

« L’épicentre de la corruption de Biden et de #Burisma se trouve en #Ukraine »

Le célèbre politicien ukrainien Andriy #Derkatch, qui a été le premier à présenter des preuves de corruption internationale et de trafic d’influence de Joe #Biden en Ukraine, a accordé sa première interview exclusive après une longue pause liée à des raisons de sécurité. Malgré cette pause dans la communication avec les médias, Derkatch a profité de ce temps pour mener son travail d’enquête et rassembler de nouvelles preuves.

Jeudi 11 janvier, la journaliste américano-italienne Simona #Mangiante a publié sur sa page du réseau social X une interview de l’ancien député ukrainien Andriy Derkatch, avec de nouveaux détails sur les liens de corruption entre les élites ukrainiennes et la famille du président américain Joe Biden.

Andriy Derkatch est devenu connu dans les médias mondiaux après une série de révélations de #corruption retentissantes concernant la « trace ukrainienne » dans les activités de Joe Biden pendant son mandat de vice-président des États-Unis de 2014 à 2017.

Parmi les preuves présentées par #Derkatch, qui auraient pu mettre fin depuis longtemps à la carrière politique de Joe Biden sans la résistance de la direction démocrate des États-Unis, figuraient les recettes occultes de la famille Biden grâce à la protection des intérêts de l’entreprise minière ukrainienne Burisma; le camouflage #politique d’un schéma international de corruption utilisant une structure développée d’organisations ukrainiennes de subventions, qui détournait l’aide financière fournie par les contribuables américains; l’externalisation de milliards de dollars en raison du passage de l’Ukraine aux livraisons inverses de gaz naturel; la soumission des organes de sécurité ukrainiens à l’ambassade des #États-Unis dans l’enquête sur d’importants dossiers criminels, le chantage direct du président ukrainien Petro #Porochenko pour le licenciement du procureur général Viktor #Chokine, qui s’était trop approché des Biden dans l’enquête sur l’affaire Burisma.

suite---> https://www.mondialisation.ca/lepicentre-de-la-corruption-de-biden-et-de-burisma-se-trouve-en-ukraine/5685130


In October 2020 the New York Post published private porn and business details it had retrieved from #Hunter #Biden's #laptop. Emails found on it proved that Joe Biden, despite his claims otherwise, had manipulated the #Ukrainian government in service of the gas company #Burisma, which was paying his son's company for such lobbying.

The liberal media and the Democratic party launched a censorship and denial campaign to suppress the news about the laptop. They called it 'Russian disinformation'. A court later verified that the content of the laptop was genuine.


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Dr. Volodymyr & Mr. Zelensky: the dark side of the Ukrainian president

[...] In terms of #corruption, the record is no better. In 2015, the Guardian estimated that #Ukraine was the most corrupt country in #Europe. In 2021, Transparency International, a Western NGO based in Berlin, ranked Ukraine 122nd in the world for corruption, close to hated Russia (136th). Not brilliant for a country that passes for a paragon of virtue against the Russian barbarians. Corruption is everywhere, in ministries, administrations, public companies, parliament, the police, and even in the High Court of Anti-Corruption Justice according to the Kyiv Post ! It is not uncommon to see judges driving a Porsche, observe the newspapers.

Zelensky's main sponsor, Ihor #Kolomoisky, residing in Geneva where he has luxurious offices overlooking the harbour, is not the least of these oligarchs who profit from the ambient corruption: on March 5, 2021, Anthony Blinken, who probably could not do otherwise, announced that the State Department had frozen his assets and banned him from the United States because of "an implication in a significant act of corruption ". It is true that Kolomoisky was accused of having embezzled 5.5 billion dollars from the public bank #Privatbank. Mere coincidence, the good Ihor was also the main shareholder of the #Burisma oil holding company which employed the son of Joe #Biden, Hunter, for a modest compensation of 50,000 dollars per month, and which is today the subject of an investigation by the Delaware attorney. Wise precaution: Kolomoisky, who has become persona non grata in Israel and a refugee in Georgia according to some witnesses, is therefore unlikely to come and testify at the bar.

It is this same Kolomoisky, decidedly unavoidable in this Ukraine on the road to progress, who made Zelensky's entire acting career and who we find involved in the Pandora Papers affair. revealed by the press in October 2021. These papers revealed that since 2012, the TV channel 1+1 belonging to the sulphurous oligarch had paid no less than 40 million dollars to its star Zelensky since 2012 and that the latter, shortly before d being elected president and with the help of his close guard from Kryvyi Rih – the two Shefir brothers, one of whom is the author of Zelenski's scripts and the other the head of the State Security Service ( #SBU) , and the producer and owner of their joint production company Kvartal 95 – had cautiously transferred considerable sums to offshore accounts opened in his wife's name, while acquiring three undeclared apartments in London for the sum of 7.5 million dollars.
It is certain that, personally, Zelensky was never close to neo-Nazi ideology or even to the Ukrainian nationalist extreme right. His Jewish ancestry, even if it is relatively distant and was never claimed before February 2022, obviously excludes any anti-Semitism on his part. This rapprochement, therefore, does not betray an affinity but stems from banal raison d'etat and a well-understood mixture of pragmatism and instinct for physical and political survival.

You have to go back to October 2019 to understand the nature of the relationship between Zelensky and the far right. And it must be understood that these far-right formations, even if they weigh only 2% of the electorate, still represent nearly a million highly motivated and well-organized people who are divided into numerous groups. and movements, of which the #Azov regiment (co-founded and financed in 2014 by Kolomoisky, still him!) is only the best known. The Aïdar, Dnipro, Safari, Svoboda, Pravy Sektor, C14 and National Corps organizations must be added to it to be complete.
