Did the #Cyberwar started with #StuxNet?

Will World War III begin in #cyberspace?

source: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3647879/will-world-war-iii-begin-in-cyberspace.html

People die because of cyber wars, even if no bullets are ever fired. Instead, they die in #emergency rooms that no longer have power, from broken medical #communication networks, and from riots. All of this has happened before. It will happen again. And now, with #Russia poised to invade #Ukraine and Russian cyberattacks already in motion, we can only hope and pray that what promises to be the first major European war since World War II doesn't spark the next #WorldWar.


More recently, "58% of all cyberattacks from nation-states have come from Russia," said Tom Burt, #Microsoft corporate vice president. For example, the US and #UK blame the Russian Foreign #Intelligence Service (SVR) for the huge #SolarWinds software supply chain #attack. As Burt pointed out, #Kremlin - backed hackers are becoming "increasingly effective." That's no surprise. After all, Russian agents have been at it for years.

Those who invest nothing in #IT #security will be hacked. If the company is lucky, it is only an #encryption #Trojan and can buy its way out. In worse cases, the company is simply paralyzed and the business secrets are sold in #China. Depending on who is on the bullet list at the moment, it is Russia, China, #Iran or #NorthKorea. Such attacks can be easily disguised, and it is usually not even possible to assign them. Microsoft should rather invest more in its software instead of smart slogans, because macros are still the main gateway for encryption Trojans.

#technology #terror #problem #news #opinion #hack #hacker #computer #software

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