Christian Ortega

Christian Ortega shares with you

If you are searching for a fast lightweight #GNU / #Linux for watching movies and surfing then try #Slax. 🍀


Slax is a modern, #portable, small and fast Linux operating system with modular approach and outstanding design. It runs directly from your #USB flash drive without installing, so you can carry it everywhere you go in your pocket. Despite its small size, Slax provides nice graphical user interface and wise selection of pre-installed programs, such as a #Web #browser, #Terminal, and more.

Download at the bottom 32 and 64bit version 280MB ISO:

enter image description here

#news #os #software #freedom #opensource

“Es algo de lo que no quisiera acordarme. Fue horrible, pero no me arrepiento. Hoy que estoy donde estoy entiendo que, cuando pasó todo, yo no estaba lista para ser madre. Cuando aborté, no solo me sentí sola y asustada, sino que también sentía el peso de estar haciendo algo clandestino, algo malo. Terminar un embarazo es, realmente, una decisión personal. Que sea legal puede ayudar a aliviar los efectos que genera. Es tan traumático que, por eso mismo, es imposible que una mujer lo vuelva su método anticonceptivo. Simplemente, imposible”

Mapping our unvaccinated world

Today we count 3.0 billion people who have yet to receive their first vaccine shot against COVID-19. That is 3.0 of the global population who have still not started their primary vaccination cycle. The chart below shows where they live. ...

Graphical representations of vaccination status by total numbers, proportion of population, and global regions by demographics and income levels.

#Covid19 #maps #vaccinations #cartograms