

Erik Bertram und Dominika Wylezalek begleiten ihre Leser durch die Welt der Astronomie. Ihr Buch ist informativ und unterhaltsam, manchmal aber nicht genau genug. Eine Rezension

Dieses unterhaltsame Buch über das All vermittelt aktuelles astronomisches Fachwissen, garniert mit coolen Sprüchen und witzigen Anekdoten. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Alles Zufall im All? von Erik Bertram und Dominika Wylezalek)#Universum #Astronomie #Kosmologie #Einstein #Urknall #Gott #Schöpfung #JWST #Weltall #Außerirdische #JamesWebb #Hawking #Antimaterie #Galaxie #habitableZone #Exoplaneten #Glück #Zufall #Zufälle #Philosophie #Physik
»Alles Zufall im All?«: Universum und Pizza, Raumzeit und Donuts


Did The #Universe Have A Beginning?

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2021/07/06/did-the-universe-have-a-beginning/

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If inflation did arise from a pre-existing state, then what was that state like? Using the rules of quantum field theory that we presently understand, it could have arisen from a non-inflationary spacetime with a condition very much like a Bunch-Davies vacuum, and then gave rise to the inflationary state that set up the hot Big Bang.

#science #bigbang #theory #news #multivers #blsckhole #hawking


As a mathematician, I always feel alienated, because of how little people know about maths, and because every non mathematician just scares when you start explaining something, even the easiest thing. “Oh, please, stop. Anyway I won’t get a thing”. This is the regular reaction of people.
Most people don’t know what #math is. But the worst part is, that they not only don’t know, they don’t want to know. Math scares them. Even physics doesn’t scare them as much, as math. Maybe because there is something that can be shown. (And also due to the great books of Stephan #Hawking and Carl #Sagan) But when it comes to Mathematics, everything becomes more complicated, because you can’t show it. It’s too abstract. And, it even doesn’t really exist. :)
So, I don’t have to say how much I appreciate when I see a popular #book about #maths. For me, as a reader, Edward #Frenkel's book “Love and Math” was a great read. (especially the beginning of the book, last chapter or two were bullshit…ehm, sorry). He showed how much Math mattered. He showed that it’s not a tool for #physics, but it can be the one which directs it.
Today I wanted to write about other book, a comic book about #logic “Logicomix”. When I started writing this post, I realized that what I want to say and how I feel about this book, is not quite about the book. This book. It’s more about my view of math, and how it should be represented to non mathematicians. And my concerns about this book are not relevant. They have done what they thought was important, telling all these stories about #Russell and war, and not paying that much attention to #Gödel, #Turing and Von Neumann. (Actually there was too little math in it. But I was very impressed when they wrote about #Frege (without explaining his system, without pointing out differences between Frege’s and #Aristotle's systems)).

Now I’m considering writing small blog posts on math for non mathematicians :)


Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel

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Professor Stephen Hawking is backing the academic boycott of Israel by pulling out of a conference hosted by Israeli president Shimon Peres in Jerusalem as a protest at Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

Hawking, 71, the world-renowned theoretical physicist and Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, had accepted an invitation to headline the fifth annual president's conference, Facing Tomorrow, in June, which features major international personalities, attracts thousands of participants and this year will celebrate Peres's 90th birthday.

Hawking is in very poor health, but last week he wrote a brief letter to the Israeli president to say he had changed his mind. He has not announced his decision publicly, but a statement published by the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine with Hawking's approval described it as "his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of #Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there".

#hawking #academic #boycott #israel