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#COVID19 ist absolut nix neues. Ich persönlich würde sogar soweit gehen, das Virus zu den insgesamt häufigsten Todesursachen im Alter zu nennen. Wenn man 5-10x im Leben eine coronabasierte Erkrankung hatte, jedesmal mit mehr oder weniger üblen Long-Covid-Folgen, dann ist man irgendwann reif fürs Grab. Und im Beitrag aus 1979 steht auch, wieso Impfungen nur sehr kurzfristig helfen. Ich kann mich persönlich an 4-5 heftige "Erkältungen" in meinem Leben erinnern, welche ähnlich abliefen wie die letzte "offizielle" Corona-Infektion. So mit monatelangen Long-Covid-Folgen und insgesamter Abnahme der Leistungsfähigkeit. Fällt besonders auf, da ich seit meiner Geburt ein asthmatisches Leiden habe. Mein damaliger Hausarzt in den 70ern hatte mir sogar noch vor 1979 gesagt, dass diese Viren andauernde Schäden im Körper verursachen und diese Wellen in 10-15 jährigen Wellen immer wieder auftauchen.

Von daher bringt eine Berechnung der statistischen Übersterblichkeit in einem 5-Jahresfenster mal rein gar nix.

Von daher bleibt mir übrig zu sagen, ja, das Virus ist real und gefährlich. Aber man kann insgesamt nicht viel dagegen ausrichten ausser vierteljährlicher Impfungen mit überholten Impfstoffen und lebenslanger Quarantäne der kompletten Weltbevölkerung. Und da das Virus sich auch durch Tiere verbreitet und verändert, demzufolge alle Tiere ausrotten. Und, oh Wunder, man ist an allen diesen Bereichen schon bestens dran.

Gerade gestern erreichte mich die Meldung, dass einer meiner Kollegen, komplett geimpft und geboostert, mit schweren Verlauf an Covid19 erkrankt ist. Inzwischen das zweite Mal.

Aber wen interessiert das alles? Niemanden. Es wird nur das gefressen, was die Medien und sozialen Netze vorgekaut einem vor die Nase kotzen.

Mein persönliches Fazit lautet, momentan Menschen weitestgehend aus dem Weg gehen. Zum einen wegen Infektionsgefahr durch Coronaviren. Zum anderen wegen Infektionsgefahr durch dummes Gelaber.

#1979 #corona


Aus dem "Du bist ein alter Sack" Dept.

Die erste Sendung von Top Of The Pops, welche ich live gesehen habe. Ich war damals das erste Mal in meinem Leben in UK. Alles war neu. Und ich 16 Jahre alt. Klassenfahrt auf die Insel. Die Menschen waren damals über das Dezimalsystem und die EU am schimpfen. Sie waren ja noch nicht lange Mitglied.
Ich weiß nicht, wie der YouTuber an die Masterbänder gekommen ist. Aber ich bin ihm dankbar. Und jede Sendung wird sorgfältig von mir kopiert.
#1979 #UK #BBC #TOTP


"We take you now to a garage"....

Joe's Garage

Can't really say there's much out there like this. Wikipedia (in the YT dscription) details this "rock opera" (an old favorite of mine).
Frank Zappa himself, doing Zappa. With kazoo and Jew's/Galician Harp. Part of a futuristic fantasy, but also just a fun song. 🎧


Central Scrutinizer:
We take you now, to a garage, in Canoga Park.

Frank Zappa:
(It makes it's own sauce...)

It wasn't very large
There was just enough room to cram the drums
In the corner over by the Dodge
It was a fifty-four
With a mashed up door
And a cheesy little amp
With a sign on the front said "Fender Champ"
And a second hand guitar
It was a Stratocaster with a whammy bar

At this point,
LARRY (a guy who will eventually give up music and earn a respectable living
as a roadie for a group called Toad-O) joins in the song...

We could jam in Joe's Garage
His mama was screamin'
His dad was mad
We was playin' the same old song
In the afternoon 'n' sometimes we would
Play it all night long
It was all we knew, 'n' easy too
So we wouldn't get it wrong
All we did was bend the string like...
Down in Joe's Garage
We didn't have no dope or LSD
But a coupla quartsa beer
Would fix it so the intonation
Would not offend yer ear
And the same old chords goin' over 'n' over
Became a symphony
We would play it again 'n' again 'n' again
'Cause it sounded good to me
We could jam in Joe's Garage
His mama was screamin',
We was playing' the same old song
In the afternoon 'n' sometimes we would
Play it all night long
It was all we knew, and easy too
So we wouldn't get it wrong
Even if you played it on a saxophone
We thought we was pretty good
We talked about keepin' the band together
'N' we figured that we should
'Cause about this time we was gettin' the eye
From the girls in the neighborhood
They'd all come over 'n' dance around

Twenty teen-age girls dash
in and go STOMP-CLAP,

So we picked out a stupid name
Had some cards printed up for a coupla bucks
'N' we was on our way to fame
Got matching suits 'N' Beatle Boots
'N' a sign on the back of the car
'N' we was ready to work in a GO-GO Bar


People seemed to like our song
They got up 'n' danced 'n' made a lotta noise
An' it wasn't 'fore very long
A guy from a company we can't name
Said we oughta take his pen
'N' sign on the line for a real good time
But he didn't tell us when
These "good times" would be somethin'
That was really happenin'
So the band broke up
An' it looks like
We will never play again...

Guess you only get one chance in life
To play a song that goes like...

(And, as the band plays their little song,
MRS. BORG (who keeps her son SY,
in the closet with the vacuum cleaner)
screams out the window...
Mrs. Borg:
Turn it down!
Turn it DOWN!
I have children sleeping here...
Don't you boys know any nice songs?

(Speculating on the future)
Well the years was rollin' by, yeah
Heavy Metal 'n' Glitter Rock
Had caught the public eye, yeah
Snotty boys with lipstick on
Was really flyin' high, yeah
'N' then they got that Disco thing
'N' New Wave came along
'N' all of a sudden I thought the time
Had come for that old song
We used to play in "Joe's Garage"
And if I am not wrong
You will soon be dancin' to...

Central Scrutinizer:
for loading and
unloading only. If you
gotta load or unload,
go to the WHITE
ZONE. You'll love it...

Well the years was rollin' by (etc.)...

Mrs. Borg:
I'm calling THE POLICE!
I did it! They'll be here...shortly!

Officer Butzis:
This is the Police...

Mrs. Borg:
I'm not joking around anymore

Officer Butzis:
We have the garage surrounded
If you give yourself up
We will not harm you
Or hurt you neither
Mrs. Borg:
You'll see them

Officer Butzis:
This is the Police

Mrs. Borg:
There they are, they're coming!

Officer Butzis:
Give yourself up
We will not harm you

Mrs. Borg:
Listen to that mess, would you?

Officer Butzis:
This is the Police
Give yourself up
We have the garage surrounded

Mrs. Borg:
Everday this goes on around here!

Officer Butzis:
We will not harm you, or maim you
(SWAT Team 4, move in!)
Mrs. Borg:
He used......

#rockopera #rockhistory #musiclegend #FrankZappa #music #musica #musique #1979