

Israeli militant settlers have stepped up their nightly terrorist raids against innocent Palestinians in occupied West Bank.

Attacks performed by heavily armed settlers, with support of IDF and Israeli police has become a daily routine in various parts of occupied West Bank.

Of course US and EU have "reacted" to these by sanctioning 3 of their leaders, but now acting like their job is done and they no longer need to do anything.

In the mean time Palestinians losing their homes, their vehicles and their lives while the world silently watching.

Video shared on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/1406

#WestBank #JewishISIS #Terrorism #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #StopIsrael #SanctionIsrael


Female Palestinian #journalist and ex-prisoner Bushra Tawil was arrested by Israeli occupation soldiers last night during a raid into the city of Al-Bireh in the occupied West Bank.

According to eyewitnesses, Al-Tawil was subjected to a brutal attack by soldiers during a field investigation at the first moments of her arrest.

She was reportedly beaten by a Shin Bet officer who used a foul language against her and her family before she was taken away into detention, one of the eyewitnesses reported.
#WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Jewis ISIS Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai #Eliyahu has called for the abolition of the Islamic holy month of #Ramadan as a solution to tensions in the occupied West Bank and East #Jerusalem.

The far-right politician is a Minister from the Otzma Yehudit party headed by National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir.

In November, Eliyahu said dropping a “nuclear bomb” on the #Gaza Strip is “an option”.

Recently, Israeli security leaks indicated fears of an eruption of the situation in the Occupied #WestBank and East Jerusalem during the month of Ramadan as a result of the Israeli war on Gaza and the restrictions that the Tel Aviv government intends to impose on Al-Aqsa #Mosque during Ramadan.

Israeli media say that the American administration is pressuring Tel Aviv to reach a deal with Hamas regarding a hostage exchange and a ceasefire in Gaza before Ramadan, which begins in about ten days.


#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


The IDF abducted liberated prisoner Hisham Abu Hawwash from his home in Dura, #AlKhalil.

Hisham Abu Hawwash, 42 years old, was released from Israeli prison after his 141-day-long hunger strike in January 2022 following his abduction without charge or trial in October 2020.

This is yet another illegal kidnapping of innocent Palestinians by the Israeli occupation forces.

#Israel #Occupation #WestBank #Kidnapping #IDF #Politics


An Israeli media investigation, based on newly released footage, reveals that an Israeli jeep pursued two Palestinian teens on an electric bike during a raid in the town of Azoun. As shown in the footage, the jeep collided with them, causing them to be thrown to the ground. Subsequently, an Israeli soldier placed his rifle on the neck of Imru Swidan, 17, a Palestinian teen, and fired, leaving him in critical condition and paralyzed due to a bullet that hit his spine.

Video available on telegram channel: https://t.me/newsvideofa/1260
#WestBank #WarCrime #Video #ICJ #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #StopIsrael


#Hebron Municipality: Controlling the huge fire at the Royal Company in the Ramah suburb exceeds the capacity and capabilities of firefighting and rescue crews, and the materials in the factory are highly flammable, and municipal firefighting crews with civil defense are trying to extinguish the fire.

Video shared on telegram!

#WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


The occupying forces arrested Fadieh Barghouti, an activist, the wife of prisoner Mahmoud Barghouti and the mother of prisoner Basil Barghouti after raiding her house in Deir Ghassaneh, #Ramallah.

Israel has stepped up kidnapping of family members of prisoners in occupied West Bank without much publicity in western media.

Over 7000 Palestinians have been kidnapped by IDF and Israeli police in various parts of the occupied #WestBank.

#Kidnapping #IDF #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


'I AM PROUD OF GAZA'S RUINS' - South Africa, write this one down! Israeli Minister of Social Equality Golan in video shared on telegram relishes in sights of civilian destruction saying that Palestinians can only DREAM of having a government, let alone a state .

I am personally proud o the ruins of Gaza, and that every baby, even 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did - Golan (00:35).

I'm sure the liberal leaders in the west will completely ignore this outrageous genocidal speech and repeat the same old sale pitch of the "two state solution" snake oil without any concrete definition of what it really means or how they would react to the overwhelming resistance of Israeli public and politicians against such "solution".

It's just unbelievable that we are witnessing such level of hypocrisy among the western leaders and their complicity in the ongoing genocide of palestinians in #Gaza and daily terror against Palestinians in the occupied #WestBank.

Can #ICJ be able to see these calls for genocide as another proof of the intentions of the Israeli government to exterminate the palestinians and wiping out any trace of history supporting them ever existed.

Video with subtitles:

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


The city of #Jenin and its camp these moments..

Israeli boldozers destroying roads, water pipes, electricity and what ever they can run over with absolute no function than pure terror and destruction of lives of those in Jenin refuge camp.

Video shared on telegram channel:

#WestBank #Terrosim
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Not a war crime, not a war crime, not a war crime!

A horrifying video, circulated by Israelis on social media, shows Israeli soldiers in the West Bank testing a new automatic sniper riffle mounted on top of an armored vehicle on a random civilian young man.

Video shared on telegram channel to view (warning for graphic content).

#WarCrime #NotATaeget #WestBank #Weapons #Technology
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Prisoners institutions report that since October 7th, over 7,000 Palestinians have been abducted in the West Bank.

This includes 220 women, including those abducted in the occupied interior, and 440 children.

53 journalists have been abducted, 36 of whom remain imprisoned, and 21 of which are in administrative detention without charge or trial.

3,490 administrative detention orders were given after October 7th.

These abduction campaigns have been accompanied by criminal acts at the hands of the zionist state, including abuse, beatings, and threats against detainees and their families, as well as destruction of homes, confiscation of vehicles, money, and jewelry. While carrying out arrests, the IOF often destroys infrastructure particularly in Tulkarem and Jenin.

In addition, the IOF carried out field executions during these campaigns, including of members of the detainees’ families.

At least eight Palestinians were martyred in the occupation prisons after October 7:
- Omar Daraghmeh from Tubas,
- Arafat Hamdan from Ramallah,
- Majid Zaqoul from Gaza,
- A fourth martyr whose identity is unknown,
- Abdulrahman Mar’i from Salfit,
- Thaer Abu Asab from Qalqilya
- Abdulrahman Al-Bahsh from Nablus,
- Mohammed Al-Sabbar from Al-Khalil.

Several others have been martyred following detention from Gaza, including in the "Sde Teman" prisoner camp in occupied Bir Al-Sabi' or by field execution.

The total number of prisoners in the zionist prisons is over 9,000, including 3,484 administrative detainees.

#Gaza #WestBank #Kidnapping #IDF #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics