

Ist der #Cyberkrieg schon ausgebrochen und das Ziel ist #Microsoft?

Mein Firmencomputer hat sich heute neunmal geupdatet. Ziel des Updates war immer die Virenabwehr von #WindowsSecurity. Ich vermute da läuft gerade eine heftige Schlacht im #Cyberspace mit einem mutierenden #Virus, sodass die #Signaturen ständig geupdatet werden müssen. Normal ist ein #Update pro Woche. Weiß jemand genaueres was da los ist?

#Cyberwar #Verteidigung #windows #update #Sicherheit #Software #Betriebssystem #Computer #Internet #online #virus #trojaner #schadsoftware #malware


Wer sich für das #Darknet interessiert für den gibt es jetzt eine Dokumentation über den #Cyberbunker ...

siehe hier: https://filmpalast.to/stream/cyberbunker-the-criminal-underworld

Ja ist von #Netflix haben sie aber nicht schlecht gemacht. Kommt soweit ich es beurteilen kann alles dran was auch in der Presse stand in den letzten Jahren ...

#Internet #Cyberspace #Cybercrime #Cybersecurity #Hosting #Doku #Dokumentation #Verbrechen #Polizei #Justiz


#Australia about #CyberSecurity

Source: https://www.pm.gov.au/media/press-conference-parliament-house-canberra-14

Prime Minister: "We need to mobilise the private sector, we need to mobilise as well consumers. We all have a responsibility. Simple things, turn your phone off every night for five minutes. For people watching this, do that every 24 hours, do it while you’re brushing your teeth or whatever you’re doing."

And I thought you needed the latest updates, code reviews, no backdoors, end to end encryption and possibly a VPN but what do I know?

#technology #security #problem #knowledge #politics #smartphone #mobile #software #Interview #news #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyberspace


#Entertainment in der #Mediathek für euch: The Bank #Hacker (Serie 8 Folgen)

siehe: https://mediathekviewweb.de/#query=the%20bank%20hacker&everywhere=true

Wegen seiner brillanten Hackerfähigkeiten lässt sich der Student Jeremy von einem Betrüger-Ring einspannen. Er soll einen Cyberangriff auf eine Bank durchführen und Hunderte Millionen Euro stehlen.

Realistisch dargestellt wird das Hacking eines Netzwerks mit einem #RaspberryPi. Später hackt er allerdings ein Hotel über HDMI was total unrealistisch ist da über HDMI nur Video-Daten übertragen werden. Am Ende finde ich es etwas unrealistisch wie sich Israel politisch verhält, um den #Cyberangriff zu vertuschen. Ansonsten ist die Serie aber ein Spaß für alle die Hacker-Entertainment mögen.

#Serie #Cyberspace #Cybercrime #Belgien #Israel #Hack #Spaß #Finanzen #Bankraub #Swift


#Geminispace can be easily surveyed/explored using a list of the known capsules in it (while it's still small relative to or compared to the World Wide Web) • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/20/geminispace-contributors/#Techrights #internet #cyberspace #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/20/geminispace-contributors/


Did the #Cyberwar started with #StuxNet?

Will World War III begin in #cyberspace?

source: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3647879/will-world-war-iii-begin-in-cyberspace.html

People die because of cyber wars, even if no bullets are ever fired. Instead, they die in #emergency rooms that no longer have power, from broken medical #communication networks, and from riots. All of this has happened before. It will happen again. And now, with #Russia poised to invade #Ukraine and Russian cyberattacks already in motion, we can only hope and pray that what promises to be the first major European war since World War II doesn't spark the next #WorldWar.


More recently, "58% of all cyberattacks from nation-states have come from Russia," said Tom Burt, #Microsoft corporate vice president. For example, the US and #UK blame the Russian Foreign #Intelligence Service (SVR) for the huge #SolarWinds software supply chain #attack. As Burt pointed out, #Kremlin - backed hackers are becoming "increasingly effective." That's no surprise. After all, Russian agents have been at it for years.

Those who invest nothing in #IT #security will be hacked. If the company is lucky, it is only an #encryption #Trojan and can buy its way out. In worse cases, the company is simply paralyzed and the business secrets are sold in #China. Depending on who is on the bullet list at the moment, it is Russia, China, #Iran or #NorthKorea. Such attacks can be easily disguised, and it is usually not even possible to assign them. Microsoft should rather invest more in its software instead of smart slogans, because macros are still the main gateway for encryption Trojans.

#technology #terror #problem #news #opinion #hack #hacker #computer #software


I Spent Hundreds of Hours #Working in #VR. Here’s What I Learned

source: https://www.wired.com/story/hours-working-vr-tips/

"I finally made it to the #cyberpunk #future I always dreamed of, jacked in to the #Matrix, now rebranded as the #Metaverse. But in all my excitement to get there, I hadn't realized that by choosing to be there, I was choosing to #disappear myself from here."

#Technology #work #labour #job #internet #online #cyberspace #news #society #knowledge


When, if not now?

Source: https://actforfree.noblogs.org/post/2021/07/06/burning-the-centers-of-the-technological-virus-on-the-necessity-of-cutting-the-networks-of-domination/

Voluntary (self-) #surveillance within one’s own four walls was yesterday: the “ #smart #city ” of today and tomorrow includes an impressive repertoire of sensor #technologies to not only meticulously record and monitor who is where and with whom, but also to control the movements and actions of the city’s inhabitants with subtle and less subtle methods, to direct and manipulate them.

But how can an entire city be controlled? Where conventional methods of architecture, police work, psychiatry, prison #society, schools, education, etc. reach their limits, information #technology opens up new, previously unknown possibilities. And the controlled? They let themselves be sold (literally) as progress (which perhaps it is, but there is nothing inherently positive about progress), as a solution to their problems.

That’s right: all this only works if the #internet is available everywhere. And if I already have access to the Internet, I might as well take advantage of all the other services #cyberspace has to offer. Never again do I have to waste my time. When I take the subway to work, it doesn’t cost me any more time: I can read the news, stream the latest episode of my favourite series, keep in touch with my friends via Whatsapp, take pictures for Instagram, and so on. And because it’s so easy, I never have to feel bored again.

My #life has become the epitome of a controlled existence. My actions have not only become predictable, they are no longer even mine. Is this what I once dreamed of my life to be?

Even if I don’t carry around my own bug with the practical touch display, thanks to countless cameras and other sensors I can hardly take a step in this city any more without where I am going being recorded. Even if I haven’t welcomed the smartphone-independent private spying program “Alexa” into my home, don’t own any “smart” ovens, TVs, fridges, etc., it’s enough that my neighbour or my friends own such devices.

The technocrats’ calculation works: once they have managed to get a certain amount of #spying devices into circulation, they are able to control all people, regardless of whether they (willingly) share their vision or not

That’s the reason for the development of #5G, but also why tech bigwigs like Elon #Musk (the nutcase who wants to colonise Mars to make humanity a “transplanetary species” – no joke, that’s his motivation!) or #Amazon boss #Bezos and others are working on launching thousands of satellites into space to provide high-speed global internet coverage – and presumably #spy on us in other ways as well. Several hundred of these space peeping toms are already watching us.

As a new mobile radio standard, 5G is supposed to bring faster internet for a multitude of devices. For example, 5G should be able to address up to around 100 billion mobile devices at the same time. That is an average of 12.5 devices per person walking the earth. And they should all be able to exchange data at 50 MBit/s to 2 GBit/s. Why?

Well, the good news is that many people seem to be becoming aware of this situation, perhaps they have always been aware of it, but now many seem to no longer want to be silent, no longer want to be pushed around and choose to attack instead of shouting out their disagreement into the infinite spheres of the digital where it eventually dies away (unheard).
Almost daily I receive news that somewhere in the world a 5G radio mast, or any radio mast at all, has been torched, blown up, felled or otherwise destroyed.

#Google #netflix #resistance #anarchism #politics