

‘Every tree counts’: Dutch come up with cunning way to create forests for free


The idea behind it is simple: every day unwanted tree saplings were being cleared and thrown away when those young trees could be carefully collected and transplanted to where they are wanted.

#tee #trees #tree-planting #Netherlands #MoreTreesNow




This inspirational 40-minute documentary has been made in conjunction with The Word Forest Organisation, a Dorset charity that plants trees, builds classrooms and facilitates education in rural Kenya. It also shines a spotlight on the women’s empowerment group, Mothers of the Forest.

Tim Tyson Short is an outstanding filmmaker and over the past three decades he has made films for broadcasters and developmental organisations worldwide. Back in February 2019, he accompanied a small team of Word Forest volunteers to Boré, Coast Province, Kenya. His remit was to tell the story of why we need to plant more trees in the tropics and why we need to support the people who are taking care of the forests. “If we don’t address both of these urgent requirements, we’ll find ourselves at existential o’clock”, says Word Forest CEO, Tracey West.

Tim captured remarkable stories from the tree planters of Boré, including charting the success of the 40 Mothers of the Forest, with group facilitator, Eva Jefa. “I hope by sharing our model for positive change through environmental education, we’ll be able to encourage others to adopt it too,” says, Eva.

Simon West, Chair of Trustees, adds: “Understanding sustainability via #permaculture, for example, allows the community to better resist climate chaos. We’re trying to fill the gaps left by governments and undo the damage done by big corporations.”

Over the past 2 years, the Mothers have addressed social isolation and depression amongst the women in their community by building a framework of sisterly support and resilience. Eva continues: “Women do the majority of the tree planting here. We come together to share knowledge on the best ways to take care of the forest; the planet benefits and we benefit too.”

#TreesAreTheKey #documentary #film #tree-planting #trees #forests #food #food-growing #protection #preservation #conservation #resilience #Kenya #MothersOfTheForest #TimTysonShort #TheWordForestOrganisation #docu-films


Planting Trees Encourages Cloud Formation—and Efficiently Cools the Planet


Some scientists questioned the benefit of replanting #forests in midaltitude regions because of albedo—the ability of the Earth’s surface to reflect sunlight—when deciduous #trees lose leaves during cold seasons, reports Martin Woolridge in the Daily Guardian. The #Princeton researchers point out that theory ignores an important consideration.

If done right, restoring and protecting forests can benefit us and the planet in so many ways - including increasing cloud coverage and helping cool the planet. — Community Forests International https://forestsinternational.org/

#nature #environment #tree #planting #tree-planting #albedo #reforestation #CommunityForestsInternational #SmithsonianMagazine