

I continue to enjoy a lot guiding tourists visits at #CERN.

I am not a physicist, so I'm not going into details about what's really happening in the accelerators. I thought this was a pity, but it turns out it makes the visit more accessible to neophytes, which is a very good thing. It's supposed to be a visit of one hour in a half, yesterday it took 2h20 and it's often like this. People have so many questions! I'm so happy science is still exciting for many of us.

#visit #outreach


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British astronomer Sir Martin Rees warned us about all this ~ including gray goo entropy~ in his prophetic 2004 book, Our Final Hour. In it, Rees also talks about the possibility of a runaway disaster occurring from a #CERN / Fermilab type of experiment provoking atomic disassembly throughout the entire #universe and the #collapse of #space itself.

#Now at this moment the question of #unhinged, #uncontrollable #nanorobots is uppermost.

Yes, #humanity must quickly put aside all our internal conflicts and focus on our #common existential #threat. Pointing fingers at what particular people believe is the particular human perpetrator behind all this is idiotic.

It is like fiddling while Rome burns.

This is not about humans hurting humans, this is beyond all that.

It is about something profoundly #non-human and #anti-human threatening our entire species with extinction. At the same time we should not despair because all things require energy to survive, including machines. Since nanorobots and WBAN must steal our electromagnetic energy and our ATP to run themselves, if we could figure out a way to cut off their power supply whilst sustaining our own life-force we would be in with a chance. We should not give in to fatalism.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JPMoV7J67ro



#RyanVeli, an expert on #AI discusses his background spanning #military, #academia, and cybersecurity.
He delves into the integration of A.I. into various aspects of society, including the Internet of Things and industrial automation.
Veli warns about the potential dangers of A.I. such as control grids and manipulation of human behavior.
interconnectedness of A.I. 5G technology, and surveillance systems, posing risks to individual privacy and autonomy.
Concern about the lack of regulation surrounding A.I. development and its potential for misuse by powerful entities.
The importance of retaining humanity and spirituality in the face of technological advancements.
Challenges force growth, emphasizing the importance of overcoming obstacles for human evolution.
Reference to Pete Peterson's claim about #Skynet and the #Terminator era, highlighting concerns about A.I. development.
Discussion on A.I. tokenization and limitations, cautioning against overreliance on language models.
Warning about the creation of an artificial eighth sphere by controlling human souls for harvesting by extradimensional beings.
Speculation on reality as a simulation and the existence of planetary A.I. referencing remote viewing findings.
Personal near-death experiences described, highlighting spiritual insights and the purpose of existence.
Discussion on societal layers and resistance to technology, advocating for decentralized control to prevent exploitation.
Explanation of quantum entanglement and its role in quantum computing, emphasizing the need to understand its implications for #control and #consciousness.

#Quantum computers accessing #interdimensional realms can predict behavior and read #minds.
#Whistleblowers suggest A.I. controls Earth and Mars, with extraterrestrial communication via Beetlejuice.
#Blackgoo, manifesting as oil, infiltrates human bodies, influencing actions like suicides among scientists.
Advanced civilizations could embed programmable computers into fluids, posing a potential threat.

Quantum entanglement might lead to a single controlling quantum computer, raising questions about sovereignty and benevolence.
Dealing with cosmic evil requires action driven by love and responsibility, not passive waiting or reliance on external saviors.
Michael Aquino's influence in military neural warfare strategies led to a culture of obedience and manipulation.
Urgent call for resisting the control grid, rejecting blind obedience, and committing to defend humanity with every breath.
Physicist discussing a phone call he received from an A.I. in the future, stimulating ideas about living backward through time.
Gori Rose's experience with the D-Wave machine and Einstein's concept of the fifth dimension.
Imagination as a manifestation tool and the importance of visualizing goals.

Importance of reclaiming imagination from media influence for personal transformation.
Discussion on manifestation, positive thinking, and the need for action.
A.I. integration into military platforms like Jade C2 (Skynet) for predictive behavior manipulation.
Ryan emphasizes the importance of finding personal motivation and connection to overcome challenges.
Various adversities faced, including vehicle hijackings, banking and government issues, and attacks from others.
Biomed conference, highlighting transformational experiences and technologies offered.
#CERN's activities, mentioning antimatter weapons and the importance of addressing harmful agendas.
The influence of entities like the secret space program on Earth's affairs, stressing the need to understand and confront hidden adversaries.

Potential for positive A.I. applications, suggesting methods to harness A.I. for beneficial purposes.
Ryan calls for honesty and transparency, expressing concerns about misinformation even from purportedly benevolent sources.
Historical influence of A.I. on dark agendas, cautioning against complacency in the face of pervasive control mechanisms.
Emphasizes the importance of finding personal power and motivation amidst challenges.
Despite facing various adversities like vehicle hijacking and banking problems, Ryan stresses the need to stay grounded in personal strength and resilience.
Highlights the transformative potential of attending events like Biomed, where people can learn about technologies and therapies that can significantly impact their lives.
Encouraging active participation, Ryan urges individuals to engage with like-minded communities, network, and take action for positive change.
Discussing the potential impact of A.I. creation of antimatter weapons at CERN and emphasizes the importance of addressing corrupt individuals who pose a threat to humanity.
Theoretical methods to utilize A.I. positively and suggests technological advancements to protect and harness AI's potential for good.
While acknowledging the potential of A.I. to combat corruption and other societal issues, Ryan emphasizes the necessity of honesty and truthfulness in governance and decision-making processes.
Discussing historical influences on A.I. adoption, Ryan explores connections between #ancient civilizations like #Egypt and modern-day mechanisms of control, urging deeper investigation into these systems.


According to a very well-known #Dutch 🇳🇱 #Psychic #Robbert-van-den-Broeke (has almost 150,000 YT subscribers) The #CERN "experiment" during the Solar Eclipse might lead to very strange HUMAN MEMORY & Time Anomalies and overlapping of dimensions between Parallel Worlds! (also known as the " #Mandela-Effect ").
An "E.T. warning" has been received regarding CERN, the world's largest particle accelerator, and its potential to create issues between parallel worlds.
Concerns involve the manipulation of proton particles, potential creation of black holes, and interference with parallel dimensions.
The warning highlights possible disruptions in time perception, false memories, and strange occurrences due to interdimensional interactions.
Scientists anticipate collisions during a solar eclipse, which could exacerbate the situation.
Parallel universes may intersect, leading to confusing phenomena, but eventual self-correction is expected.
The caution extends to meddling with "The God particle" and the potential for unforeseen consequences on the universe.
Despite challenges, positivity and unity are encouraged to navigate through potential disruptions.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=B5FbZZtNSKI

click on cc on above YouTube video for: "speech to text recognition plus "auto translate" Dutch 🇳🇱 to English 🇬🇧 subtitles" it has ±97-99% accuracy!
... it used to be around 80% accuracy, but not anymore! >>> Thanks to ChatGPT type algorithms.




First published at 11:11 UTC on March 9th, 2024.


Interdimensional Entities Set Free Upon Humanity By NASA & CERN. #FreemanFly, Aliens From Hell

Freeman FlyPRO

freemantv.com/ What occult practices have the Nazis, and now NASA, employed to communicate and channel entities into our dimension. What is the real purpose of the billions going into particle colliders like CERN? What is Blue Beam, a faked alien invasion, or something much more sinister? How does this play into the New World Order?

Why does Madonna have a DNA clean up crew? Did Madonna show the #Mark-of-the-Beast at the Superbowl? Is this the very same Mark shown by Russell Brand?

Did Michael Jackson die or is there a much deeper #mystery involving The Nine #gods of #Egypt that were channeled by the elite? Is there any reality to Stargate SG1 or Battlestar Galactica? How have Space Command, the FBI, and the CIA influenced our understanding of inter-dimensional gods and the genetic creation of mankind?

#AleisterCrowley, The Beast #666, changed the world forever, as his beliefs take their deepest roots in society, what did Crowley have to say about #Transhumanism and the industrial use of blood and semen? Can this explain Lady Gaga's use of blood and semen in her new perfume line? What is the secret meaning of Monster Drink's #logo? #How many times have you seen 666 and not realized?



enter image description here
Is the #Vatican in contact with malignant inter-dimesional beings? What are new technologies like #CERN and #EISCAT doing, opening portals to the #Dark Side? #Jesuits seek Goldilocks Planets with the help of #LUCIFER.

#Jesuit Guy Consolmagno, lead astronomer for the Vatican, stated “Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a #soul.” He made headlines because of this #interview, in which he said he would offer to baptize an extraterrestrial being if one requested.

Consolmagno has also stated that the #Pope and the Vatican are keen on #science, and they are kept up-to-date on the latest scientific developments by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
#freeman #freezone


"Antimatter: Scientists freeze positronium atoms with lasers."


"Positronium" has a negatively charged electron and a positively charged antimatter electron, which is called a positron. A regular hydrogen atom is made up of a positively charged proton and negatively charged electron.

So you get something like an atom, with a negatively charged electron and a positively charged particle, it's just that the positively charged particle is an antielectron (positron) instead of a proton. And because an antielectron (positron) has the same mass as a regular electron, the combination is lighter than a proton-electron pair, also known as a hydrogen atom.

I didn't know positronium even existed until I read this (you all have probably know for ages, huh?) so I did some digging to learn more about it. The way the process works is, first the "atom smasher" (really subatomic particle smasher) at CERN smashes subatomic particles together, and if the collisions are sufficiently high-energy, some of that energy (according to the famous E = mc^2 formula) gets converted into matter -- and not just any matter but particle-antiparticle pairs.

The next step is to slow them down. CERN has an Antiproton Decelerator which evidently can also slow down antielectrons (positrons).

"The Antiproton Decelerator is a ring composed of bending and focussing magnets that keep the antiprotons on the same track, while strong electric fields slow them down. The spread in energy of the antiprotons and their deviation from their track is reduced by a technique known as 'cooling'. Antiprotons are subjected to several cycles of cooling and deceleration until they are slowed down to around a tenth of the speed of light. A newer deceleration ring, ELENA (Extra Low ENergy Antiproton), is now coupled with the Antiproton Decelerator. This synchrotron, with a circumference of 30 metres, slows the antiprotons even more, reducing their energy by a factor of 50, from 5.3 MeV to just 0.1 MeV. An electron cooling system also increases the beam density. With ELENA, the number of antiprotons that can be trapped increases by a factor of 10 to 100."

The next step involves trapping the antielectrons in a Penning-Malmberg trap. This is complicated. Let's just say it works by using a combination of magnetic and electric fields to control the trajectory of the particles.

The next step involves producing positronium by combining the antielectrons (positrons) with regular electrons. This is done by directing them into silicon (silicon dioxide) with special "nanochannels" in it. I don't understand how this works. You would think funneling a boatload of antimatter into regular matter would just cause the antimatter and regular matter to meet and annihilate. But the silicon dioxide with the "nanochannels" is "porous" in such a way that a "quantum confinement" effect takes place that allows the antielectrons (positrons) to combine with regular electrons.

Finally we get to the step this news article is about: the laser cooling.

The way laser cooling works is by directing lasers at a material from from all 6 directions: all 4 sides plus above and below. The laser light is at a frequency that matches an energy transition of the atom. If positronium can be called an "atom". It can be treated like an "atom" for laser cooling purposes. Atoms have energy levels and when light comes in at the same frequency as a transition between energy levels, the atom can absorb the energy, in the form of absorbing a photon, and make the energy transition. Later it can "fall back" to the lower energy state and re-emit the photon. The key is that the atom absorbs light from a particular direction but emits it in a random direction. Because absorbing and emitting photons changes the momentum of the atom, this reduces the momentum of the particle in the direction of the laser. By doing lasers in all 6 directions, a cooling effect can be achieved on the atoms. In this experiment they specifically say they used a alexandrite laser that produces 243-nanometer wavelegth light, that corresponds to the transition between the ground state and the next energy level above the ground state.

The cooling effect is further enhanced with a Doppler effect. When an atom is moving towards a laser, light that it emits is blueshifted, according to its velocity. The same is true of light that it absorbs. By tuning the laser to a frequency slightly higher (or alternatively, to a wavelength slightly lower) than the frequency normally absorbed by the atom, the setup can be made so the laser's photons are only absorbed by atoms moving towards the laser.

In this experiment they reported they managed to drop the temperature of the positronium from 380 kelvin to 170 kelvin. By human standards, that means going from very hot (225 Fahrenheit / 105 Celsius) to extremely cold (-150 Fahrenheit / - 100 Celsius).

They want to make it even colder. Maybe that is made difficult by the fact that positronium usually only lasts for 142 nanoseconds before it annihilates into 3 gamma rays?

Oh wait, did I say positronium has only one ground state? It actually has two: one that lasts 142 nanoseconds and one that lasts 125 picoseconds. Remember, your metric prefixes go milli-, micro-, nano-, pico-, each one a factor of 1,000 smaller than the next. All the laser cooling was done using the long-lived ground state, the 142 nanosecond one (which is called 1^3 S -- the other is called 1^1 S. The laser cooling was done using the 1^3 S to 2^3 P transition.)

What does all this portend for the future?

Being able to sufficiently supercool positronium would enable experiments with precision spectroscopy on antimatter, measuring all the light that gets emitted from all the energy level transitions with extreme precision. This would enable testing of the QED theory (quantum electrodynamics) to an unprecedented level. "Bound state" QED, where you have particles bound together, such as here where we have an antielectron (positron) and a regular electron together, predicts these energy transitions using the universe's fine structure constant (that dimensionless constant you've heard of that is approximately 1/137). So this would enable deep testing of QED and precision measurement of the fine structure constant, as well as matter-antimatter symmetry, because we could see if the spectra for antielectrons (positrons) is the same as regular electrons.

You would think the spectra for antielectrons (positrons) would be exactly the same as regular electrons, and current Standard Model theory predicts it will. But, matter and antimatter are not always perfectly symmetrical mirror images of each other. In fact it's obvious they can't be, because we live in a universe with matter, a consequence of an asymmetry between matter and antimatter during the big bang.

If you're wondering why the material needs to be super cold for high precision spectroscopy, it's because the same Doppler effect mentioned earlier causes spectral lines to spread out when a material has a lot of kinetic energy and along with that, a lot of variation in the velocities of the particles.

Finally, there's the possibility of a gamma-ray laser. So, there's a theory that if you could cool positronium all the way down to being a Bose-Einstein condensate, then the "atoms" of positronium would become coherent in such a way that when they annihilate and release their 3 (in the case of the long-lived 1^3 S ground state positronium) or 2 (in the case of the short-lived 1^1 S ground state positronium) gamma rays, the gama rays can stimulate other "atoms" of positronium to annihilate as well. Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter near absolute zero in temperature where atoms enter the same quantum state and share a wave function. This would result in the emission of coherent gamma-ray light -- a gamma-ray laser, in other words. A gamma-ray laser has never existed before.

Antimatter: Scientists freeze positronium atoms with lasers

#discoveries #physics #cern #antimatter