

All you need to know about wget to download large files

How to download files on Linux without a web browser:

wget -c https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04.3/ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso

If you're downloading via a file (as we did above) and it gets interrupted, you could continue it like so:

wget -c -i downloads


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How to download files on Linux without a web browser (and why you should)


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Genormt ist das Leben eben einfacher | DW | 14.10.2022

Ein Tee ist schnell gekocht. Aber nicht, wenn es nach ISO-Norm 3103 geht. Hier wird der Vorgang auf sechs Seiten detailverliebt erklärt. Diese und andere ISO- und DIN-Normen lesen Sie hier - zum heutigen Weltnormentag.#Normenm #Weltnromentag #DIIN #ISO
Genormt ist das Leben eben einfacher | DW | 14.10.2022


International Organization for Standardization website down • The Register

ISO.org outage hits day 3: Still in the dark as the important matter of bunk bed standards enters discussion
Time to get out ISO 22300:2021, Security and resilience – Vocabulary





Tech spec experts seek allies to tear down ISO standards paywall because it inhibits education and innovation

Many of the almost 24,000 technical standards maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO) are subject to copyright restrictions and are not freely available.

Two weeks ago, Jon Sneyers, senior image researcher at Cloudinary and co-chair of the JPEG XL (ISO/IEC 18181) adhoc group, invited fellow technical experts to collaborate on an open letter urging the ISO to set its standards free.

In an email to The Register, Sneyers explained that paywalled, copyrighted standards inhibit education and innovation.

These are standards that also reduce the cost of doing business, and which allow for various systems to interconnect with each other, for safety, and much more. It is actually crazy that they are not freely available for use. Even various ISO standards for free and open software protocols are hidden behind this paywall.

See Tech spec experts seek allies to tear down ISO standards paywall

#technology #ISO #openstandards #paywall #standards


Open letter drafted against what's seen as unjustified profiteering



Open standard but not open access: Schematron (a popular XML standard) author complains about ISO paywall

Schematron is a language for validating XML, designed for processing XML documents and reporting on errors. Version 1.0 was developed in 1999, since when it has been enhanced and standardised, with the latest version being ISO/IEC 19757-3:2020. This replaced the 2016 version: ISO/IEC 19757-3:2016.
Last month Jelliffe, who is no longer directly involved in editing the standard, posted to "note with extreme displeasure that ISO/IEC has recently reneged on its policy of making available free PDFs for standards that were brought into ISO from the outside: they want you to buy it.

"In the case of the 2020 edition, which is some corrections and additional annexes only to the freely available 2016 edition, it is ridiculous bastardry on ISO's part."

Jelliffe said that "the core library technologies are almost entirely implemented or maintained by private individuals as open source projects (such as David Maus' SchXslt): these small or not-for-profit developers should not have to abruptly fork out $175 for the 2020 edition, which differs only in a few pages from the freely available 2016 edition."

My comment is I'd really hope that open standards that we want universally adopted, should be freely available, at least to open source developers whose projects are usually not commercial by nature.

See Open standard but not open access: Schematron author complains about ISO paywall

#technology #openstandards #ISO #paywall


'This is shooting Schematron in the heart ... its heart is individual open source developers'
