

Nach Flutkatastrophe fehlt Millionen Menschen in Pakistan sauberes Wasser | DW | 21.03.2023

UNICEF berichtet von zehn Millionen Betroffenen in Pakistan. Eine zerstörte Wasserversorgung und schlechte Hygienebedingungen hätten die Lage landesweit enorm verschlechtert. Das Hilfswerk fordert mehr Unterstützung.#Pakistan #Überschwemmung #UNICEF #Kinder #Trinkwasser #Weltwassertag #Cholera
Nach Flutkatastrophe fehlt Millionen Menschen in Pakistan sauberes Wasser | DW | 21.03.2023


At least 40 deaths and 1,700 suspected cases of #cholera have been recorded in #Haiti, straining local medical infrastructure amid a shortage of essential supplies.

Just for a second stop and think how indifferent we are towards decades, if not century of suffering in Haiti while the western nations joyfully suck them dry and looted their resources.

And now, once again, they are sending in military to "help".



Pakistan's government is warning it could take up to six months for floodwaters to recede, after record monsoon rains and glacial meltwater left a third of Pakistan's territory underwater.

  • 6 months of no food
  • 6 months of no work
  • 6 months of no sanitary facilities
  • 6 months of no clean water
  • 6 moths of waterborn diseases

Pakistan’s government is warning it could take up to six months for floodwaters to recede, after record monsoon rains and glacial meltwater left a third of Pakistan’s territory underwater. The flooding uprooted 33 million people and has claimed over 1,400 lives. Public health officials are warning of the growing threat of #waterborne #diseases like #cholera and #dengue.

On Monday, #Pakistan’s Army raced to shore up #flood defenses at a major power station in the southern province of Sindh, which supplies electricity to millions of people. Nearby, a major dust storm uprooted hundreds of tents at a camp for people recently made homeless by the climate disaster.

