



GhostBSD is a simple, elegant, and friendly #BSD operating system for desktops and laptops based on #FreeBSD. #GhostBSD is a slow-rolling release, while some GNU/Linux distros are on the bleeding edge side; we tried to offer a stable update and release cycle. The official desktop environment is #MATE. The system comes with a graphical application to install software and update your system. Most codecs to play multimedia files are pre-installed. The installer leverages #OpenZFS, makes it easy to install GhostBSD on ZFS with other OS on the same drive, and is suitable for newcomers to FreeBSD. With modest hardware requirements, GhostBSD is ideal for modern workstations and 64-bit single-board computer hardware.



I'm going to be spending some more time with the #BSD , #ReactOS , and #Haiku #operatingsystems - this week. They've always been seen as the underdogs compared to #Windows , #macOS , and #Linux - from what I can tell, which is sad.

In my opinion, BSD is the closest to "making it" as a daily driver operating system, for me, and maybe for quite a few people, I like the #GhostBSD distro the best, it's what I've been using the most so far.

I do very much value the goals of ReactOS, but I don't believe it's anywhere near "there" yet when it comes to its stability, featureset, and compatibility, but I do hope that one day it will get there, if it gains enough traction with developers and donations/funding.

Haiku is really promising with its recent developments, but still does need more work. It's quite stable, but I have had some issues with it, on some hardware. It has seen a lot of work recently, from what I can tell, and I do hope it goes places more in the future.

If I had to rank them from best most-stable daily-driver, down to worst-not-yet-viable, I'd have to say BSD wins, with Haiku second, and ReactOS last.

They're very good promising operating systems, and I don't see them talked about anywhere near as much as I wish I did, perhaps you should try them out in a #VM #virtualmachine ..? Would be an interesting way to spend an afternoon, if you're nerdy like me~


Looks like my days with Linux are numbered. Trying a FreeBSD variant, GhostBSD on my laptop. It has everything I want as default such as EVERYTHING WORKS, no annoying quirks, wifi works, touchscreen and touchpad delightfully works, XFCE desktop defaults are amazing, and it's fast and minimalist. No insane things like #systemd or a complicated boot, but the bliss of OpenRC. The defaults for the terminal are amazing and love the fonts. The person who did this takes a working desktop seriously. I couldn't have done a better job myself.

#FreeBSD #GhostBSD #XFCE #systemd #openRC #Linux