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Is the #Vatican in contact with malignant inter-dimesional beings? What are new technologies like #CERN and #EISCAT doing, opening portals to the #Dark Side? #Jesuits seek Goldilocks Planets with the help of #LUCIFER.

#Jesuit Guy Consolmagno, lead astronomer for the Vatican, stated “Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a #soul.” He made headlines because of this #interview, in which he said he would offer to baptize an extraterrestrial being if one requested.

Consolmagno has also stated that the #Pope and the Vatican are keen on #science, and they are kept up-to-date on the latest scientific developments by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
#freeman #freezone


The "bi-pole / multi-pole" New #World Order is the doing of the Judeo-Anglo-American Empire's #elites, planned at #Davos, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc, announced by World Economic Forum, #orchestrated by the world's most #wealthy & #powerful individuals, to their benefit, & brought into being by secret societies such as #Masons & #Jesuits, intel agencies & less-secret societies like the #WEF's "Young Global Leaders," etc.

Complete #disenfranchisement of the people of the West, making circumstances considerably worse for all but the wealthiest #Westerners.

#nwo #secretsocieties #klausschwab #bipoleworldorder #multipolarworld #judeoangloamericanempire #cfr #un #globalistelite #partyofdavos #usa #geoeconomics #deception #uk #eu #globalism