More letters for my local mp

I have been through the greens and not one answered my question about our nuclear free policy and our involvement in NATO considering they have nuclear weapons and a doctrine with first strike as an option.

I have started witting again at the bottom. I will send emails to the ruling Labour party and see if they reply.

This is the one I sent to the local mp

Dear Ms Luxton

I wrote a while ago asking about new zealands role with nato but I never got a clear response. I have a question.

With NATOs leading partner, and so by extension NATO, having changed their nuclear weapons doctrine to allow first strike and the use of nuclear weapons in a conventional war and new zealand is part of nato with observer status the question I have is how does this work with new zealands anti nuclear legislation?

I tried Phil twyford but he seems busy so I thought I would ask you again.


#WW3 #nato #ukraine #russia #war #nuclearwar