

#États-Unis, la #guerre intérieure

Après le coup de force des partisans de Donald #Trump au #Capitole en 2021, retour sur la #radicalisation des #vétérans de l’ #armée et leur implication dans les milices d’ #extrêmedroite. Une plongée glaçante dans la #violence latente de la démocratie américaine.

Le 6 janvier 2021, des partisans de Donald Trump prennent d'assaut le Capitole, à Washington, afin d'empêcher le Sénat et la Chambre des représentants de confirmer formellement la victoire de Joe #Biden à l’élection présidentielle. Le bilan est lourd : 5 morts et une centaine de blessés. Environ 15 % des assaillants s’avèrent être d'anciens membres de l'armée ou de la #police américaines, souvent organisés en #milices d'extrême droite hostiles à l'État. Cette statistique étonnante soulève une question importante : pourquoi est-ce précisément ceux qui ont fait le serment de protéger la démocratie qui l'attaquent ? En marche pour la violence Si la fumée au-dessus du Capitole s'est dissipée, le problème demeure : la #société américaine apparaît profondément divisée et les risques d’affrontements sanglants restent élevés. Tous deux anciens #militaires, le réalisateur américain Charlie Sadoff et son coauteur et producteur Kenneth Harbaugh ont pu aisément s'immerger dans le monde des vétérans de l’armée américaine. Ils ont eu accès à l’univers violent de l'extrême #droite et de ses milices antiétatiques, comme les Proud Boys, les Three Percenters et les Oath Keepers, organisés et dirigés par des ex-militaires bien formés et motivés. Avec l'aide de témoins exclusifs – un ancien agent du #FBI, un vétéran, un membre des Proud Boys, un chasseur de #nazis ainsi que des experts de l’extrémisme de droite –, le film remonte jusqu'à l’origine de ces groupes et analyse leur radicalisation croissante, alors que Donald Trump a repris sa marche pour un second mandat à la #Maison-Blanche.

#Documentaire #ProudBoys #ProudBoy #ThreePercenters #OathKeepers #KKK #Racisme #Néonazi #US #USA #Documentaire


Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 Years in Prison in J6 'Sedition' Case
They didn't bring rifles -- they were unarmed -- and they didn't take part in an "insurrection" -- everyone left the Capitol after just a few hours -- but apparently that's not relevant to the case.
The fact they legally brought some weapons to Virginia and left them in a hotel was proof enough of their "seditious conspiracy," according to Mehta.


#OathKeepers #Founder #StewartRhodes #18Years #Prison #Jan6 #Sedition


Sturm aufs Kapitol: Lange Haftstrafe für "Oath Keepers"-Gründer Stewart Rhodes | DW | 25.05.2023

Der Gründer der rechtsextremen US-Miliz "Oath Keepers" ist wegen seiner Beteiligung am Sturm auf das US-Kapitol zu 18 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt worden. Es ist die bislang höchste Haftstrafe in dem Zusammenhang.#StewartRhodes #OathKeepers #US-Kapitol #Sturm #Angriff #Verschwörung #USA #RechtsextremeMiliz #Urteil #Prozess
Sturm aufs Kapitol: Lange Haftstrafe für "Oath Keepers"-Gründer Stewart Rhodes | DW | 25.05.2023


Oath Keepers Leak

A membership list for a far-right anti-government militia group, whose leader and several members have been convicted of seditious conspiracy against the US, includes current or former employees of the US Department of Homeland Security, the federal agency tasked with defending the nation against extremist groups.

A report from the Project on Government Oversight and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project discovered more than 300 people previously or currently employed by the DHS listed on a membership list for the Oath Keepers.

Those alleged members include people who have worked for Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Secret Service and other federal agencies under the DHS.

Most of the people identified on the list denied their membership to the group or said their membership had lapsed, though analysts said even the appearance of connections to the group reflects “tip of the iceberg” of the relationships between far-right organisers and federal law enforcement.

Democratic US Rep Bennie Thompson, who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee and the House select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol, said in a statement included in the report that “extremism within our government is always alarming, but even more so in a Department with a law enforcement and national security nexus like DHS.”
#oathKeepers #list


US-Milizchef Stewart Rhodes der Verschwörung schuldig | DW | 30.11.2022

Wegen seiner Beteiligung an der Erstürmung des US-Kapitols 2021 ist der Gründer der rechtsextremen US-Miliz "Oath Keepers" verurteilt worden. Stewart Rhodes wurde vorgeworfen, ein Komplott geschmiedet zu haben.#StewartRhodes #OathKeepers #US-Kapitol #Sturm #Angriff #Verschwörung #USA #RechtsextremeMiliz #Urteil #Prozess
US-Milizchef Stewart Rhodes der Verschwörung schuldig | DW | 30.11.2022


Psychopath vs. psychopath. Enjoy the show.

Trump's legal troubles mount as Oath Keepers plan to throw him under the bus at sedition trial

Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas. Sleep with psychopaths, wake up fucked.

I'm glad you're getting a taste of what you've done to everyone else, Donnie.

This is starting to look like the long arc of justice.

FTA: ... jury selection began for the trial of Oath Keepers head Stewart Rhodes and four other members of his far-right militia. The Oath Keepers, as with the Proud Boys, are both heavily linked to Stone and both were central to the Capitol insurrection.

The Department of Justice has a treasure trove of evidence against the Oath Keepers. Two of the members charged with seditious conspiracy have already struck deals, pleading guilty and cooperating with prosecutors. In addition, the government has a mother lode of text messages between group members that not only showcases their planning but also their links to Stone and other people in Trump's orbit. Unable to deny that they were up to their necks in seditious conspiring, the five Oath Keepers are going to trial with a novel defense: Blaming Trump for telling them to do it. [emphasis mine]

"They intend to tell the jury that when armed teams of Oath Keepers made plans to rush into Washington from Virginia on Jan. 6, 2021, they believed they would be following legal orders from the president himself," the New York Times reports. Because they claim to have been acting on orders from Trump, the defendants plan to argue they believed the insurrection was legal. [emphasis mine]

And best of all, it's true.

This is the hidden weakness of psychopaths. They have no loyalties; they are willing to fuck anyone, including one another.

#Trump #OathKeepers #RatEatsRat #Spoils #SleepingWithDogs



Ausschuss: Kapitol-Sturm gehörte zur Strategie Trumps | DW | 13.07.2022

Der ehemalige US-Präsident Donald Trump hat den Angriff seiner Anhänger auf das Kapitol im Voraus geplant und dabei bewusst rechte Gruppen angesprochen. Das ist das Ergebnis des Untersuchungsausschusses im US-Kongress.#USA #Washington #Untersuchungsausschuss #Kapitol #OathKeepers #Rechtsextreme #Marsch #DonaldTrump
Ausschuss: Kapitol-Sturm gehörte zur Strategie Trumps | DW | 13.07.2022