

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlcWTHZ3pPA #economist #dannydorling points out the falling #lifeexpectancy (and rising #infantmortality )

"What happened before which I'm simply going to call Austerity, was far more devastating than the pandemic, and the pandemic was probably not quite as devastating, we have a record which is similar to other European countries, partly because so many elderly people died early before the pandemic occurred. so that's the context."

" #austerity " = #averybritishgenocide

#pandemic #uk #headstart #firsttheycame #context

falling since #2010, since the work capability assessment frauds, and the rest.

funny how we have paid with our lives, to pay for the crimes of bankers, and now we have bankers in parliament...

#poorest #inequality #stillgreat #greatbritain #hungryBritain #facethehorror #deregulatedbanking
#consider #wecanstillmendthis #itisgoodtoknow
#equality #socialsolidarity #socialstructure #organisecollectively

some other quote snippets:

"huge rise [in inequality] in the 80s, those who had most got more"
"and it plateaued"
"worst in europe and stayed there".

"imagine if we did that. imagine if we spent more on the quarter of children doing worst at school, what the result would be."

"enormous scope for how we can do things differently"


ps, #SaveOurNHS #RestoreOurNHS

No slides found. Sorry.

Video's blurb:

3,137 views Premiered on 4 Dec 2023 THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE
The UK had the highest life expectancy of the world's larger countries from 1950 to 1955. But every year from 2012 onwards, projections for life expectancy in the UK have been revised downwards by the ONS. What happened? The answer is austerity. Its impact was far deadlier than the COVID-19 pandemic.

Life expectancy at birth is a key measure of the health of any given population – and Britain's is getting worse.

Other high-income countries also experienced falls or stalls in life expectancy between 2014 and 2015. However, when trends for 18 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries were examined, researchers found that all countries except the US and UK recovered with “robust gains” in 2015-16. The United States is very poor company to be in when it comes to public health.

In a talk given at the Royal Society of Medicine in London during the colloquium ”Recent advances in medicine and surgery” on Thursday 30 November 2023, Professor Danny Dorling looks at what happened – and who paid the price.

This is an audio-only recording of Professor Dorling's talk.

Visit https://www.dannydorling.org/?p=8871 to read the British Medical Journal editorial that this talk draws on, "The end of great expectations?" by Lucinda Hiam and Danny Dorling.

#health #happiness #anxiety #politics #elections #economics #decenthomes #qualityoflife #purchasingpower #humanrights #debt #deregulation #alwaysabetterway

& his book recommendation at the end: gavin francis free for all https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313&_nkw=gavin+francis+free+for+all&_sacat=0


Brits, watch this.
#dannydorling #shatterednation
#inequality #geography #failingstate

"50 years ago [1973] Britain was the second most equal large country in western Europe.

Now it is the second most unequal country in the WHOLE of Europe,

with the highest foodbank use, the highest university fees, the least affordable housing, and a life expectancy falling since 2014"

" #austerity " [ps #averybritishgenocide ]

worth watching for the rest of the picture given, and the positive possibilities beyond the delusion.
#statistics #uk #equality #precarity #facethehorror #wecanstillmendthis


here follows a paste of a couple comments on https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TTz1dRygjvk
about #humanrights #disability #authority #freedom #access #righttoaccess #eligibility #bueaucracy and things. ... basically one of #DigitsRants

"where are your papers?"
this is maladaptive.
bureaucratic hurdles are ableist exclusionary, and cause deaths. #fittowork #averybritishgenocide remember they culled the disabled poor. as franccesca martinez got said on question time "I don't know if this is widely reported, but..." (look it up).
I am still being denied access despite eligeability to paperwork to give the bureaucratic okay for me to live.

this is not what freedom looks like. this is what fascism and genocide look like. we can build systems that provision for all our diverse needs without bureaucratic nor panopticonic top-down systems of divisive approval.
always a better way.

... is stressful having to go about knowing you may have to say a healthy hearty "F*** OFF, FASCIST!", or bow down in complicity to deepening anti-democratic totalitarianising technarchy ever harder to reason with to restore our freedom from. especially when so many around are gleefully falling for the trick of having our freedom taken away and then apportioned back to us at the whim of the arch decider of whether we get to live or die. i bet it seems like a lovely thing when it's buying trust, allowing you what was yours all along.

sorry, there are positives to that too, i'm just bitter about all the genocide and genocidal centralised lockstepping authority such schemes remind me of. that i've surviived rounds of culling from already. there are better ways. there are always better ways.

i hate that i feel coerced under duress of the situation, to participate in this race to the bottom, and to get one of these cards too, for all my needs, rather than to just have access as needs arise.

i'd rather mend my ailments, than reaffirm the dire prognosis and then affirm it again with investment of time and effort (i can ill afford) in getting the bureacratic stamp of aproval, my papers to show the gestapo.


"F*** OFF, FASCIST!" on standby. because there are worse things than death, principles orth standing up for, even as all around succumb to groupthink and hypnosis from those deceivers who work in marketing or advertising (speaking from experience having been one, even tv advertising), uptonsinclairian complicit in the perverting our path from, as buckminster fuller said:“We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.”
― Buckminster Fuller

but yeah, good news, in that layer of the matrix onion, the matryoshka of plato's caves, to have that handy alleviation, that handy easy tool.... albeit marred by the larger contexts, of both how far we've to go to build our facilities for each and all yet, and how far we've drifted into a totalitarianising machine that strips us of freedom and disempowers us while deceiving us it's giving us freedom and empowering us, like a more elaborate version of someone shoving you near an edge then immediately pulling you back and saying "saved you". ... but you, oh shoving bureaucratic monstrosity, ae hat shoved me in the first place.

long way to build all our facilities adequate for each and all yet.

you do look well, healthy, well lit, in a good place, in this advert though. :)



"We did essentially everything shouldn't have done, and none of the things we should have done. People should have been outside, we locked them inside. We took sick people and sent them to places they would infect other vulnerable people. We hooked them up to ventilators, when the ventilators didn't work we turned up the pressure. Right? We denied them drugs that are safe and do work. We gave them things, uh, medical treatments that don't work and cause harm. It's across the board. And I keep trying to call attention to the unlikeliness of you landing on every wrong answer. That's really improbable."

just like with #thatfuckinghouse I was enslaved to design, when at my worst health, really not fit for work, a house fit for my health needs, and then psychelogically tortured to design it (genuinely) ONE THOUSAND times over, triple time, no pay, with the promise of a house fit for my needs at the end of it, being asked questions about it, having my answers ignored, rejected, inverted, perverted, kept working at it for years, after tey told the architects to ignore my designs, kept me enslaved despite my screams of agony pleading that i needed to stop to look after my health, being insisted that it needed to get done, yet they never getting my designs to the architects, seemingly ensuring that every key design feature for my health was inverted, every the lure and promise that getting through it would end up wth a house fit for my needs in which i could heal... and yet.... as the list i'll paste at the bottom of this post may show... as bret weinstein similarly points out for "the pandemic", "did essentially everything shouldn't have done, and none of the things we should have done" & "the unlikeliness of you landing on ever wrong answer. That's really improbable". it's beyond astronomical improbability. you cant just fall on that by accident. that many things, so out of the way to be so wrong, so unusual, so especially the exact wrong thing...


"So I don't know whether that is a just a mater of we have a few morons who think upsidedown, and land on tthe wong answer all the time, and really all you gotta do to find out the right answer is do the opposite of whatever they say. That seems super unlikely, but, could be."

i tried that once, but they saw through that and did the wrong thing i said. their psychelogical torture prison was that absolute and inescapable.

#upsidedowntime #everywronganswer #invertedeverything #reallyimprobable #beyondastronomicalimprobability ... #lookslikegenocide #looksintentional #scamdemic #psychelogicaltorture #breachofdutyofcare #averybritishgenocide #filicide #worsethingsthandeath

here follows a paste of a file in which i have a version of the list of inversions, and a little more of the context (the preceding attempt to include me in a human cull of the disabled poor, and the interlinking similitude which had me satirically bitterly warningly point out "welcome to my world" to all succumbing to the scenario imposed upon them where the systems of care become systems of cruelty and culling, as i met them coming the other way, going into lockdown, just as i was starting, struggling, to get my still crippled terrified self out of the house, warning "DO NOT GO IN THERE, IT IS REALLY BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH" screaming to no avail to the oncoming startled terrorised masses stampeding obediently) ....

(... oh, and cherry on top of my survivor's guilt... i cant complain about it, because to appearances on the outside, while others were culled, i had a house built for me... and even to attempt to complain, takes such a lengthy explanation, the explanation attempt is itself a torment that re-traumatises me.)

While suffering from "A Very British Genocide" (the "austerity" based culling of the disabled poor through fraud, assault and destitution) and at my worst health, the people I thought were my parents, whom I was entirely dependent upon for the care they insisted on offering, announce they're selling the farm, and moving to a new house they're building, and say I'll be put in the little building already there, which would be converted to fit my needs. Then they said they were doing a pair of "1-for-1" building deals. So they insisted I was to design a house fit for my needs. Despite being in my worst health, and NOT FIT FOR WORK, I did this, since then I would have a house fit for my needs. But then they made up lie after lie about what could not be done, denying me information about criteria to make my designs fit, thus making me re-design and re-design over and over, across many contingency designs. Deeper and deeper into worsening health, they/she still insisted it needed to be done immediately. Even through my screams of agony, pointing out to them I was in severe pain, and needed to look after my health, they kept me in that room in poor working conditions. Years later, I learned when they told me they had already told the architects to ignore my designs. THEY TOLD THE ARCHITECTS TO IGNORE MY DESIGNS. But then kept me designing and re-designing and re-designing it, even through months of solid level 7 pain all over. Even after an ambulance got called for what seemed like a heart attack, but turned out to be severe shin-splints that had been hiding under my fibromyalgia, they still kept me re-designing and re-designing. I'm not sure they even saw 1% of my designs, yet still insisted I had to keep doing it. I'm not sure the architects even saw 0.1% of my designs. They had me design that house fit for my needs (no exaggeration) a thousand times. This is more artwork in the space of 3 years than I had done in my entire life, as one who says he's "artist since birth". They kept asking questions about what I wanted in the house, as if I were to get it, but in infuriatingly illogical ways, where there were only two options on offer, that bore no relation to what I was designing. And then they do the opposite of what I say anyway. The result: they built a house that INVERTED EVERY KEY DESIGN FEATURE. So instead of a house fit for my needs, it was a torture box. Instead of a house to heal me, it's a house that would harm me. Nowhere in that torture box would I be able to exist without multiple harms happening. They went out of their way to make it like this. It's not like they were just so humdrum that they wanted insist on something conventional. There are weird design peculiarities in what they built, like the bathroom with 2 doors on opposite ends, or the pointless hole in the floor. I kept meeting all their spurious criteria. I would show them examples of how what I was designing COULD be done, because it HAD BEEN DONE, even locally, and when they said "but not in hemp", I'd still find examples. Even one in Sweden, that was basically exactly like my design (even stairs up to roof continuing from my corner stairs, not needing the outter walkway). I estimated my utilitarian design would have cost far less than their oppulent squanderance, so it's not like they can even use reason of not affording my design. That it does not make sense, is such a huge part of the torture. I cannot fathom why they went out of their way to maximally invert everything about my design, and why they put me through that.

Let's see how many of their inversions I can list, and how many of their peculiar anti-design features crop up along the way.

  1. I insisted any stairs but spiral, since spiral is agonisingly harmful to my knees and psyche and spine. They built spiral stairs.
  2. Not only spiral stairs, but the worst kind of spiral stairs, in a square box.
  3. Not only the worst spiral stairs, but in the worst place, in the middle, rather than the corner.
  4. Not only all that, but instead of minimising vertigo-inducing scary sheer drops and looming heights, as mine would, in the corner, with storage distancers and walls (various across my many designs) to mitigate the 2 problem points, instead, iiiiinstead, there's NO ESCAPE from the drops, all around.
  5. Worse than that, the 1 part of the stairs that would naturally of course evade that problem, the last steps to that floor, were beset with the hole in the floor, glass walled.
  6. Yeah, they put a hole in the floor.
  7. They put glass around their stupid pointless hole in the floor.
  8. The windows were supposed to be contiguous. They broke up the windows.
  9. The windows were supposed to be knee to ceiling, they made them ankle to eye level.
  10. The feng shui / view flow, changed from in my designs being out and up, to in their torture box in and down.
  11. They blocked the part of the view they knew was important to me from my rants about how they ruined the windows in the house we'd lived in for 4 decades.
  12. They deprived my vagal nerve resets from views.
  13. Where there was supposed to be addaptive living space, they put the wrong stairs.
  14. Where there was supposed to be stairs, they put wasted space.
  15. The kitchen was supposed to be in the west, in the middle. They put it in the north east, splayed down to south east.
  16. The kitchen was supposed to be compact. They splayed it out.
  17. The dishwasher was supposed to be at worktop level. They put it half way down (so couldnt even squat for it, causing it to be in the worst back-breaking height).
  18. The put a door upstairs... for no apparent reason. o_O to hang myself from? (where there was supposed to be morning contiguous horizontal windows.
  19. Where there was supposed to be a purposeful double door on the north wall, in many of my designs, leading to the north wall walkway/balcony leading to outdoors stairs to roof, they put a window that opened to sheer drop to concrete.
  20. Their pointless scary north wall window so big it barely held on its stupid hinges... why do this?
  21. Where there was supposed to be windows in the south west, was wall.
  22. Where there was supposed to be privacy sparing kitchen and high window, there was another of those ankle to eye-level windows, inescapable.
  23. Where there was supposed to be the toilet, was a wasted corner space.
  24. Intersecting where there was supposed to be the north door (to balcony/roofstairs), and walking space and adaptive living space and storage, they put the upstairs toilet.
  25. Couldnt get to the toilet, or leave the toilet, without suffering the unnerving sheer drop to the spiral stairs.
  26. Not even between the toilet and stairs could I have used as a hide-hole to lay a bed in, as the privacy/dignity defeating ankle-height windows and skylights kept even that spot in view from multiple angles.
  27. Skylights. wtf. said no to that. but then...
  28. Angled ceiling. opposite of what i insisted upon, so i could ground and steady myself reasuringly by touching the ceiling.
  29. Vast high cavernousness from that angled ceiling, unbeknownst to me until being in it (yet still not sought, and reasonably argued against to no avail), causes vertigo and unease.
  30. No flat roof. Peaked roof.
  31. No garden space on roof.
  32. No dignity preserving eczema space for sunbathing on roof or anywhere else.
  33. No garden space in upstairs.
  34. No windowed corner stairs in south east.
  35. No cubby hole/storage space under the stairs.
  36. Stairs were supposed to be split square to minimise falls probability.
  37. Stairs were supposed to be split square to minimise falls distance.
  38. Stairs were supposed to be split square to minimise falls harms.
  39. Downstairs corridors were to be walled with storage. None of that.
  40. Front door was supposed to avail privacy. Instead they made a vast wall of windows.
  41. Front door wall of windows they made, they told could not be done, when I said I wanted that in 3 other places on the design (corner stairs, and north upstairs door).
  42. Downstairs floor is hard concrete. ~ UNSUITABLE TO EVEN STAND ON with my conditions (especially chronic shin splints, which would worsen on that surface, crippling me.)
  43. Distance to toilet from front door was minimised in my design. Their torture box hid access to the toilet either through the pointless room and bedroom, or through utility room.
  44. My design had the utility room be the entire coridor.
  45. My design had minimised the distance from bedroom (bed) to toilet (seat).
  46. My design had minimised the distance from driver door to toilet.
  47. Their torture box had maximised the distance, no matter which way around parked, from driver door to either door exiting garage. My design had these distances minimised, which, no reason they could not have had the doors positioned so, even on their mal-design.
  48. And then once out of the garage, either door, was more concrete
  49. And not only once out of the garage, either door, was more concrete, but also more distance over concrete to traverse than could have been.
  50. The downstairs bathroom (again, across concrete!), was vast.
  51. The downstairs bathroom (again, across concrete!), had doors on either side! so to lock the doors, had to injure organs and shins and psyche locking both, and unlocking both, every time. My design had minimised distances to accomodate my difficulties getting to the toilet in time... and wouldnt have done something stupid like make it have doors on opposite sides, nor worsen that by having it be so pointlessly space wasingly vast.
  52. Their torturebox's downstairs toilet had nowhere to steady oneself upon.
  53. The storage space downstairs in my design, gone, reduced to barely a 10th.
  54. The storage space and utilities downstairs, moved from practically placed in flow, to out of the way to cumulate shar-chi and molds and clutters.
  55. The south wall storage space (doubled as extra structural support) replaced by window doors, depriving privacy... no escape, as upstairs, could not get around in home, without being on display.
  56. The bedroom was to have a door on the east, to garden, so could be like a morning sun access. This was to be at the foot of the beds.
  57. Bedroom was supposed to be addaptive to accomodate pod-beds. Not possible in their maldesign.
  58. Bedroom got an unwanted window. Defying privacy.
  59. Bedroom got an unwanted window. Defying sleep-assisting darkness.
  60. Bedroom got an unwanted door on the middle west.
  61. Bedroom got an unwanted door on the middle west preventing corridor from east to west, doors beyond the foot of the bed(s) (beds which would have been secured in pods)).
  62. Bedroom's unwanted door on the middle west preventing secure sleeping where single door is at foot of bed.
  63. Bedroom's unwanted door on the middle west, went straight into bathroom (and not even viable to have bed near toilet, given the vastness and misalignments, so maximised distance, despite only 1 door separating the bathroom germs from bed, and not even at foot of bed, but closest proximity... worst possible.).
  64. Beds. Was quite insistent that my spine and circulation does better sleeping on the floor.
  65. Walls, not covered in storage or other functionalities.
  66. Walls, not a pleasant subdued soft warm colour, but glaring white.
  67. Lighting, on white walls, was at eye level, and super-bright non-adjustable led not really shaded, like intentionally trying to harm retina and make blind.
  68. Lighting autistic light-sensitive torture.
  69. Cable socket things in the floor, eliminating anywhere to escape electro-magnetic feilds.
  70. Cable socket things in floor added trip hazards.
  71. Raised lips on doors add trip hazards.
  72. Raised lips on doors unergonomically causing maladaptions for pelvis.
  73. Raised lips on doors unergonomically causing maladaptions for neck.
  74. Pointless room in south east, where could have been the stairs as designed.
  75. Pointless room in south east, has unnerving window where should have been storage.
  76. Pointless room in south east, has walls where should have been windows for morning sun and privacy preserving views.
  77. Supposed to have been a pit in the garage, to mend my struggling vehicle.
  78. Garage was designed to have storage/workspaces along the walls, which they replaced with white walls.
  79. Lighting in the garage was bright blue day light fluorescent. ow ow ow ouch. worst for health.
  80. Around the perimeter I had envisioned grass, or perhaps some kind of woodchip soft path... they made it all concrete.
  81. Around the perimeter I had envisioned flat ground, they made made it all concrete stepped and sloped.
  82. The inescapable concrete moat perimeter around the house, as well as having unnerving slopes along it, and steps off it, was bumpy enough to be like the raised lips on the doors.
  83. The inescapable concrete moat perimeter around the house, as well as having unnerving slopes along it, and steps off it, was bumpy enough to be like the raised lips on the doors. increasing risk of trips.
  84. The inescapable concrete moat perimeter around the house, as well as having unnerving slopes along it, and steps off it, was bumpy enough to be like the raised lips on the doors. increasing harms in event of trips.
  85. The inescapable concrete moat perimeter around the house, as well as having unnerving slopes along it, and steps off it, was bumpy enough to be like the raised lips on the doors. To no benefit against ice slippiness, maximising harmness.
  86. The accoustics, ~ I cant be sure of how would have been in mine, but i presume better with the storage walls, and double windows ~ in their torture box was scary, surprising given it was hemp.
  87. 5 sided rooms. I hate this. It drives me crazy. Regardless what axis upon. So another reason the entire living space made an inescapable torture.

and all this, they had put me through years of intensive redesigning while not fit for work, pushing me to keep doing it, with blackmail atop the predicament where i was dependent on them, despite their tortures, even through prolongued constant level 7 pain all over as a baseline for months, all the while professing to be offering to put me in a house fit for my needs, and insistening on their duty of care. They consulted me, to do the inverse. It's not like Sisiphus, where the rock would merely fall to the ground. The rock went under ground, and I was to suffer that for eternity. I came to envy Gregor Samsa. I know no dystopia that put its protagonist through horrors as severe as this level of psychelogical torture.

Except now perhaps reality... given the COVID scam that transpired immediately after, where systems professing to care, that you depend upon, continue to profess to care, but exact tortures to push you to death, and risk destitution atop the health scares... "welcome to my world" i'd sarcastically say, while also insisting people not go into lockdown, warning "it is NOT good for health", understatedly even with the emphatic manner of expression.

Now lets list the things that they got right:

  1. The garage window on the west. (though I would have had it be openable... as i recall it was not on their torturebox... but lets not quibble over that. lets keep something in this list as something that was right).
  2. It's Hemp. :/ I suppose I have to include this point too. But it seems mute, given the tortures in implementation (and the tortures put through for it ~ including the ultimatum of wrong house or wrong house in hemp).

Oh, and did i mention yet they imposed this on me with an unecessary ultimatum? they insisted it had to be the inverse design not in hemp, or even more the inverse design in hemp... which they wrote in their answer, a contortion of my answer, ommitting my explanation of how it didnt need to be an ultimatum, and how my design could be done, and how here i had an example by then of the house in Sweden that's basically identical, ommitting my complaints and reasonable rational arguments against what they were trying to impose, which had not changed other than to worsen and increase maximisation of inversion and maximisation of harm and maximisation of design-wrongness, unfathomnable, inexplicably, no matter how I asked for explanation from them... like they forced me to pick it, even though i was emphatically explicitly elaboratively explaining otherwise.

I tried and tried and tried and tried and tried to get them to explain why they did all this... but most of the time i got nonsensical misdirecting non-sequitor trollings as responses. The nearest I got to an answer why they did this "You're not easy to live with either." o_O Like a slip that it was intentionally vindictive? Suggesting it was intentional torture and attempted murder by forced suicide? That they are psychopaths, is as near as I have gotten to an answer why they did this. It would fit, as a cruelty they could exact on me, strategically, keeping up appearances.

It would have been less torture if they had tied me up for the duration, cutting me, and pouring vinegar into the cuts. Not exagerating.

Adds to the survivor guilt I have from the Fit-to-work scandal, where over 130,000 disabled poor were culled by the Conservative/LibDem coalition. Worse things than death. And neither death nor this torture at all either necessary nor in any way advantageous to anyone. The stupidity is staggering. Stultophobia triggering. How does such dangerous stupidity get to persist, and enact?

Oh, and did I mention, also... When in college, and a tutor scribbled over my artwork, that was the straw on the camel's back, that had me decide on killing myself. I only survived because in the interim of the opportunity arising, I was introduced to cannabis, and it gave me space to think. Genuinely, cannabis saved (and saves) my life. This just being the first way it helped me.

So imagine the burden that must be, to have gone through all that, when just 1 piece of art being scribbled on was enough to induce a conclusive suicide ideation decision (no cry-for-help stuff ~ it was /done/ as far as i was concerned).

Now add to this, the context that, in childhood, while suffering stresses of unexpected attacks in the dark from elder brother, worsening the auto-immune conditions and stress had from earliest memory (being covered head to toe in umgwentum merc for fairly severe eczema), that shared bedroom gets redecorated... and he gets to pick the decor. Then, a new space in the house gets availed to make into a bedroom, and he gets it, and gets to decorate it. Then again, a second bedroom space in the house gets availed in the completing construction/decorating, and, he again gets to move to it, and gets to be the one to design it too! 3 bedrooms, the sporty non-artist son gets to pick the decor for. All unnerving hostile to my autistic sensibilities, left in that first room for decades.

I never wanted to move back here. 1st time, health. 2nd time, money. 3rd time, law. 4th time, torture.

Why did they do that? I would still love to know.

It's not easy having ones life purpose poisoned in this way.

I still see the house I designed clear as I do this house I'm in. I dont know if this is something of my aptitudes, that other people dont have, but... it's there. It will be there for the rest of my life. Even without the tortures, it may have been there. The other two houses in my mind, since childhood, that I was not enslaved to design, may yet still be built. Once I get more healed from this trauma, and come into access of the resources to implement it, around my autistical quirks.

I would still love to know why they did that, and how/if what they did is okay, even if I were not autistic.

the case

high iq sensitivities:

designing for autism:

^ the swedish house, iirc.
(or just one that looks exactly like it.)

https://diaspora-fr.org/posts/7645882 https://diaspora-fr.org/camo/3c2936be104cb9798dfd99788b72724952fffd86/68747470733a2f2f6e657264706f6c2e63682f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f36633738616539303637396634646130316337312e6a7067 https://diaspora-fr.org/camo/056ecf4002f809337296c1277c4e0e447cb94195/68747470733a2f2f6e657264706f6c2e63682f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7363616c65645f66756c6c5f36633738616539303637396634646130316337312e6a7067

"reminds of my house plans. i mean my house plans, before they perverted and inverted every feature for health, making it a prison of tortures, torments, assaults and harms, in #thatfuckinghouse. maddening to have had that happened. i still hold out hope of one day finding a suitable location again for the house they enslaved me to design for years, triple time, through my worst health, denying me breaks or medical leave, through all over level 7 body pain for months, … because to have gone through all that… then they inverted it all, and tried imprison me in that torturebox… no… that house needs built. dont give me any “falacy of sunk costs” bullshit or ultimatums or defraudings or blackmails or any of the rest of that criminally insane shit they put me through, that house needs built. with a roof like that in this image. pretty much exactly like that even. though, i had versions for the stairs up in each corner (least fave, north east, then south west), and middle north, as well as versions without the stairs being indoors, so the roof remained flat, without a walled stair building jutting up into it."


#DDN 's piece highlighting #tonyblair & co's attrocities and how they do not care about you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YudeIkDaTRA
... + ...
#johncampbell 's bit pointing out the parliamentary evacuation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpGcEf2yCok prior to Andrew Bridgen's bit regarding number to treat/harm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvSHD_n3Lyg ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnFEnuAQmjQ&t=10s )
... = ...
... ______?

please propose answers in the comments.
(and if you propose this equals the tories are the good guys, i'll point out you were not paying attention to either who was ushering the clear-out, or who was in government when there was #averybritishgenocide )



i've not watched this.

i just got caught on this phrase in the intro, and set it on a loop

prevention and punishment of genocide.


prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide.


#genocide #averybritishgenocide #eugenics #softkill #scamdemic #operationlockstep #event201 #georgiaguidestones #genocidetreaty #warcrimes #massmurder #terror #undemocratic #sovereignty #bodilyautonomy #humanrights #neveragain #nuremberg #wewillnurembergagain

prevention and punishment of genocide.

prevention and punishment of genocide.



[### "when they changed me over from my lifetime award of DLA to PIP they awarded me a 3 year award and reduced my money by £30 per week, things are going to get worse as they have

another 12 billion of welfare cuts coming down the line,

I am only living on PIP as they had already denied me ESA,

how will I pay for my prescription medicine now, how will I pay for food, how will I pay for heating,

Teresa May danced on to the stage at Tory party conference to the Abba music dancing queen is she taking the p***,

we are now witnessing the disablecide of British disabled people by the Tory government,

Mahatma Gandhi said ” the worst kind of violence is poverty”](https://wowvoices.uk/5343-2/)

#disablecide #democide #goodquote #context
#nomoredeathsfrombenefitscuts #averybritishgenocide



the opening line:

Government cuts to social services could be killing large numbers of vulnerable people in England, a health journal has said, as new figures show 2015 saw the biggest increase in the national death rate for decades.

"could be"....


are you fucking kidding me!? it's been blatant for years. it's been an intentional savage cull of the sick & poor! this downplaying is a slap in the face to all those of us who've had to endure the work capability assessment assaults and frauds and impoverishments and attempted murder.

this is not the first time #rt have been complicit in the downplaying / #coverup of this, #averybritishgenocide, i recall an episode of #goingunderground where one of the guests tried to suggest there had only been 4 people who had had a little trouble with the system, and the host and other guest's efforts to correct that callous obnoxious flippant falsehood were far lacking of pointing out that tens of thousands have been killed, and immense unnecessary nation-harming millions more suffering.

wakey wakey #uk, there's mass murder happening here.

#austerity #genocide #democide #workcapabilityassessment #workfare #fittowork (there's even a band about it: https://fittowork.bandcamp.com/ )

can we at least put those responsible in prison? will we ever see justice for this genocide/democide? when there were 13 people dead and you could see their faces and names, i thought this would alert the public. when the number of dead rose past 3,000, i thought for sure people would start paying attention. when the number of dead rose past 10,000, i thought for sure people would start paying attention. when the number of dead rose past 80,000, i thought for sure people would start paying attention. when the number of dead rose past 120,000, i thought for sure people would start paying attention. wakey wakey people of great britain. at least when it was thatcher more people seemed aware what a monster they had in power. where's the satire and news to hold these monsters up infront of the public's eyes? wasnt the internet supposed to make us more aware of what's going on? are we at a million yet? if not, give it another year or two. will you pay attention then?

#separationisthepathtodestruction so look after your #community and all those in it. #revel #boldly in #compassion and #solidarity / #socialcohesion. your lives may depend on it.