

A Lack of Oversight in the Tory Leadership Contest Damages Democracy

The Conservative Party is selling leadership votes abroad for as little as £25. For those under-26 it’s even cheaper, a mere £5 to become a member and select the next Prime Minister.

This right to vote is a benefit offered to all party members of at least three months’ standing. Because voting closes in September, people abroad who paid up before early June have a say in selecting the country’s next prime minister, as appointed by the party in power though technically by the Queen.

Only around 160,000-200,000 in the UK may do so, and hardly a representative sample of the population at that.


#DemocracyNotAutocracy #DemocracyNow #ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCorruption #ToryScum #corruption #FairVotes #Vote


Kampen om demokratin står inte minst i datorvärlden!
#demokrati #FLOSS

Mark Lansbury - 2022-06-21 11:22:29 GMT

Brace yourselves: New UK Data Laws are Coming

The Government have just announced their plans to gut the UK General Data Protection Regulation.

They are proposing to bonfire your rights and remove the protections the law affords to your:- Private life
- Vulnerabilities
- Aspirations.

This is but a natural product of poor proposals being discussed in a rigged consultation process.

Big multinational corporations, their lawyers, and corporate-funded think tanks were advising the Government on how to keep our data safe, courtesy of the “International Data Transfers Expert Council”.

At the same time, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport were taking care of ignoring the critical voices of civil society and ordinary citizens, in a delicate balance of arbitrary cherry-picking and a smokescreen of wishful thinking.

The outcome of such a shiny example of integrity in policymaking is rather damning.

According to what the Government have announced, individuals would lose protections against discrimination and abuses, only to get less choices in return.

Dodgy businesses would get their licence to be malicious, reckless, and to launder your personal data overseas, far from your eyes and those of the Regulators.

The cherry on the cake, the Information Commissioner’s Office (the Regulator) would be coopted by the same Government they should keep an eye on.


#ToryDictatorship #SurveillanceCapitalism #privacy #security #GDPR #online #OnlinePrivacy #BigData #DataLaundering #ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCorruption #ToryScum #ToryScumOut #GeneralStrike #OnlineSafety #BrexitFail #Brexit #BrexitIsNotWorking




#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToriesOut #BorisTheLiar #BorisTheButcher #GeneralStrikeUK #ToryScum


Toilet rats! Vermin are all over Britain (not talking Tory version) – and they’re climbing up our waste pipes

The rat population exploded in 2020, they can each tread water for three days and they are biding their time before entering our bathrooms


#rats #pests #ToryScum (ooops) #toilets PestControl


Stand up to power


The UK Government must not become untouchable.

There is a democratic crisis in the UK.

This Government is attempting to put itself – and all future governments – beyond the reach of the law, silencing people in the process.

The UK has a system of checks and balances to ensure that whichever party is in government, their actions should remain within the law and don’t infringe upon our fundamental rights.

But those in power have plans to shut down vital avenues ordinary people have to hold them accountable for their actions – in Parliament, through the courts, on the streets and in society.

The threats are many and varied. Here we draw together the threads to give you the complete picture on this Government’s plans. We also explain what you can do to help Liberty and others save these important safety checks so we can all stand up to power.


#DemocracyInDanger #BorisTheDictator #BorisTheLiar #corruption #authoritarian #ToryDictatorship #NeverTrustATory #ToryScum #dictatorship #Dystopian #DystopianBritain #IndyRef2