

#dark #vax court
The ‘Dark Truth’ Behind America’s ‘Vac cine Court’ • Children's Health Defense
In an interview with The Defender, Wayne Rohde, author of “The Vaccine Court 2.0: Revised and Updated: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,” explained how the program protects government agencies and corporations, not vaccine-injured children. By David Charbonneau, Ph.D.


Emmanuel André
Laisser le virus circuler à ce point en sachant qu’il y a encore tant de personnes non-vaccinées, c’est presque de la non-assistance à personne en danger.
Oui laisser des #vaccinés porteur du #covid , et les laisser #contaminer les #nonvax , ce n'est pas assassin ?
Poser la question c'est y répondre.
Ce sont les #vaccine qui contaminent le plus par leurs imprudences, ou par leur boulot.
C'est cretins de dire que nous les #nonvax sommes responsbles de tout, alors que l'ont ne plus nulle part, mais la plus part des #nonvax qui ce font #contaminer , le sont par des #vax imprudents, ou par leur boulot.


Nous, non-vaccinés, ce groupe témoin que Big Pharma doit éliminer coûte-que-coûte

L'émergence mondiale d'une réaction haineuse contre les non-vaccinés, quasiment accusés d'être à l'origine du COVID, désormais, soulève la question du groupe témoin que nous constituons. La coordination multilatérale de cette opération est très efficace, et souligne le poids réel de l'influence exercée par les laboratoires pharmaceutiques sur les décisions des Etats. Mais pourquoi les producteurs d'un vaccin qui ne marche pas, surtout face aux nouveaux variants, sont-ils si pressés d'en finir avec la résistance à ce vaccin ? Serait-ce parce que les non-vaccinés vont bientôt constituer le groupe-témoin gênant sur les effets secondaires durables de leur produit ?

#cvodi #santé #bigpharma #big-pharma #vax #newworld



#covid #Fauci #globalists #criminals #vax #vaxicide

From Zerohedge:
This Will Really Ruin Anthony Fauci's Xmas

Not only is the book number one on Amazon's non-fiction list, there are workbooks and summaries listed on Amazon as well. The ZH article also has some excerpts and how to to read the book.

Everyone is surprised that Bozo has allowed it to remain.

His Highness Fauci is f'ing evil.

  1. Consider this excerpt:

“Under Dr. Fauci’s leadership, the allergic, autoimmune, and chronic illnesses which Congress specifically charged NIAID to investigate and prevent, have mushroomed to afflict 54 percent of children, up from 12.8 percent when he took over NIAID in 1984.

“Dr. Fauci has offered no explanation as to why allergic diseases like asthma, eczema, food allergies, allergic rhinitis, and anaphylaxis suddenly exploded beginning in 1989, five years after he came to power.

“On its website, NIAID boasts that autoimmune disease is one of the agency’s top priorities. Some 80 autoimmune diseases, including juvenile diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, Graves’ disease, and Crohn’s disease, which were practically unknown prior to 1984, suddenly became epidemic under his watch.

“Autism, which many scientists now consider an autoimmune disease, exploded from between 2/10,000 and 4/10,000 Americans when Tony Fauci joined NIAID, to one in thirty-four today.

“Neurological diseases like ADD/ADHD, speech and sleep disorders, narcolepsy, facial tics, and Tourette’s syndrome have become commonplace in American children.

“The human, health, and economic costs of chronic disease dwarf the costs of all infectious diseases in the United States. By this decade’s end, obesity, diabetes, and pre-diabetes are on track to debilitate 85 percent of America’s citizens.

“For this reason, all the drug companies and members of Congress (except Rand Paul) LOVE Fauci.”

Seriously, something evil is going on.