

We've updated our TROM Videos too. Now Peertube has more cool features like the storyboard - you can hover with your mouse over the seekbar of a video and see thumbnails. Pretty nice!

We are currently generating the thumbnails for all of our videos (may take a while to finish), but any new video uploaded from now one will have this feature.

You can also add chapters to your videos and more. Awesome job @PeerTube !

From now on we will post a "must watch" documentary from VideoNeat on our Peertube's homepage - https://videos.trom.tf so make sure you check that out and subscribe to our VideoNeat channel - https://videos.trom.tf/c/videoneat/videos

This year we will try to focus on the content for our TROM Videos and bring new creators, plus create new videos ourselves too.

So please, if you can, help us here https://www.tromsite.com/donate/ - we only need 160 more people to donate 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever.

#tromlive #peertube #documentaries #documentary




it seems that documentaryonline is down ... watched some #documentaries there - from #Adam-Curtis #Adam_Curtis some theories about manipulation, ego, narcisism you name it ... at least argueable

looks like the next hot site for #documentaries-online is

just watching

and all are looking for #traumazone at he moment - a BBC documentary about #Russia #GUS in the eighties...

no idea where to find it - geoblocked as usual thanks to bigdata, msm, EU and so on...
(world-wide-net ... as we learned to know it these past 20 years)


It's odd, I have an #IQ three standard deviations above the mean, and I read books and watch #documentaries on subjects like #politics, #economics, and #history on an almost daily basis. My friends and family know all this, yet the moment I hold forth an opinion on these subjects I'm spoken to as if I'm a fool by anyone who doesn't see things exactly the same way. So much for #civildiscourse . I want to encourage everyone who happens to see this to follow #WheatonsLaw and be respectful of anyone making intelligent comments, or at least is clearly making a sincere effort to use #reason and/or #logic with respect to the issues of the day. These are rare things that we need to encourage.