

WATCH🚨- Senator Joe #Biden aggressively advocates for bombing 12-year-old Novak Djokovic.

Biden strongly supported bombing #Yugoslavia in #1999 without United Nations approval.

#Djokovic, who was 12 at the time, remembers how scary it was when Biden's bombs hit his home.

"My dad was carrying my brothers, and my mom was running with stuff, and I slipped, and I fell."

"As I turned around, I looked over the building, and I saw these stealth planes just flying and dropping things, and the ground was shaking."

"That's one of the most traumatic experiences and images in my childhood that stayed with me to this day."

In 1999, #NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 78 days without approval from the United Nations, dropping more than 28,000 bombs, including depleted uranium and cluster munitions, killing over 2000 civilians and displacing more than 250,000 people.

#NATO destroyed:
-25,000 residential buildings
-595 kilometers railroads
-470 kilometers roads
-44 bridges
-14 airports
-19 hospitals
-69 schools
-18 kindergartens
-176 cultural monuments

Senator Joe Biden criticized NATO for not being ruthless enough and suggested a harsher "Japanese German-style occupation."

If you look at every modern American war or conflict, from Yugoslavia to #Iraq, #Afghanistan, #Libya, #Syria, #Yemen, #Ukraine, or #Gaza, you'll find President Joe Biden's bloody fingerprints directly involved in increasing the bloodshed.

Supporting Joe Biden means supporting a never-ending cycle of war and a continuous flow of bloodshed.

#GenocideJoe #US-Israel


A Strange Hill to Die

At some point, even these reality-challenged sportswriters have got to find themselves thinking, “you know, maybe Novak Djokovic knew what he was doing when he gave up his chance at two Majors in order to avoid taking the vaxx.” The irony, of course, is that #Djokovic didn’t even metaphorically die, as he is now widely recognized as the greatest #tennis player of all time, whereas the journalist Dixon is now, quite literally, #dead.

I’ve followed sports my entire life, and I don’t ever recall seeing #coaches, #journalists, and #players #collapsing and #dying the way they have been since the #vaxx was pushed them.


Ludger Wess auf Twitter: "Wir werden gerade Zeugen des Komplettversagens des #Journalismus in Europa. Kein einziges Medium, nicht eines, macht sich die Mühe, dem Quantenresonanzgeschwurbel des angeblichen Biotech-Unternehmens von #Djokovic auf den Zahn zu fühlen." / Twitter

#estoerik Jop Hätte mich auch gewundert wenn das war ernsthaftes wäre.



🇦🇺"Die allgem. Reaktion auf #Djokovic​s Visaentzug: 'Niemand steht über dem Gesetz', vergisst, dass es jemand gibt, der über dem Gesetz steht: den Einwanderungsminister. Ein Diktator, der m. unserem Leben spielt."
@BehrouzBoochani, 6 Jahre auf Manus gefangen

via @HanybalHanybal



🇷🇸 Vom Algoritmus hervorgeholt: Aufnahmen vom Januar 2017 in Belgrad.

#Refugees (viele afghan. Minderjährige🇦🇫), -15°C, kein Zugang für NGOs, um Hilfe zu bringen.

So behandelt #Serbien, das für #Djokovic protestiert, Menschen auf #Balkanroute seit Monaten.

📷 @EleonoraCamilli

