

Opinion | Trans Visibility Is Nice. Safety Is Even Better. - The New York Times

Political posturing about trans people in public spaces was never about protecting children, as so many proponents of these bills claim. While the trans community and our allies can and should celebrate trans people on the red carpet and on our favorite TV shows, we can’t lose sight of the fact that each bill contributes to a political movement that imagines a world without us.

#trans #transgender #TransRightsAreHumanRights


Texas asks Georgia clinic for transgender youths’ records | The Texas Tribune

Karen Loewy, a lawyer with Lambda Legal representing organizations and Texas families of transgender youth trying to block SB 14 in court, said there is “zero authorization” in the law for Paxton’s requests to clinics outside of Texas.
“It’s hard not to see this as part and parcel of the AG’s scorched-earth approach to persecuting trans kids and their parents who are being forced to undertake travel outside of Texas to get their kids the medically necessary care they need,” Loewy said.



GOP bill would remove civil rights protections for transgender Iowans

Iowa Republican lawmakers have again proposed removing protections against discrimination for transgender people from the Iowa Civil Rights Act — and this time a key committee chair says he's open to the conversation.



It’s Personal Now: How My State Solidified My Resolve to Fight for Change

This was Kansas’ brand new “Women’s Bill of Rights” at work. Despite its name, this new law provides no protections or entitlements for women. Rather, it defines the words “female,” “male,” “woman,” and “man” in such a way that transgender people legally do not exist. Further, it disallows transgender people from changing their gender markers on their driver’s licenses and birth certificates.

As someone who had made these changes before the law came into effect, I had hoped that I would be grandfathered into keeping them. But my hope was shattered in this moment.

#trans #transgender #Kansas #AntiTransLaws #TransRightsAreHumanRights


On Trans Rights, Vote for Biden - by Noah Berlatsky

I know there are a lot of issues where people are unhappy with Biden. I’m unhappy with Biden in a lot of respects; I think his continued push for aid to Israel at this point is unconscionable (though Republicans on stage this week made sure to let us know they wanted more violence in Gaza, not less.)

I also think the choice facing us in 2024 on trans rights and trans life is very stark. I hope, given that, people will find a way to vote for Biden in 2024—and to vote for him even if you’re in a red or blue state where it doesn’t seem to make much difference. Republicans need to know that trans hatred, as an issue, is an electoral disaster, which will lead to sweeping defeat. I don’t think this is a moment to equivocate about that, and I am really worried about what happens if we do.

#trans #transgender #TransRightsAreHumanRights #RepublicanTransGenocide #VoteBiden



#transgender #TransDayOfVisibility #transvisibility #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz


Greg Abbot has officially directed Family and Protective Services to begin investigating all trans children in Texas and prosecuting their parents as child abusers.

When we say that there is a trans genocide going on, this is what we are talking about. It's been slowly bubbling and percolating to the surface, and in the enclaves of anti-trans governments, they are deciding now is their time to act.

#TransRightsAreHumanRights #trans



Heute ab ca. 18:45 Uhr: Soziale und gesund­heitliche Si­tuation von LSBTI in Deutschland

Dabei geht es insbesondere um den Ersatz des unsäglichen „Transsexuellengesetzes“ (TSG), bei dem schon der Name Bullshit ist, durch ein Selbstbestimmungsgesetz. Es ist zu erwarten, daß die SPD der CDU des lieben Koalitionsfriedens wegen in den Arsch kriechen und den Gesetzesvorschlag ablehnen wird.

#TSGabschaffen #TransRightsAreHumanRights