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (26:40 degrees Aries – 0:00 degrees Taurus): Sagittarius. You have a strong moral compass and are philosophical in nature. Your family is important to you and you have close bonds with them, especially with your father.

Second Quarter (0:00-3:20 degrees Taurus): Capricorn. You like to care for others and have a maternal nature. You’re not as fast and furious as other Krittikas. Unlike many Krittika natives, you think things through carefully before taking action. Your slow pace shouldn’t be mistaken for laziness, however—you’re a hard worker and motivated to achieve material success. Nonetheless, be careful not to be overly consumed by materialistic concerns.

Third Quarter (3:20-6:40 degrees Taurus): Aquarius. Altruism is important to you. You are generous with others and fond of philanthropic and humanitarian work. You are very social, but can be short-tempered and even mean when your patience is tried. Patience and tolerance are qualities that don’t come easily to you.

Fourth Quarter (6:40-10:00 degrees Taurus): Pisces. Generous and compassionate, your benevolent nature endears you to others. People are drawn to your charismatic personality and you will likely experience fame and riches. However, deep down you desire more than materialistic gains—religion and spirituality are important to you.

Krittika in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Krittika is Mishra, “mixed.” Krittika is a versatile nakshatra and can be good for:

Cleaning or organizing
Discarding unwanted things
Giving up bad habits
Holding a protest or strike
Performing a vrata, or spiritual vow, such as a #vow #of #silence


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Zodiac Sign or #Rohini #Nakshatra Rashi- #Taurus
Rohini Nakshatra Ruling Planet- Moon
Rohini Nakshatra Degree Range- 10° - 23°20’ Taurus
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer
Rohini Nakshatra Lord or God- #Brahma
Rohini Nakshatra Yoni- Sarp
Rohini Nakshatra Quality- #Human
Rohini Nakshatra Dosha- #Kapha
Type of Nakshatra- Fixed
Rohini Nakshatra Dasha- 10 yrs
Rohini Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 4
Rohini Nakshatra Gender- Male
Rohini Nakshatra Nature- Manushya (Human-like)
Rohini Nakshatra Guna- #Rajas
Rohini Nakshatra Mobility- Movable
Rohini Nakshatra Caste- #Shudra
Rohini Nakshatra Animal- #Serpent
Rohini Nakshatra Names Starting Letter- O,VA,VEE,VO
Rohini Nakshatra Bird- #White #Owl
Rohini Nakshatra Tree- #Jamboo #tree or #Jamun tree
Rohini Nakshatra Traits- Growth, creation, Indulgence, and materialism, ominous to mother, wealthy, learned, and cheating natured.
Rohini Nakshatra Lucky Number- 2
Rohini Nakshatra Symbol- Ox-cart
About Rohini Nakshatra
Rohini, the wife of the moon is the brightest constellation in the celestial firmament. In western astronomy, Rohini is also called Aldebaran, or abode of Brahma. It is located in Taurus and is guided by Brahma, Prajapati, or the Creator.

In the symbol of Rohini nakshatra, you can see an oxen cart and a reddish celestial woman. The oxen cart is symbolic of fertility and gait. The woman represents comfort, passion, and abundance.

In Rohini nakshatra, the Moon emits ideal moonlight while the Sun in this nakshatra provides scorching heat which is strong enough to break even stones. The Moon in this constellation signifies the cow and the Sun is symbolic of the bull which is fertile. Like the ox-cart carries the harvested crop or production, the Rohini constellation is also the carrier of rewards of labor. It is a materialistic Nakshatra as it represents dealings related to commerce and trade.

Rohini Nakshatra - Physical Characteristics
Rohini star men and women are blessed with large eyes and full lips. Their eyes are expressive and beautiful and their overall disposition is pleasant. They are extremely gentle which can also portray them as seductive people. Just like a cow, due to the stability presented in their life, they have a robust and calm exterior.

Rohini Nakshatra Characteristics- Behavioral Characteristics
Rohini nakshatra natives are not vocal but they are filled with creativity and imagination. The natives born under Rohini nakshatra express themselves fully and at times feel restless. With Moon as their ruler, their mind and decisions change frequently but Taurus helps them by offering patience and endurance. They are susceptible to false hope and imagination, thus Rohini nakshatra males and females should live in the real world avoiding fantasizing over things.

Natives of Rohini are attention seekers. They can easily bend the situations in their own favor by working out their charm. These people are self-serving which is not a favorable trait. Although the natives born under the Rohini constellation have a strong sexual appeal, the people born under other complex nakshatras do not feel attracted to them.

Rohini star men and women manifest their material as well as spiritual ambitions successfully. They give value to their home, society, and world. Due to this reason, they are strongly tied to their family and close ones. Natives of Rohini do not get influenced much by people who are outside of their circle. Although Rohini natives like to socialize, their main focus is on opportunities and self- betterment.

Rohini Nakshatra exhibits a creative aspect. It is considered an artistic and creative nakshatra. It supports the manifestation of your beliefs and ideas and assists in self-expression. Thus natives born in this Nakshatra are artistic and creative.

Rohini Nakshatra men and women are conservative individuals but they do not hesitate to accept new influences. Their health is of extreme importance to them. They are afraid of death and that is why they generally live a long life. Rohini Nakshatra natives live their life to the fullest, as they find happiness in the small pleasures the Universe offers them. Rohini is related to The Rohana Shakti which is symbolic to fertility and further represents the ability to make things grow.

Also See: What is Panchak Yog?

Favorable Activities For Rohini Nakshatra
The Rohini constellation is extremely auspicious for activities related to trade and commerce. It is favorable for the initiation of farming activities, for traveling and shopping of clothes, ornaments, or vehicles. In the Rohini constellation, you can also engage in activities related to self-healing and grooming. It is propitious for laying the foundation of any construction. It is also auspicious for marriages.

Unfavorable Activities For Rohini Nakshatra
Almost all the activities are auspicious in Rohini nakshatra except for activities connected to destruction, demolition, and death.

Career Options for Rohini Nakshatra Natives
The professions that are favorable for people born in Rohini Nakshatra are:-

All professions related to farming, agriculture, and the production of food
Professions related to art such as musicians and artists
Fashion and beauty industry such as beauticians, hair and makeup artists
Transportation industry such as dealer in automobiles and shipping
Jewelry and Gemstones related businesses.
Aquatic industry such as dealing in oil and petroleum products or other liquids and minerals.
Sex therapists and counselors
Jobs that need you to grow, handle and process food.
Food packaging and distribution
Herbalists, Botanists, or textile industry.
Job in Banking and Finance sectors
Fields connected with Entertainment and leisure.
Also See: Government Job Astrology

Rohini Nakshatra Remedies
Those who are suffering from affliction to Rohini Nakshatra should respect cows. For acquiring positive energy, Rohini nakshatra natives should show gratitude towards the events of nature. Vedic texts do not advise to worship the creator, Lord Brahma because he was cursed by Lord Shiva. As per Vedic astrology, you should chant the root mantra “Om Rm” and “Om Lrm”. Those who chant this mantra 108 times in the period of lunar transition become free of clouds of inauspiciousness wandering over their life. It is advised to wear bright and pastel colors. Also, Rohini Nakshatra natives should perform all the important actions corresponding to the position of the Rohini constellation for the most beneficial results.



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#BLUE CLOUD ON #MARS: Mars is supposed to be red. But when amateur astronomer #ThomasWilliamson looked on Oct. 26th, he saw a different color. "The north pole was electric blue," he says.

Williamson photographed the North Polar Hood, a giant cloud of water ice that forms over the Martian north pole during winter. Why blue? That's the color of sunlight scattered from very tiny crystals of ice (smaller than the wavelength of light itself) floating in the cloud.

"Mars was amazing through my binoviewers on my 12.5-inch f/5.1 Newtonian at about 400x!" says Williamson. "I'm looking forward to the next few weeks as Mars increases in apparent size."

Indeed, the view is about to improve. Mars is approaching Earth for a close encounter on Dec. 1, 2022. Between now and then, Mars will double in brightness to magnitude -1.9 (brighter than Sirius) and increase in size to 17.2 arcseconds. Look for the Red Planet and its blue hood rising in the east after sunset in the constellation #Taurus


If your birth Nakshatra is Rohini, it’s mean that your #Moon is placed in #Taurus sign from 10.00 to 23.20 degrees. Your Nakshatra ruler is Moon, who signifies to dance, fine arts, kingdom and royalty. Rohini is the 4th among the 27 Nakshatras.

As your Birth star is Rohini which is ruled by Moon, therefore your communication skills can expand other's horizons and inspire them to learn from you. With a good grasp on the process of communication, you will be able to do editing and creative writing.

You are versatile and skilled at various arts, like drawing, and painting, music and dance, interior decoration, and sculpture etc. There is artistic talent, especially in the areas of poetry, singing and other languages or voice related arts.

You may be a good singer or may write poetry. You have notable speaking, musical or performing abilities, imbued with your passionate temperament. Writing could be another strong talent bringing in financial income.


#Rohini #Nakshatra
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Rohini is located entirely within the constellation of #Taurus. The name Rohini translates as the “Reddish One” which signifies the passionate and abundant warmth of this star. The symbol of an ox cart reflects commerce, fertility, and the ability to carry goods or ideas. Brahma, the God of Creation, is the ruling deity who provides Rohini with a creative and materialistic nature. People born under Rohini are charismatic and easily attract attention. The fertile nature of this star helps those born under Rohini to achieve their goals as they have the capacity to express thoughts and materialize creations. As Moon is the Lord of this nakshatra and Venus is the lord of Taurus, Moon and Venus give this nakshatra the feminine qualities of receptivity and nourishment. Those born under Rohini have strong family values and an affinity for beauty, art and luxury. This is the birth nakshatra of Lord Krishna. Mythology describes Rohini the wife of Moon. Of all the 27 Stars-all wives of Moon-Rohini is said to have been fond of fine dress, cosmetics and decor and was the most beloved of Moon.

Those born in the star Rohini are agriculturists, experts, well-behaved, handsome, good speakers and poets. They have sweet voice and are intelligent. They are endowed with good looking hands and wide forehead, handsome, independent, loved by their children, experts, wealthy and are well dressed. They may have eye problems.

Rohini Nakshatra Rashi / Rasi
Rohini Nakshatra Rashi is Taurus (Vrushabha Rashi). All four padas of Rohini Nakshatra fall in Taurus Sign.

Rohini Nakshatra Lord
Rohini Nakshatra Lord is #Moon (Chandra).

Rohini Nakshatra Animal
Rohini Nakshatra Animal is a #serptent.

Click here to Read More about Animals associated with Nakshatras.

Quick Information about Rohini Nakshatra
Rohini Nakshatra English Name : Aldebaran
Rohini Nakshatra Symbol: An ox cart/chariot
Rohini Nakshatra Lord: Moon
Rohini Nakshatra Rashi: 10-00′ to 23-20′ Taurus.
Rohini Nakshatra Gana: Manushya (human).
Rohini Nakshatra Diety: Brahma – creator of the universe.
Number of Stars in Rohini Nakshatra: 5
Rohini Nakshatra Yoni / Animal: A male serpent – spiritual power and wisdom
Rohini Nakshatra Nadi: Antya
Rohini Nakshatra first pada: name first letter is “O”
Rohini Nakshatra second pada: name first letter is “Va”
Rohini Nakshatra third pada: name first letter is “Vi”
Rohini Nakshatra fourth pada: name first letter is “Vu”

Positive Traits of Rohini Nakshatra Natives
beautiful looks, good communication, charismatic, attractive, inner strength, affects others, strong public life, gentle manner, comforting, truthful, moral orientation, sharp, balanced mind, fixed in purpose, well educated, does well financially, dutiful to the family, responsible, helps others, have artistic abilities, are healthy.

Negative Traits of Rohini Nakshatra Natives
very materialistic, Indulgent, sensitive, changeable, addictive, indecisive , may take advantage of others through manipulation and deception, critical of others, possessive of individuals or ideology, jealous.

Rohini Nakshatra Male Characteristics:
Rohini Nakshatra Male:
He is good looking and normally of slim body, attractive eyes, broad shoulders, good muscles. This can be modified by other planetary aspects. He is ruled by hearth rather than head. He is generally happy with himself. He is short tempered and obstinate. He often finds faults in others. His life may be full of ups and downs. He invests in items of luxury. He may be more attached to him mother and maternal uncle.

Rohini Nakshatra Female Characteristics:
Rohini Nakshatra Female:

She is very beautiful and has attractive eyes. She is of medium height and fair complexion.She likes to dress well and likes to show off. She may be short tempered and practical. She may be stubborn at times. She will have pain in the legs and feet, pain in the breast, irregular menses and sore throat.

Rohini Nakshatra Professions:
Politics, authority positions, agriculture, real estate, restaurant and hotel business, fashion designers, models and musicians.

Body Parts Represented by Rohini Nakshatra:
Face, Tongue, Forehead, throat, small brain

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