

First look: #Windows 11 is getting native #macOS or #Linux - like #Sudo command

source: https://www.windowslatest.com/2024/02/01/first-look-windows-11-is-getting-native-macos-or-linux-like-sudo-command/

You might be familiar with “Sudo” if you’ve used Linux-based Distro or Linux on a server or have a macOS. The Sudo command in Linux or macOS allows modifying system files, changing system settings, system-wide updates and more. The same command is now heading to Windows 11.

#microsoft #administration #update #news #software #os


The end of #Windows 10 support could turn 240 million PCs into e-waste

source: https://www.canalys.com/insights/end-of-windows-10-support-could-turn-240-million-pcs-into-e-waste

Canalys estimates that in the nearly two-year period until #Microsoft’s official end-of-support date for Windows 10 – 14 October 2025 – roughly a fifth of devices will become e-waste due to incompatibility with the Windows 11 OS. This equates to 240 million PCs. If these were all folded laptops, stacked one on top of another, they would make a pile 600km taller than the moon.

#pc #laptop #computer #update #upgrade #problem #waste #pollution #news #environment #software #OS


Lettre ouverte de la #FSFE (Free Software Foundation Europe)
Le droit universel d’installer n’importe quel #logiciel sur n’importe quel appareil

Que les utilisateurs aient le droit de choisir librement :
-- les systèmes d’exploitation et les logiciels tournant sur leurs appareils
-- les fournisseurs de services auxquels connecter leurs appareils

Si vous ne pouvez pas installer les #logiciels que vous voulez sur votre propre appareil, vous n’êtes pas réellement son propriétaire.