

#Truthstream #Media | Overlooked: Lost in #TheShining #Hotel | Ep: 1 - The #Environment | Dec. 6, 2022

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=wkE8_Kx97oU

This is the first episode of our new series "Overlooked," a deep dive into Stephen King/Stanley #Kubrick's "The #Shining". We have five episodes (but there may possibly be a sixth, an epilogue). The series starts with the foundation of "The Environment".

Words often get taken for granted, but they have gravity, and definitions are important. "Environment" according to the 1897 Webster's Dictionary is defined as, "That which environs or surrounds; surrounding conditions, influences, or forces, by which living forms are influenced and modified in their growth and development." -#TruthstreamMedia .com

"It is no friendly environment, this of thine." — Carlyle


Kubrick hired Alex North to compose a soundtrack for his iconic film 2001, but he never used it. Alex North got to know about that only when he saw a pre-premiere of the film and was of course disappointed.

So yeah, instead of Also Sprach Zarathustra and An Der Schönen Blauen Donau there existed another totally different soundtrack to the film 2001. And here it is ...



Judge for yourself.

#kubrick #scifi #2001 #soundtrack


Le #pouvoir de la #narration - #LisaAzuelos & #IdrissAberkane | #Teaser - #Scanderia

Découvrez la première #masterclass de la #réalisatrice Lisa #Azuelos (L.O.L, Dalida, Comme t’y es belle…) !
Accompagnée de l’ #écrivain Idriss #Aberkane, elle vous livre son #expérience de plus de 30 ans dans le #cinéma. « Le pouvoir de la Narration » vous dévoile leurs #techniques d’ #écriture, leurs #conseils pour susciter l’ #inspiration et surtout, les #clés d’une narration captivante.
#Kubrick, #Tarantino, #Zemeckis… Laissez-vous guider sur la voie des plus grands #réalisateurs, au gré des #analyses de Lisa et Idriss – qui décryptent pour vous leurs #méthodes à #succès. #Anecdotes, conseils et #études de cas vous permettront de mieux comprendre le #monde du cinéma et de vous lancer dans la réalisation de votre idée 💡
