Over the past two months, attention on the #Ukraine War has generally focussed on the Russian eastern offensive. The Russians, having learnt some of the lessons of their failed #Kyiv and #Kharkiv offensives, have concentrated much of their combat power in eastern Ukraine, where they have slowly, painfully and brutally seized most of the #Luhansk region.
But there is another front in this #war that is also important: the campaign in the south. Because of its long-term economic implications for the state of Ukraine, the war in the south may prove even more decisive than the #military operations in the #Donbas.

https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/pockets-of-resistance-why-the-southern-ukraine-front-matters-20220621-p5av9z.html #odessa #guerilla #melitopol #berdyansk #kremenna #kherson #russia

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