

#Wubuntu: The lovechild of #Windows and #Linux nobody asked for


Wubuntu removes some apps that are common to most official #Ubuntu flavors, sometimes replacing them with a more Windows-like alternative, or sometimes several alternatives. It also adds fairly significant additional components. In some places, it goes to considerable lengths to be familiar to folks who only know Windows users; in others, things are unmodified from the standard #KDE or #Kubuntu behavior.

enter image description here

#software #os #news #distro #distribution #gui


Since I got a lot of suggestions on my windows/linux post what else you could and should have mentioned for a distro. Here is my question directly.

What Linux distro and interface do you use? What should newcomers use? (I know for some this is religion - I fully understand)

#linux #oss #foss #distro


What is the best #linux #distro for having the most support and drivers for your hardware?
Say I have a lot of hardware that's a bit strange, or proprietary, and I NEED it to work 100% well.
What would I be best going with?

My experience says that it's probably Ubuntu, but, I'm open to being informed of others that may be better in that regard. Notably for graphics hardware (GPU's), but, also just generally.

#drivers #graphics