

Schon gewusst? Wenn man bei #fff einen Livestream miterleben will geht das über #Zoom und #Facebook.

Dr. Asif Khattak from Pakistan and research fellow in Lund, Sweden will address "The Challenge of Climate Action in Pakistan." His talk will focus on climate adaptation in relation to climate justice and the factors that make this a great challenge.  Join us Thursday 7 April, 1400 to 1530 (2:00-3:30 pm) Central European time (GMT+1) by online Zoom or Facebook Live. For more information and to sign up, visit this link.

On Tuesday 19 April, at 1600 (4:00 pm) Central European time (GMT+1), globally renowned scientist and IPCC member Professor Saleemul Huq from Bangladesh will speak on "How to Generate Global Solidarity to Tackle the Climate Emergency." For more information and to sign up, visit this link. The talk will be featured on zoom and Facebook livestream.

Vielleicht war es ein Fehler, mich in deren Newsletter-Verteiler einzutragen. Denn seit ich die Mails kriege, finde ich die Kids immer irrelevanter. Ich habe wirklich gedacht, da wüchsen Leute heran, die etwas ändern könnten. How embarrassing.


How an 8 year old exploited #Zoom to get a time off from home schooling

source: https://twitter.com/mfpiccolo/status/1360685864100237318

After hours on the phone with Zoom tech support the techs are completely stumped. They say that the account was locked at some point but my sister knows there has been hundreds of login attempts from multiple locations so that makes sense.


The more times you do this, the longer the wait period for you to get back into Zoom. She also noticed that the error that is presented to a user when they are locked is “Incorrect password” and not “your account has been locked”. My niece found the #exploit and combined it with her cute 8 year old face, a face that never could tell a lie much less pull off an elaborate scheme to trick no less that 8 adults for 3 weeks straight.

#school #education #technology #internet #support #children #hacker #news #password #login #error


Im neuen Zeitalter der Mauern plädiert Donatelle Di Cesare für eine Politik der Gastfreundschaft.

'Philosophie der Migration'
@DiDonadice im Gespräch mit #MarkusMessling

heute 19:00 via Zoom & fb
🇮🇹 + Simultan
@IICBerlino mit @matthesundseitz @BBEditore


#ZOOM #Facebook


Datenschutz-Folgenabschätzung (#DPIA) zur Nutzung von #Zoom
von SURF (IT cooperation organisation of educational and research institutions in the Netherlands)

DPIA Zoom Education and Enterprise
Public version 1.3 25
February 2022


via RA Stefan Hessel