Reclaiming Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan style
To ensure success of his latest film Dunki, Khan has copied strategies used by the BJP in its election campaigns.#Economy #Features #Bollywood #BusinessandEconomy #Politics #SocialMedia #Asia #India
Reclaiming Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan style
Sport Weekly: India’s Cricket World Cup approaches its climax
Even if India somehow manage to lose Cricket World Cup final, there’s no doubt where the power in global cricket lies.#Sports #ArtsandCulture #Bollywood #Cinema #Cricket #ICCCricketWorldCup #NarendraModi #Politics #Asia #AsiaPacific #Australia #Bangladesh #India #Israel #Lebanon #MiddleEast #Pakistan #Palestine
Sport Weekly: India’s Cricket World Cup approaches its climax
‘A metaphor for life’: Bollywood’s stormy love affair with Indian cricket
Bollywood has had a rocky relationship with cricket over the decades, often reflecting India's changing society.#Features #Sports #ArtsandCulture #Bollywood #Cinema #Cricket #History #ICCCricketWorldCup #Asia #India
‘A metaphor for life’: Bollywood’s stormy love affair with Indian cricket
First day of Love and Anarchy film festival over! Three movies. Three completely different movies. Half an hour between each movie. My mind is pretty mushed up right now.
This post may include spoilers regarding some of the festival movies, be warned!
Living (2022)
I love Bill Nighy! There is just something about him that is really special. His expressions. Probably the roles he is cast to.
"Living" is a heart warming story of a man (Bill Nighy) who is given six months to live due to cancer. Realizing he has lived his life sitting at an office, wasting both his time and opportunity, he finds the chance to do some good before leaving the world.
I don't think there was a single mean character in this film. Which is probably why it was so heart warming, even the the son and his wife, who initially felt mean towards the cancer doomed father, eventually seemed that they had been distanced by the coldness of the father, rather than being mean themselves.
This film wont leave you sad after watching it.
Rebel (2022)
Do you feel disconnected from the brutalities of the world? Are you failing to understand what it is like to be engulfed by war? Are you generally wanting to stick knives into your heart in a dark room (ie movie theater)?
Then you've come to the right place. "Rebel" tells the story of a Belgian muslim family who gets engulfed in the Syrian conflict. Bad choices, being in the wrong place at the wrong time and a society that doesn't care, leads to two brothers and their mother being swallowed by ISIS. And like all war in the world, this film does not have a happy ending. There are no happy endings in war outside of Hollywood films. This is why you need to see this film, this is why history needs to be taught.
As films go, this was probably the hardest thing to watch for a long time. It was useless telling myself it's just a film. This stuff happens all the time, in Syria, in Ukraine, in areas of conflict all around the world. Somewhat confusingly the film had dance scenes. They didn't take away any of the pain in the story.
Polite Society (2023)
After spending half an hour after the previous film sulking in dark corners, pondering whether humanity should actually be given a chance, thankfully my next film set things straight back into happy land. Forget the war and the ugliness of humanity, welcome kung-fu with a bollywood touch!
"Polite Society" tells of two sisters, one arranged to marriage, one intent on stopping it. Well, not completely arranged, the other sister actually has fallen in love and wants to marry. Our wannabe martial arts enthusiast little sister smells foul play, and the truth is weirder than anyone would guess. Lots of fighting, cool moves and humour ensues, ending with a standing ovation at the cinema. And this film does have a happy ending, of course.
Really recommend this film if it comes near you, you wont be disappointed :)
Next two films on Wednesday, tomorrow is Näpit irti! day.
#hiff #films #movies #british #syria #ukraine #war #humanity #kungfu #bollywood
#Bollywood 2023 is a joke compared to Kubrick’s #Moon #landing 1969
Fünf Fakten über Holi, das Fest der Farben | DW | 07.03.2023
Was hat eine blutrünstige hinduistische Legende mit Holi zu tun? Welche Rolle spielen Cannabis und Bollywood? Wir tauchen ein in das farbenfrohe Spektakel des indischen Frühlingsfestes.#Holi #HoliFestival #Indien #Cannabis #Bollywood
Fünf Fakten über Holi, das Fest der Farben | DW | 07.03.2023
Shah Rukh und Salman Khan: Bollywoods letzte Superstars? | DW | 26.02.2023
Im Hindi-Blockbuster "Pathaan" scherzen Shah Rukh und Salman Khan - beide in ihren späten 50ern - über den Mangel an Nachfolgern. Aber gibt es wirklich niemanden, der ihren Platz in Bollywood einnehmen könnte?#ShahRukhKhan #Bollywood #SalmanKhan #Schauspieler #Indien
Shah Rukh und Salman Khan: Bollywoods letzte Superstars? | DW | 26.02.2023
Bollywood-Star Shah Rukh Khan verzaubert die Massen | DW | 02.11.2022
In Bollywood ist Shah Rukh Khan eine Ikone. Die Fans liegen ihm nicht nur in Indien, sondern weltweit zu Füßen. Für DW-Redakteurin Brenda Haas liegt das am unvergleichlichen Charme des Schauspielers, der jetzt 57 wird.#ShahRukhKhan #Bollywood #Filmstar #Indien #Filmindustrie
Bollywood-Star Shah Rukh Khan verzaubert die Massen | DW | 02.11.2022
75 Jahre Indien: Westliche Klischees und Irrtümer | DW | 14.08.2022
Vor 75 Jahren hat Indien sich unabhängig gemacht. Was macht das Land heute kulturell aus? DW-Autorin Seerat Chabba wirft einen kritischen Blick auf westliche Stereotype und Vorurteile.#Indien #Pakistan #Unabhängigkeit #Bollywood #Stereotype
75 Jahre Indien: Westliche Klischees und Irrtümer | DW | 14.08.2022
Filmfestival Stuttgart: Neuer Blick auf Indien | DW | 20.07.2022
Das diesjährige Festival zeigt Filme aus allen Ecken Indiens. Ein Bollywood-Star ist auch dabei, Mainstream-Kost gibt es trotzdem nicht.#UmadaCunha #AmitabhBachchan #IndischesFilmfestivalStuttgart #IndischesFilmfestivalStuttgart2022 #IndischerFilm #Bollywood
Filmfestival Stuttgart: Neuer Blick auf Indien | DW | 20.07.2022
Auslands-Oscar: Wo bleibt Afrika? | DW | 23.03.2022
In fast 75 Jahren ging der Oscar für den "Besten Internationalen Film" nur dreimal nach Afrika. Europa dominiert die Kategorie. Warum ist das so?#Oscars #Hollywood #AcademyAward #DDJ #Nollywood #Bollywood #AfrikanischerFilm
Auslands-Oscar: Wo bleibt Afrika? | DW | 23.03.2022
Bappi Lahiri Dead: #Bollywood Composer Was 69 - Variety ⚓ https://variety.com/2022/music/asia/bappi-lahiri-dead-bollywood-zakhmee-1235183301/ ䷉ #variety #india
Bollywood-Stars kämpfen gegen Corona | DW | 30.04.2021
Die Bevölkerung in Indien leidet unter den hohen Corona-Infektionszahlen, es gibt viele Tote zu beklagen. Einige Stars aus Bollywood versuchen zu helfen.
Bollywood-Stars kämpfen gegen Corona | DW | 30.04.2021
#BOLLYWOOD #Corona #Indien #SalmanKhan #PriyankaChopra
I'm not realy sure i liked this song (too many "rap singing"), but i enjoyned the attempt to mix metal sound to punjubi/indian music.
#metal #india #punjabi #bollywood #bloodywood