

Dans la série Démontage de l'arnaque #Covid avec P. Chaillot et J.L. Bozek

Avec Jean-Luc Bozek, nous démontrons définitivement que toute la crise Covid-19 n'a existé que dans le cadre d'une arnaque au comptage. Les professionnels de santé libéraux ou dans les #hôpitaux ont enregistré tout et n'importe quoi en tant que Covid-19.
Jean-Luc Bozek est co-auteur d'un chapitre de mon livre "Covid-19 : ce que révèlent les chiffres officiels".


#2020 #IRA #grippe #ATIH #covid-19 #covid #hopital #codage #codification #science #médecine #santé #BigPharma #vaccination #injections #corruption #justice
#OMS #BigPharma #Mafia #vaccins #statistiques #décoder-éco #décoderléco #decoderleco


Ces gens sont complètement fous, inconscients, comme ce qu'ils font est compliqué à comprendre, que la plupart des gouvernants n'y comprennent rien du tout, et qu'ils se foutent totalement de la santé humaine et de l'équilibre naturel, et que d'énormes lobbys sont derrière, ils ont a peu près carte blanche pour nous balancer plein de merdes. Et tout ceci a commencé il y a bien longtemps. L'empoisonnement des humains et de toute la #nature n'est pas près de s'arrêter.

#2020 - 3D #Graphene Oxide #Nanoparticles for #CloudSeeding Patent

3d reduced graphene oxide/sio 2 composite for ice nucleation:

#nano #clouds #wheathermodification


At the Jazz Band Ball

Carling's Darlings (2020, before Idun's birthday in August)

Look how young the kids look! This was made here in Northern California. If I've figured this out correctly, the Carlings came to NorCal in early 2020. They now split their time between touring the USA and Europe (though Idun, now 18, is apparently apparently a now a student at some university in SoCal). I suspect they've lived in Cupertino, perhaps on Miller Avenue. This is based on the titles of songs Gunhild has written ("Down on Miller Avenue" and "Cupertino Ragtime").

Gunhild Carling cornet
Pritish Budhrani age 16 clarinet
Idun Carling age 14 trombone
Viggo Carling age 12 drums
Manav Budhrani age 12 banjo
Cougar Karson age 15 euphonium
Johan Blomé (Gunhild's husband) guitar


#music #video #jazz #hot-jazz #at-the-jazz-band-ball #gunhild-carling #pritish-budhrani #2020


Bill Gates purchased shares in BioNTech (Pfizer’s partner for its mRNA Covid shots) in September 2019… just months before the pandemic was announced… Gates purchased 1,038,674 shares at pre-public offering price of $18.10 per share… Gates dumped his stocks, in November 2021 at an average sale price of $300 per share… Gates on the same day said… “We need a new way of doing the vaccines, because the vaccines didn’t stop transmission”… despite all of his previous claims to the contrary. It’s almost like Gates knew Covid-19 was going to be released, and he also knew the vaccines were never designed to stop transmission.

#Flashback #2020: " Kill #Gates (At Least) 700 Thousand Die From Side Effects":

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eJ8Azi_mTpE



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The inscription ‘He is Odin’s man’ is seen in a round half circle over the head of a figure on a golden bracteate unearthed in Vindelev, #Denmark in late #2020. Scientists have identified the oldest-known reference to the Norse god Odin on a #gold #disc unearthed in western Denmark. Credit: Arnold Mikkelsen, The National Museum of Denmark via AP
Scandinavian scientists said Wednesday that they have identified the oldest-known inscription referencing the Norse god Odin on part of a gold disc unearthed in western Denmark in 2020.



Gekürztes Budget

#Definition av #kulturarv och #kulturmiljö | Riksantikvarieämbetet
Kulturmiljö - avser hela den av människor påverkade miljön, det vill säga som i varierande grad präglats av olika mänskliga verksamheter och aktiviteter. En kulturmiljö kan preciseras och avgränsas till att omfatta en enskild anläggning eller lämning, ett mindre eller större landskapsavsnitt, en bygd eller en region.

#nature #before #mywork #myfoto #myphoto #naturen #2020 #natur #gewesen #photograph #photograf