

Totally OK: #Israel Prime-Minister BenJamin #Netanyahu to Israeli Media: "And therefore, I clarify, that in any other arrangement, in the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea."

He has to steal this slogan from Palestinians also. It's really amazing that media and world leaders don't condemn this at all.

Remember when they lied about #Ahmadinejad saying " we will wipe Israel off the map of the earth", Netanyahu just told the world that Israel is planning to wipe Palestine of the map of the earth and no one makes a noise.

See the video on my telegram channel.

#FromTheRiverToTheSea #Media #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


The mysterious case of #HasanFirouzi the Iranian "protester" who's life in "imminent danger" and was sent to hospital as result of torture he was subjected during his time in custody, but the #IRI officials and judiciary say they have no idea who that person is!

The story has been one of the talking points of Iranian online activists and 1000s of people who re-share and repeat the story as the one attached here.

I can not find where the story was originated from, but the IRI officials have officially denied any knowledge of a person with that name being in prison, or awaiting execution.

Things has got even more bizarre lately as images of a man supposedly being Mr. Firouzi showing traces of torture. Even the French Francois Bechieau has posted a tweet in support of his case with some 10k people liking it, some 6500 people resharing it and it was viewed by over 130k people.

Can this be another fake story planted by IRGC to bait the opposition to discredit their authenticity and honesty? Or it is like the repeat of the sad story of #Neda, the innocent by stander woman who was killed by a stray bullet during the protest in Iran after the re-election of #Ahmadinejad where 1000s people (and fake accounts) re-shared a fake image of her "passport" photo.

No matter what the story is, for now, at least based on my little limited research on various social media and online sources, the name Hasan Firouzi is anything but real.

#Iran #Politics #FakeNews #DeathPenalty #IranProtests #IranUprising #Propaganda #Missinformation #Torture #Prison #Tehran