Podemos – The conflict in Ukraine - Press release.

Podemos is part of the left-wing coalition government in Spain.


We call on Russia to de-escalate the situation and stop sending troops immediately.

It is necessary to go back to the negotiating table and the Minsk agreements.

In the current context, NATO’s expansion in Eastern Europe is perceived by Russia as a military threat. This has prevented a peace strategy and the creation of a common European security architecture.

We urge the Russian Federation to stop the hostilities and demilitarize the region. We also urge NATO to stop its expansion to the East.

It is time to follow these strategies:

· A peace agenda in Ukraine through diplomacy and dialogue.

· EU’s strategic autonomy through an independent and cooperative security architecture.

· A transition to energy sovereignty.

#Ukraine #España #Spain #Podemos #NATO #imperialism #Russia #security #EU #Donbas #Lugansk


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