

format A4 (portrait) – 32 pages – 4€ avec k7 (ou cd, mais bon…)
Entrer une description pour l'image ici

Dans ce zine, en interviews :

-Absence of colors (rock sombre, qui parvient à jouer en noir et blanc (!))

Gregoire (folk rock de rue de Quimper, devant l’intermarché de Brest, quoi?!)

Moutik (et Fred, la dessinatrice qui a mis en BD ses anecdotes de musicien de rues de Brest)

Sty de Stygmate (punk rock français, Paris – interview précédée d’une longue retrospective, pour les 30 ans du groupe!!!)

Témoignage d « Anonyme » sur sa web radio « Bruit des Meutes » (playlistes punk, à thèmes),
qui a eu la sympathie de nous faire un collage « Boucherie » (ici publié en poster A3)

Récit d’un concert punk / Crust / HxC qu’il y a eu dans la pampa, récemment, un lundi…

reportage sur les flippers (ou « billards électriques ») qui tournent dans le coin…

pas mal de chroniques, de CD, K7, DVD et BD
(et de votre zine, peut être)

sur la k7 (18 minutes) c’est… surprise !

Pour commander : tchinzine@gmail.com
(prévoir 4€ et des timbres)

Voilà !! #punk #fanzine #brest #bzh #rock #zine #zone #k7 #flipper #diy #kraspek


En #distro , rentré quelques #fanzines #punk
( #fanzine BRA, #zine La Bête G, réassort Du Pain Du Vin Du Bourrin... etc)
et des #disques de #surf en #vinyle #33t #LP sortis par les Productions De l'Impossible
(Arno de Cea, The Irradiates, Demon Vendetta, The Chemist & The Acivities, L'appel de la surf vol.1)

Ce sera possible de nous les toper en mains propres
à lafoire aux puces de #Plougastel (proche #Brest)
le 21 aout au port du Tinduff !



A caminho do sarau
Atravesso a favela
Meus olhos a veem
Cumprimento meus irmãos e irmãs
Alguns sobem
Outros descem
Seguindo pela Drummond de Andrade
Meu amante e amigo
Amigo e amante

(Alvituus – depois que terminou de ler, agora leia de baixo para cima. Duas putoesias em uma.)

#poezin #zine #poesias #poemas


O clarão do primeiro raio,

do primeiro sol, do primeiro dia,
Só veio depois ultima escuridão,
ultima noite de todas as noites
da noite mais enegrecida
Tão preta quanto memória antiga
pelo sangue na terra, abram alas ao sol
e o seu fervor em todo calor
que aquece a vida, viva a nuvem que acalma
o arder do dia a dia,
expulse a seca a seca qua não ameniza,
venha nos regar nas raízes chuva da tardinha

Foco na consciência, intensidade na sinceridade
e que não caiamos nas armadilhas do sistema rotina
observar a luz doe a vista
para ver além é preciso sabedoria
oposto ao clarão o apagão
que venha a velha noite
para o amanhã de um outro novo dia

#poezine #zine #poesias #poemas


El Taller #Ahuehuete invita todxs lxs rebeldes e insumisxs del planeta a participar en el #zine de próxima aparición (finales octubre 2021).

La colaboración puede consistir en un texto (crónica, artículo de opinión, poema, bitácora, cuento, reflexión, descripción de una lucha, etc.) o producto visual (ilustración, cartel, fotografía, meme, infografía, etc.).

En este primer número, el tema será: “SLUMIL K´AJXEMK´OP y el tejido de luchas anticapitalistas y anti-sistémicas.”
Para más información y unirte a nuestro equipo colaborativo, escríbenos a ahuehuete@lists.riseup.net
Asunto: fanzine



Review: Adventures of the Moss Babies

The Adventures of the Moss-Babies is a #rpg #zine writing up the adventures of a group of players who are notionally playing the #Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords campaign.

It is a mixture of in an out of character material that both serves as a kind of game scrapbook and literally as a fanzine of the players to their characters and I guess to themselves as a group.

I haven't read anything quite like this before. Aslan used to have in-character game reports but the mix of different perspectives seems different. Here the celebration of the game is held as being of equal importance to the game fiction.

The mix is stranger still because one of the members of the group is an internationally celebrated artist who has drawn mainstream comics like Batman as well as her own fantasy romances (you should totally read The Mire if you haven't already).

This naturally leads to a level of finish and quality that is ridiculously top-end for a "fan" product. Cloonan's contributions clearly stand out but its an egalitarian mix of content from all the group.

The Moss of the title is essentially a marijuana reference with a page dedicated to the effects of various herbs and moss along with the exhortation to "Smoke moss everyday".

This combined with a character called "Bardley Cooper" sets the general tone of light-hearted, meta, pop-culture referencing. This is not really about world building or a shared fiction but instead a communal comedy set inside the framework of a published campaign and ruleset.

This means you probably already know whether you are going to love this or not.

Cloonan fans are going to want it, vicarious gamers will find an openness that connects here. People who game rather than reading about games are not going to get much out of this. Those into the ephemera of roleplaying will get a kick out of such a well-executed window into a group and their game.


The Adventures of the Moss-Babies is a #zine writing up the adventures of a group of players who are notionally playing the #Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords campaign.

It is a mixture of in an out of character material that both serves as a kind of #game scrapbook and literally as a fanzine of the players to their characters and I guess to themselves as a group.

I haven't read anything quite like this before. Aslan used to have in-character game reports but the mix of different perspectives seems different. Here the celebration of the game is held as being of equal importance to the game fiction.

The mix is stranger still because one of the members of the group is an internationally celebrated artist who has drawn mainstream comics like Batman as well as her own fantasy romances (you should totally read The Mire if you haven't already).

This naturally leads to a level of finish and quality that is ridiculously top-end for a "fan" product. Cloonan's contributions clearly stand out but its an egalitarian mix of content from all the group.

The Moss of the title is essentially a marijuana reference with a page dedicated to the effects of various herbs and moss along with the exhortation to "Smoke moss everyday".

This combined with a character called "Bardley Cooper" sets the general tone of light-hearted, meta, pop-culture referencing. This is not really about world building or a shared fiction but instead a communal comedy set inside the framework of a published campaign and ruleset.

This means you probably already know whether you are going to love this or not.

Cloonan fans are going to want it, vicarious gamers will find an openess that connects here. People who game rather than reading about games are not going to get much out of this. Those into the ephemera of roleplaying will get a kick out of such a well-executed window into a group and their game.
