

Exclusive Breaking: Explosive claims from Pfizer #Whistle-blower after shock post to say she isn't suicidal.

Pfizer CEO Adam Bourla and the #shocking things going on at the #vaccine manufacturing plant and what was put in the #vaccines!!!!!

This could provide #evidence that could strip Pfizer of its indemnity and lead to criminal prosecution.

Please share far and wide.

#Luciferase in the Vaccines! Pics shown of the vaccines show something extremely concerning. Luciferase has been used before.

Pfizer internal database shows a $20,000 or $200,000 payment received from none other than Bill Gates.

#Why would Bill #Gates be #paying large sums of #money to Pfizer.

Strange boxes of #ingredients were arriving from #China and they were being mixed into the vaccines.

The quality control and those who were trained to mix the ingredients did not know what was being mixed into the vaccines by the compounding department.

This is shocking beyond belief.

Wuhan China appeared to be the epicentre of the Covid outbreak but then we heard about the Wuhan lab and the connection to Fauci in the United States and the Gain of function funding from the NIH.

However it gets stranger.

Pfizer has a #research and development lab in China and its address happens to be 666. I'm sure that this is completely coincidental right !!? Wrong. This information is from within Pfizer's own internal database.

Many of the documents contained within the Pfizer database were written in Chinese.

Pfizer employees told to "hide from them" during visits to the Pfizer manufacturing facility by the FDA.



EXCLUSIVE: Ethical Policing in Victoria

Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell is a sworn member of the Victoria Police in Australia. She has served Victorians for 16 years as a police officer including 6 years at Professional Standards Command - the division responsible for investigating police misconduct, corruption, discrimination and freedom of information, referring investigations to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) where appropriate.

Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell cites ethical conflicts as the reason for speaking publicly about conduct of Victoria Police officers, their Chief Commissioner - Shane Patton, their Minister - the Hon. Lisa Neville MP, and ultimately their Premier - the Hon. Daniel Andrews MP. She feels she can no longer remain silent with the division between police and community is growing, and totally ignored by the leadership of both the police and government.

Despite a promise to focus on 'Community Policing' and 'Back to Basics' policing by Shane Patton, Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell has witnessed the opposite trajectory during the Covid-19 pandemic and is reminding her colleagues that ultimately they will individually be held accountable for their actions, and are still subject to s 462A of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) which forbids the disproportionate use of force.

She is also calling for Victoria Police to remain consistent to the values, ethics and decision making frameworks (such as SELF) that it used to demand of its members a mere 2 years ago.

#interview #seniour-sargeant #Krystele-Mitchell #policing #whistle-blower #protests


Whistle-blower on the Case of Julian Assange - United Nations Rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer


“By and large the #system functions or so I thought. But when I started scratching the surface of this #case, that to me was profoundly shocking, to see how much dirt was coming to the surface”.
How can it be that the #UnitedNationsRapporteurOnTorture, appointed by the countries of the world to #report on torture is now considered a #whistle-blower for just doing his job? Implicitly, he was let know that accusing #Sweden, #UK, #Ecuador, and #US of #psychological #torture, #Melzer had crossed a line.

#julianassange #assange #un #rapporteur #nilsmelzer #whistleblower #baileylamon #lamon #ricobrouwer #brouwer #freeassange #weareallassange #dropthecharges #warcrimes #criminals #silence #isolation #intimidation

Whistle-blower on the Case of Julian Assange - United Nations Rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer