

College swimmers, volleyball players sue #NCAA over #transgender policies

source: https://apnews.com/article/transgender-lia-thomas-swimming-lawsuit-b7df63108a03100f36b2e4364d585cdc

Former Kentucky swimmer #RileyGaines was among more than a dozen college athletes who filed a lawsuit against the NCAA on Thursday, accusing it of violating their Title IX rights by allowing transgender #woman #LiaThomas to compete at the national championships in 2022.

The #lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta, details the shock Gaines and other swimmers felt when they learned they would have to share a locker room with Thomas at the championships in #Atlanta. It documents a number of races they swam in with Thomas, including the 200-yard final in which Thomas and Gaines tied for fifth but Thomas, not Gaines, was handed the fifth-place trophy.

#gender #sports #court #justice #women #humanrights #usa #news #championship #swimming #female


OTD in 2009:

I made my first announcement to my closest friends that I was #trans. It was on a social media site known as LiveJournal, which many of you have likely never heard of. I migrated off of that site years ago. You can see that post now on my blog at https://janetannelogan.wordpress.com/2009/03/13/announcement/ . It's no longer locked.

Barbara and I had discussed me making that post in advance, and she was supportive. This was my first attempt at transition. Then in August of 2009, she went back into the hospital, and I detransitioned to be able to care for her. Back then, we feared I wouldn't be able to be with her as Janet. After she passed in 2010, I grieved for a long time. Then I restarted transition and have lived as Janet since.

#transgender #MyStory #TimeFlies


#laws #transgender
The Republican horrors continue........................
# Proposed Missouri bill would make teachers register as sex offenders if found supporting transgender students who socially transition.



PFLAG National Asks Court to Block the #Texas Attorney General’s Latest Targeting of Texan Families with #Transgender Youth
National nonprofit and its lawyers argue the Office is abusing its power with broad and intrusive demand for organizational records
Affiliate: ACLU of Texas
February 29, 2024

..."On February 9, PFLAG National—which has eighteen chapters in Texas—received civil demands from the Attorney General’s Office to turn over documents, communications, and information related to PFLAG National and the organization’s work helping families with transgender adolescents. PFLAG National is a plaintiff in two lawsuits filed against restrictions on gender-affirming medical care for adolescents in Texas: one lawsuit Loe v. Texas, challenging SB 14, the state’s ban on gender-affirming medical care for minors, and PFLAG v. Abbott, challenging the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services’ rule mandating investigations of parents who work with medical professionals to provide their adolescent transgender children with medically necessary healthcare.

Today, the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and Transgender Law Center filed a separate lawsuit on behalf of PFLAG National in Travis County District Court requesting a temporary restraining order against the Attorney General’s investigative demands on the grounds the Attorney General’s Office is acting outside its authority, attempting to subvert the discovery process in the separate lawsuits challenging SB 14 and the DFPS Rule, and seeking to violate PFLAG’s and its members’ constitutional free speech and association rights, as well as the right to be free from unconstitutional searches and seizures."...


APA adopts groundbreaking policy supporting transgender, gender diverse, nonbinary individuals

The American Psychological Association has adopted a landmark policy affirming evidence-based care for transgender, gender diverse and nonbinary children, adolescents and adults, noting that recent legislative attempts to obstruct access to psychological and medical interventions for such individuals puts them at risk of depression, anxiety and other negative mental health outcomes.

#trans #transgender #GenderAffirmingCare #APA


Listen to Owasso Students, Not Chaya Raichik or Taylor Lorenz — Assigned

An environment in which it is permissible for a student to be violently beaten and later die without school officials so much as reporting the incident to police is not created overnight. It does not come to be over the course of a single month. It’s been fomenting for years, and the voices I want to hear from and uplift in the wake of Nex’s death are those of the young people who have endured that nightmare firsthand.

#trans #transgender #NexBenedict #Hatred


Gedanken zu Sprache anlässlich Linus Giese

Gerade lese ich Linus Gieses Buch "Ich bin Linus / Wie ich der Mann wurde, der ich schon immer war". Ich finde es ein inspirierendes und aufwühlendes Buch. In vielem, was er erzählt, erkenne ich mich als Transfrau wieder. In jedem Fall ein sehr lesenswertes Buch, sage ich, auch wenn ich noch nicht ganz fertig bin!

In zwei Kapiteln macht Giese Vorschläge, wie wir schreiben und sprechen sollen, um Minderheiten, speziell Transmenschen nicht zu verletzen. Ausdrücklich sagt er, dass es nur Vorschläge und keine Vorschriften sind. So gut ich das Buch finde, stimme ich doch mit seinen Vorschlägen nicht überein.

Ich glaube nicht daran, dass eine Änderung der Sprache die Gesellschaft ändern wird. Eher glaube ich an den umgekehrten Vorgang: In einer gerechten Welt wird die Sprache automatisch nachziehen oder überhaupt unwichtig werden.

Sprache entwickelt sich auch nicht durch Regeln, die sich jemand ausdenkt, sondern jeder trägt dazu bei, allein dadiurch, dass er spricht oder schreibt. Ich habe überhaupt nichts gegen Kreativität in der Sprache oder in der Rechtschreibung -- gerne können alle so viele Sternchen, Doppelpunkte, undeklinierte Adjektive, Fantasiepronomen oder was auch immer sie wollen benutzen, so lange ich das nicht tun muss.

Sprache ist auch nicht genau -- Gerade in den Ungenauigkeiten liegt viel Potenzial für Poesie! Einer der Ureinwohner Amerikas soll einmal gesagt haben, Indianer ist ein gutes Wort, denn es offenbart die Dummheit des Weißen Mannes, der dachte, er wäre in Indien gelandet. (Leider weiß ich micht mehr, wer das war)

Sind wir nicht starke Menschen? Wir sollten aufhören, uns so empfindlich zu geben. Ja, wir sind wenige, und deswegen werden wir oft vergessen. Ja wir sind anders, und deswegen werden wir oft missverstanden. Nein, wir müssen nicht immer alles erklären. Aber ein bisschen mehr Gelassenheit stünde uns gut zu Gesicht.

Natürlich sind Beleidigungen ein Unding, und gegenseitigeer Respekt sollte Grundlage unseres Miteinanders sein.

Ich wünsche mir aber keine Gesellschaft, in der wir lauter Regeln der Höflichlkeit peinlich beachten und damit möglicherweise nur unseren Hass übertünchen. Eher wünsche ich mir eine Gesellschaft, wo wir einander Schimpfworte an den Kopf werfen können und uns damit nicht verletzen, weil wir wissen, dass wir uns gegenseitig wertschätzen.

#sprache #linusgiese #lektüre #transgender #trans #queer #gesellschaft #gerechtigkeit #kreativität #rechtschreibung #pronomen #poesie #amerika #indianer #indien #gelassenheit #respekt #höflichkeit


Libs of TikTok targeted a district, then a non-binary student was killed on campus

A motive for this killing has not been shared by law enforcement, but we know that schools in Oklahoma have been specifically pushing violent eliminationist rhetoric against transgender and non-binary youth— a fact exemplified by the state’s hiring of Chaya Raichik following her incitements of terror against the state’s schools over LGBTQ+ rights.

#StochasticTerrorism #trans #transgender #LibsOfTikTok #Hatred


Opinion | Trans Visibility Is Nice. Safety Is Even Better. - The New York Times

Political posturing about trans people in public spaces was never about protecting children, as so many proponents of these bills claim. While the trans community and our allies can and should celebrate trans people on the red carpet and on our favorite TV shows, we can’t lose sight of the fact that each bill contributes to a political movement that imagines a world without us.

#trans #transgender #TransRightsAreHumanRights


Debunked: Misleading NYT Anti-Trans Article By Pamela Paul Relies On Pseudoscience

The opinion piece by Pamela Paul relies on routinely debunked disinformation and gets factual information wrong about transgender care. It is the latest NYT published piece to do so.


Her first source, used to support "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria," is an article by Lisa Littman that has been retracted. Littman is notably one of the only researchers to argue for the theory, which has been repeatedly dismissed for lacking factual support and for recruiting subjects from anti-trans websites.
A study in the prestigious journal Pediatrics entirely debunked the concept of ROGD, determining that most transgender people know their gender identity for years before they come out and seek treatment for gender dysphoria. When transgender people finally do come out, many are overjoyed to finally reveal their true self to the world around them - to others, however, the process may seem “rapid.” To ascertain whether transgender identification occurs "rapidly," researchers directly asked transgender teenagers: "How long have you known you were transgender?" They discovered that on average, transgender people know their gender identity for four years before first coming out and presenting for treatment.

#newyorktimes #transgender #rogd #nyt #PamelaPaul #Erinreed #LGBTQ #genderidentity #genderdysphoria #rapidonsetgenderdysphoria