Arch Linux: Paketmanager Aura 4.0 jetzt in Rust #archlinux #archlinux #archlinux #DBus
Have to say, the archinstall
script is getting really nice now! Makes it a breeze to set up a new Arch system pretty much just the way I want it. #archlinux
Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #archlinux, #coding, #darksouls, #emacs, #gaming, #gentoo, #irc, and #linux.
One day in May in 1997, I tried #RedHat #Linux. Interestingly, it booted directly from CD on my laptop. Why couldn't Windows do this? I would discover that this Linux distribution did so much more on a basic install. I would discover my #ISP hosted a usergroup and helped me set up a webserver, mail server, static IP address, and so much more. A month later, I wiped out the windows partition I never used to make room for all the free applications and media I discovered. The computer was so much faster since I had control what part of applications compiled. Pretty soon, I was traveling to Atlanta for the Linux expo with many others around the world.
25 years later, seeing people struggle with Windows boggles my mind. I guess commercial software is like sugar in food. People can't quit. I no longer use any commercial Linux distributions as they share many types of hostile vendor lock in such as Microsoft.
#Linux #FOSS #opensource #Debian #Ubuntu #ArchLinux #Manjaro #Deuvan #LinuxMint #elementaryOS
how to turn your current system to an installable iso (for debian, ubuntu, arch linux and manjaro)
How To Turn Your Current System To An Installable ISO (For Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and Manjaro)
Switch to the base-devel meta package requires manual intervention
Switch to the base-devel meta package requires manual intervention
2023-02-12 - Robin CandauOn February 2nd, the base-devel package group has been replaced by a meta package of the same name.
If you installed the base-devel package group prior to this date, explicitly re-install it to get the new base-devel package installed on the system:
pacman -Syu base-devel
Neue Chance auf ein Linux-Tablet, mit dem man arbeiten kann.
Ich bin nicht nur Besitzer, sondern auch Nutzer des #PineTab 1 und sehe kontinuierliche Fortschritte bei der Software (#Phosh, #ArchLinux ). Aber die erste #Hardware ist wirklich noch mit massiven Problemen behaftet. Ich bin gespannt auf den Preis...
#GNU/Linux #LinuxMobile
♲ GNU/ - 2022-12-16 14:21:00 GMT
PineTab2 angekündigt
Pine64 hat eine neue und deutlich verbesserte Version 2 des hauseigenen Linux-Tablets PineTab vorgestellt.
Removing python2 from the repositories
2022-09-23 - Jelle van der Waa
Python 2 went end of life January 2020. Since then we have been actively cutting down the number of projects depending on python2 in our repositories, and we have finally been able to drop it from our distribution. If you still have python2 installed on your system consider removing it and any python2 package.
If you still require the python2 package you can keep it around, but please be aware that there will be no security updates. If you need a patched package please consult the AUR, or use an unofficial user repository.
#ArchLinux #ARM bringt #phosh 0.21.0 auf das #PineTab. Alles wird gut...
#GNU/Linux #MobileLinux
This post based from Archlinux News Website:
Grub bootloader upgrade and configuration incompatibilities
2022-08-30 - Christian Hesse
Recent changes in grub added a new command option to fwsetup and changed the way the command is invoked in the generated boot configuration. Depending on your system hardware and setup this could cause an unbootable system due to incompatibilities between the installed bootloader and configuration. After a grub package update it is advised to run both, installation and regeneration of configuration:
grub-install ...
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
For more specific information on grub-install, please refer to the wiki: GRUB - ArchWiki
Hat eigentlich schon mal jemand #Archlinux auf einem #OrangePi i96 erfolgreich nutzen können? Support für den RDA8810 ist zwar im Kernel vorhanden, aber zum einen bockt der Bootloader gewaltig und zum anderen ist die Dokumentation echt dürftig… Falls eine*r von euch mit dem Board schon mal Erfahrungen gemacht hat, ich bin für jede Hilfe dankbar ^^ Was u-boot betrifft bin ich leider ein ziemlicher n00b.
Archlinux News: wxWidgets 3.2 update may need manual intervention
2022-07-14 - Antonio Rojas
wxWidgets 3.2 provides a Qt frontend in addition to the GTK3 one, so packages have been renamed from wxgtk- to wxwidgets-. The GTK2 frontend is no longer provided. If you have wxgtk2 installed, the upgrade will fail with error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: removing wxgtk-common breaks dependency 'wxgtk-common' required by wxgtk2. In such case, uninstall wxgtk2 first and then proceed with the upgrade.
Da mein #CosmoCommunicator das #Rockharz nicht überlebt hat, wird jetzt mein #PinePhone der "Daily Driver" wie man so schön sagt.
Ich muss nur noch Discover auf dem #Archlinux ARM bändigen, das crasht dauernd xD
#reproducible-builds in May: with research, #python, #SPDX Software-BOM, Talks, #npm, #boot2now, #Google, #rust, #ArchLinux, #Debian, #openSUSE
Undone replacement of pipewire-media-session with wireplumber
2022-05-12 - Jan Alexander Steffens
Two days ago the wireplumber package was made to replace pipewire-media-session as the latter session manager for PipeWire is considered dead upstream and will see no more releases. Unfortunately, this step was premature.
Our pipewire audio packages (pipewire-alsa, pipewire-jack and pipewire-pulse) ship configuration that prompt media-session to activate PipeWire's audio features. When these packages are not installed and the configuration is missing, PipeWire can be used for screen recording without interfering with ALSA or PulseAudio.
WirePlumber disregards this mechanism and always configures PipeWire to grab audio devices, meaning users of PulseAudio or bare ALSA experience broken audio.
The replacement has been reverted while we attempt to look for a better solution switching to WirePlumber. If you are currently not using PipeWire for audio and wireplumber got installed on your system, please reinstall pipewire-media-session and reboot to restore audio functionality.
pacman -Syu pipewire-media-session
QEMU >= 7.0.0 changes split package setup
2022-05-09 - David Runge
With the update to qemu 7.0.0 the package has been turned into a more fine grained split package utilizing meta packages.
The qemu package is now virtually provided by the meta packages qemu-base, qemu-desktop and qemu-full.
The functionality of qemu prior to 7.0.0 is replaced by qemu-desktop
The functionality of qemu-headless is replaced by qemu-base
The functionality of qemu-arch-extra and qemu-headless-arch-extra is replaced by qemu-emulators-full
The meta package qemu-full provides all QEMU related packages (excluding qemu-guest-agent)