

Putting in #alt-text is mentally draining, being on the spectrum with ADHD it takes a lot of extra mental effort to do so. I will start to get into the swing of putting it in for some short description photos and begin to feel good about it knowing I'm including someone else in spite of the fact that its not fun and mentally energy intensive and then miss one and then some self-righteous asshole will call me out for the ones I don't include and I lose all the good dopamine I had about doing it and just don't use alt-text for a bit to spite those assholes AND I no longer get that positive feedback and good feeling needed to drive me to do it. Its similar to people trying to use shame to give to charity. Shaming never makes anyone do anything EVER.
I was on the Fediverse since 2018 and the alt-rule never existed, hell unless you know what you are doing its hard to do here on Friendica(those that was because we didn't have easy picture uploads until last year). It wasn't until the twitter migration that people were given this list of rules they HAD to follow like it was handed down by god that came out of no where and the rest of the fediverse community were like, "Wait what? Where did that come from?" The point of alt-text is to be kind, Those people are not kind. Its like being Vegan, great that's awesome for you, and then there are the ones trying to shame you into being vegan and that never works.
I know alt-text4you is a thing but it always feels so passive aggressive when someone puts in alt-text without being asked for it. Its quite probable they are just trying to be friendly but thanks to enough interactions I've had I heard in my brain its said in a tone of shame and disgusted while doing it for you, and I have a serious guilt trigger from my past.
This isn't and shouldn't be a #disability war. My friend has OCD and CPTSD and ADHD and it takes her 3-4x longer to put out poetry comics art because she's so unable to concatenate her alt-text and goes so overboard she feels dread around the alt-text issues. I've tried to get her to use alttext4you here but that would require posting things that are patreon only. We are trying to see if we can use the fediverse to help out in some way but at hammering out the details so she can focus on making more of what she's good at and not have to feel existential dread every time she makes art.
Remember, the point of all of this is to be kind. If you are trying to shame people into putting alttext in, you are not being kind and probably actually having the opposite effect that you would like. You don't know other people's situations, unless you have mind-reading skills encourage, don't call out. You completely missed that the point is kindness.


Real-time text on Android and iOS is helpful for those with hearing or speech disabilities to converse in real time with text

Phone screen showing a menu titled Real-time text (RTT) with options for Not Visible, Visible during call, and Always visible. There is a note also stating TRR assists callers who are deaf, hard of hearing, have a speech disability, or need more than voice alone. RTT calls are saved as a message transcript. RTT is not available for video calls.
While texting is great for asynchronous conversations, calls are still the way to go if you want real-time conversation.

That’s not an option for people who are hard of hearing or have speech difficulties. RTT or Real-time text solves this issue by allowing people to text in real-time. In this guide, Android Police explain the RTT feature, how to activate it on Android smartphones, and how to use it in different situations.

One benefit of RTT over text messaging is that it allows you to connect to businesses, government agencies, and emergency services. To connect to emergency services using RTT, all you do is dial 911 (in the USA) in RTT mode.

This feature makes emergency services accessible to people with hearing or speech disabilities and allows everyone to connect to emergency services without speaking. If you are in a situation where speaking out loud can be detrimental to your safety, use the RTT feature to connect to 911.

To connect to government agencies or businesses, you can use the Relay service. People who are hard of hearing or have speech impediments can connect to the relay service by dialling 711 (probably also USA). An operator picks up their call and connects them to the desired service.

See https://www.androidpolice.com/what-is-rtt-calling/
#Blog, #accessibility, #disability, #technology


Imagine living and working in thein the #USA

“Individuals receiving SSI benefits are limited to $2,000 in assets; for married couples, it’s $3,000, the senators explained… The Savings Penalty Elimination Act would raise those caps, which have not been changed since 1984, to $10,000 for individuals and $20,000 for married couples, and index them to inflation moving forward.” #ssi #disability


New Bipartisan Bill Raises Social Security SSI Savings Caps


here follows a paste of a couple comments on https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TTz1dRygjvk
about #humanrights #disability #authority #freedom #access #righttoaccess #eligibility #bueaucracy and things. ... basically one of #DigitsRants

"where are your papers?"
this is maladaptive.
bureaucratic hurdles are ableist exclusionary, and cause deaths. #fittowork #averybritishgenocide remember they culled the disabled poor. as franccesca martinez got said on question time "I don't know if this is widely reported, but..." (look it up).
I am still being denied access despite eligeability to paperwork to give the bureaucratic okay for me to live.

this is not what freedom looks like. this is what fascism and genocide look like. we can build systems that provision for all our diverse needs without bureaucratic nor panopticonic top-down systems of divisive approval.
always a better way.

... is stressful having to go about knowing you may have to say a healthy hearty "F*** OFF, FASCIST!", or bow down in complicity to deepening anti-democratic totalitarianising technarchy ever harder to reason with to restore our freedom from. especially when so many around are gleefully falling for the trick of having our freedom taken away and then apportioned back to us at the whim of the arch decider of whether we get to live or die. i bet it seems like a lovely thing when it's buying trust, allowing you what was yours all along.

sorry, there are positives to that too, i'm just bitter about all the genocide and genocidal centralised lockstepping authority such schemes remind me of. that i've surviived rounds of culling from already. there are better ways. there are always better ways.

i hate that i feel coerced under duress of the situation, to participate in this race to the bottom, and to get one of these cards too, for all my needs, rather than to just have access as needs arise.

i'd rather mend my ailments, than reaffirm the dire prognosis and then affirm it again with investment of time and effort (i can ill afford) in getting the bureacratic stamp of aproval, my papers to show the gestapo.


"F*** OFF, FASCIST!" on standby. because there are worse things than death, principles orth standing up for, even as all around succumb to groupthink and hypnosis from those deceivers who work in marketing or advertising (speaking from experience having been one, even tv advertising), uptonsinclairian complicit in the perverting our path from, as buckminster fuller said:“We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.”
― Buckminster Fuller

but yeah, good news, in that layer of the matrix onion, the matryoshka of plato's caves, to have that handy alleviation, that handy easy tool.... albeit marred by the larger contexts, of both how far we've to go to build our facilities for each and all yet, and how far we've drifted into a totalitarianising machine that strips us of freedom and disempowers us while deceiving us it's giving us freedom and empowering us, like a more elaborate version of someone shoving you near an edge then immediately pulling you back and saying "saved you". ... but you, oh shoving bureaucratic monstrosity, ae hat shoved me in the first place.

long way to build all our facilities adequate for each and all yet.

you do look well, healthy, well lit, in a good place, in this advert though. :)


What SARS-CoV-2 Does to the Body (2nd Edition, July 2023)

A long overdue to revisit our understanding of why it’s just so important to prevent infections from a deadly & disabling virus that has ended and upended the lives of millions around the world - in Europe alone, the WHO is saying that over 36 million are suffering from Long COVID disability, an umbrella term for numerous medical complications


#Covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver #healthcare #research #medical #virus #disability #neurological #LongCovid #children


iPhones will be able to speak in your voice with 15 minutes of training, assisting those who’ve lost the ability to speak, or who are blind or have low vision

iPhone with screen prompt asking user to read a phrase
According to Apple, users can create a Personal Voice by reading a set of text prompts aloud for a total of 15 minutes of audio on the iPhone or iPad. Since the feature integrates with Live Speech, users can then type what they want to say and have their Personal Voice read it to whomever they want to talk to. Apple says the feature uses “on-device machine learning to keep users’ information private and secure.”

There’s also a new detection mode in Magnifier to help users who are blind or have low vision, which is designed to help users interact with physical objects with numerous text labels. As an example, Apple says a user can aim their device’s camera at a label, such as a microwave keypad, which the iPhone or iPad will then read aloud as the user moves their finger across each number or setting on the appliance.

See https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/16/23725237/iphone-personal-voice-speak-training-accessibility
#Blog, #accessibility, #disability, #iphone, #technology


i get no time off from my two jobs, of A) saving the world, and B) being disabled.
i just had a vision of retorting to someone who'd dismissively berate me for my disability, like it's a holiday, by whacking them in their shins with my stick and hooking them up to electrodes... whereupon they'd likely beat me, to get me to stop. and i'd retort through bloodied face, "who do i beat to stop that happening to me?"

#disability #youdontknowwhatitslike #notimeoff #theworstbullshitjob #bullshitjobs

... at least trying to save the world is not bullshit. would be nice to get some time off though... like, here's an evening, here's a weekend, here's a couple weeks or months off, because the world does not need saving now. but nope... many people busy beavering away under orders at their bullshit jobs obeying the command to neglect under the false promise of externalities "someone else will mend that", cutting costs in the blinkered wealth extraction maximisation.


Être handicapée et se déplacer à vélo à Lyon : « j’ai gagné en autonomie »
*Being disabled and cycling in Lyon: "I have gained in autonomy "

Myriam est atteinte de sclérose en plaques. En situation de handicap, elle peut cependant se déplacer à vélo à Lyon. Les bénéfices de sa pratique sont nombreux, elle milite donc pour un accès au vélo pour les personnes handicapées qui le peuvent.
Myriam has multiple sclerosis. Although she is disabled, she can still get around Lyon by bike. The benefits of cycling are numerous, and she therefore campaigns for access to cycling for disabled people who can.

Myriam explique que peu de personnes handicapées ont pratiqué le vélo autant qu’elle dans leurs jeunes années. Ils osent donc peu passer le pas du tricycle : « On essaye d’appuyer pour qu’à la Métropole ils mettent en place un vélo école pour les personnes handicapées. La difficulté du tricycle est d’apprendre à en faire. Au début, il faudrait faire des entraînements dans un parc puis sur de petites sorties pour être à l’aise. »
Myriam explains that few disabled people have cycled as much as she did in their younger years. We are trying to get the Metropolitan Council to set up a bike school for disabled people. The difficulty with the tricycle is learning how to ride it. At the beginning, you have to train in a park and then on short outings to get comfortable.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

#vélo #bicycle #tricycle #disability #handicap #ms #sep #multiplesclerosis #scléroseenplaques #lyon



NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free, open source accessibility screen reader for Microsoft Windows

For blind people to use a computer, they need a screen reader which reads the text on the screen in a synthetic voice or with a braille display. But in many cases, screen reading software costs more than the computer itself. In the past, this has left computers inaccessible to millions of blind people around the world. This is a critical problem, because without computers, access to education and employment is severely limited, not to mention everyday functions such as online banking, shopping, and news.

NVDA has been translated by volunteers into more than 55 languages, and been used by people in more than 175 countries. It has also won multiple awards.

See https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/

#technology #screenreader #accessibility #disability #sightimpaired
#Blog, ##accessibility, ##blind, ##sightimpaired, ##technology


Pain Scale: Bees!

As I grow older and more decrepit, I encounter 'the pain scale' more and more. As with any subjective rating system (see especially: movie ratings), it is hard to accurately place one's pain in an objective frame.

Subjectively, I say that I am living at about a 7, peaking to 8's and 9's on really bad days - and for me this mostly accurate. Compared to the worst pain I have ever felt I am living at about 70% of that in my day to day life. But that is relative to my own experience of pain, not an objective measure, useful to others.

That is why I saved this image when I happened upon it. It seems, to me, a useful and more or less universally objective scale for experienced pain.

Now, instead of 7-9 on the subjective scale, I can now say that I live at Pain Scale: Bees! (6) with occasional forays into 'crying' (7) and 'I can't move'. (8) I now also know that the worst pain I have ever felt in my life was a 'mauled by bears' level event.

It also, somehow, helps to be able to characterize my pain in such a 'cartoonish' way - "Ah, I wonder if today will be a Bees? or a Bees! day?" It makes things just a little more amusing.

#pain #disability #humour


New DEAFinition App helps you communicate with deaf friends and family

A new South African app called DEAFinition, developed by mobile app specialists Codehesion, helps users to learn the basics of sign language to communicate with deaf friends and family.

DEAFinition is a non-profit company providing a range of services and funding opportunities to promote equal access for the deaf community.

The SASL DEAFinition App, available to Android and iPhone users, offers reference videos and material for the official sign language used by deaf people in South Africa.

See https://mybroadband.co.za/news/industrynews/430840-new-deafinition-app-helps-you-communicate-with-deaf-friends-and-family.html

#technology #mobile #deaf #hearing #disability
#Blog, ##deaf, ##disability, ##hearing, ##technology