

Les peuples autochtones coupaient des planches directement sur les arbres vivants sans les tuer.

Alors que la déforestation ravage la planète, il est temps de réapprendre à traiter les arbres avec respect.
En Amérique du Nord, les premières nations l’avaient bien compris, des centaines d’années auparavant. Sans pétrole, ni machines, elles ont développé des techniques extraordinaires pour prélever l’écorce et même des planches entières sur des arbres vivants sans les raser, ni les tuer.
La première nation Tla-o-qui-aht a réussi à protéger 100% de son territoire des ravages et convoitises de l’industrie du bois qui voulait raser les forêts millénaires de Wah-nah-jus-Hilth-hoo-is (Meares Island) à l’extrême sud-ouest de l’île de Vancouver.
En 1984, ce peuple a ainsi repoussé avec succès l’entreprise forestière canadienne MacMillan Bloedel, qui envisageait de couper des forêts anciennes, y compris des arbres estimés âgés de plus de 1 000 ans.
Il s’agissait du premier blocus majeur de l’exploitation forestière dans l’histoire du Canada et le début d’une série de blocages dans la baie Clayoquot connue sous le nom de «guerre dans les bois».

#environnement #forêts #arbres #peuples-premiers #techniques


Comment #Coca-Cola a conquis (et détruit) la #planète - #ArthurGenre


Coca-Cola est présent dans 200 pays, c'est l' #entreprise la plus connue au #monde grâce à des #techniques de #marketing révolutionnaires. L' #histoire de la #marque a été racontée de nombreuses fois, et pourtant, elle garde encore plein de #mystères, de #légendes, et de #secrets...

0:00 Introduction
2:16 La naissance de Coca-Cola
7:31 Comment rendre une #boisson banale extraordinaire
12:28 Une boisson #dangereuse ?
13:07 Quand #Coca est devenu un essentiel #américain
15:52 Coca-Cola a inventé le #PèreNoël ?
17:05 Coca à la #conquête du monde
17:56 : L’ #origine surprenante de #Fanta
18:29 : Coca-Cola pendant la Seconde #Guerre #Mondiale
20:44 Les 50s, l’âge d’or de Coca-Cola et de la #pub
24:01 Comment Coca reflète l’histoire des #USA
27:28 : Le côté #obscure de Coca-Cola
28:44 : L’ #influence #politique de Coca-Cola
30:03 : Les prémices de la #guerre avec #Pepsi
31:16 Coca et Pepsi au #cinéma
32:17 Le New Coke, la plus grosse erreur de Coca
36:53 Coca-Cola, maître du monde
39:50 Coca-Cola et la #santé
41:59 Coca et l’ #environnement
44:17 2L par jour : le pays accro au Coca
45:22 Conclusion



Mission To Mars et l'hallucinante B.O. d'Ennio #Morricone - #PianoJazzConcept


#Analyse de la #scène finale du #film Mission To Mars de #BrianDePalma (2000) dans laquelle #EnnioMorricone fait la #démonstration de son talent hors norme. Une séquence hallucinante qui, bien avant l’avènement disproportionné du #sound #design, combine sans complexe #musique de S.F. et #techniques d’écriture #classique.
Apprendre les bases de l'harmonisation : https://www.pianojazzconcept.com/cate...


Chapitres :

00:00 Intro
04:23 #Séquence complète
09:13 Ouverture
10:07 Concerto en Sol
11:55 Thème principal
15:34 Le Tombeau de Couperin
26:15 Someday My Prince Will Come
31:14 Explosion
34:52 Arrivée de l' #Alien
35:58 Montée et #thème secondaire
40:25 #Émotions
42:00 #Mélodie et #sounddesign
46:20 #Esthétique chez #Kant
47:48 #GeorgesRussell
49:05 Outro

#Piano #Jazz #Concept


#Politique de #décarbonation : La grande #arnaque #écologique ? - #PublicationsAgora


📺 Pour #télécharger le dernier #rapport de #PhilippeBéchade et #IdrissAberkane, cliquez ici : https://bit.ly/3EkDQC5

ℹ️ Qui sommes-nous ? ————————————— Créées en 1997, les #Publications #Agora #France sont l’une des #sociétés d’ #AGORA, le plus large #réseau d’ #entreprises #indépendantes de #presse #spécialisée au monde. Présentes sur les cinq #continents, les entreprises d’AGORA véhiculent la même vision et #philosophie : célébrer la vertu de penser par soi-même et de prendre ses propres responsabilités dans sa vie, que ce soit en matière de #finances #personnelles, de #santé ou de #réussite.

Nous ne dépendons pas d’ #annonceurs #publicitaires, de #banques ou d’ #organismes #financiers qui nous dictent notre ligne #éditoriale, puisque nous nous finançons uniquement par la vente de nos abonnements : le seul à qui nous devons des comptes, c’est vous, notre lecteur !

“Quand tout le monde pense la même chose, c’est que personne ne pense” pourrait être notre devise : nous préférons faire un pas de côté par rapport au #consensus… et aller chercher les #vérités au-delà de la langue de bois et du “financièrement correct”.
► Clarté
Pas de #jargon, pas de #techniques incompréhensibles, pas de #théories fumeuses ou d’idées inapplicables. Tous nos #conseils, #analyses et #recommandations sont élaborés dans un langage claire et accessible, pour que vous puissiez les mettre en application tout de suite.
► Profitabilité
Nous n’écartons aucun domaine, aucun secteur, aucune forme d’investissement dans nos recherches et nos analyses. C’est très simple : si cela peut vous rapporter de l’argent et vous aider à atteindre l’indépendance financière… nous vous en parlerons. 👍 Suivez-nous !


► Twitter de La Bourse au Quotidien https://twitter.com/AgoraBAQ/

► Instagram : @publicationsagorafrance
📧 Soyez le 1er à recevoir les actus et analyses de nos experts bourse et marchés actions

► La Bourse au Quotidien http://labourseauquotidien.fr
► La Chronique Agora http://la-chronique-agora.com



Une #souris #optique plus puissante que les #ordinateurs des années 80 - #DeusExSilicium


On vit une époque étonnante dans laquelle il existe une souris optique dont la puissance de traitement dépasse celle des PC des années 80 ou de l'ordinateur de la NASA qui a permis à Apollo 11 de se poser sur la lune. Voici la vidéo qui analyse et décortique intégralement cette souris Logitech G502 Lightspeed.
Au sommaire :

00:00 Préambule
00:57 Introduction et présentation de la souris #Logitech #G502 #Lightspeed
03:32 Explications #techniques sur une souris #vintage
06:32 #Ouverture et #démontage de la G502
07:04 #Analyse des #composants
09:27 #Mesures avec #analyseur de #spectre et #oscilloscope
10:48 Explication du principe de #fonctionnement d'une souris optique
12:26 Analyse détaillée du #System-on-Chip
15:46 Analyse détaillée du capteur optique 16000 dpi
18:10 Décorticage et analyse de l' #émetteur-récepteur #USB
19:45 Conclusion

Lien vers la #vidéoCapsule #01 : Pourquoi voit-on des couleurs à la surface d'une puce de silicium ?


#Plagiat ou #influence ? - #PianoJazzConcept


Emprunt caractérisé, influence stylistique, le #monde #musical est régulièrement secoué par des #affaires de plagiat. Mais qu’en est-il vraiment ? Deux #experts de la #Sacem nous aident à y voir plus clair.

Chapitres :

00:00 Intro
03:48 Plagiat
04:28 #Méthode de #travail
08:26 Les éléments #techniques
11:41 #Copies comparatives
15:19 #Outils #créatifs et contexte
19:38 #Parasitisme
24:09 #PharrellWilliams vs. #MarvinGaye
30:07 #JohnWilliams vs. #ErichKorngold
40:06 #JohnBarry vs. #MontyNorman
43:05 Champion's League vs. Haendel
46:43 #EricCarmen vs. #Rachmaninov
47:56 #Intelligence #artificielle
48:57 Outro

#musique #music #blurredlines #gottogiveitup #jamesbondtheme #starwarstheme #championsleaguetheme #allbymyself #IA


#MBH et Brice AGR*SSÉS en plein tournage ! (ET ÇA TOURNE MAL) - #Karaté #Bushido #Officiel


#MehdiBenHassen, également connu sous le pseudonyme de MBH, est une figure de renom dans le monde des #arts #martiaux. Ceinture noire de #KungFu #WingChun et disciple de #sifu #DidierBeddar, il est un compétiteur aguerri en #Sambo #Combat et un pratiquant chevronné de #MMA.

Ainsi, lorsque nous avons cherché un expert pour nous accompagner lors de nos tests de #self-défense, MBH s'est rapidement imposé comme une évidence. D'autant plus qu'il nous a proposé de réaliser la #vidéo dans son #quartier de #PorteDeLaChapelle, où il réside depuis plus de trois décennies.

Avec sa #maîtrise des #techniques de combat et sa connaissance du terrain, MBH s'est avéré être un guide précieux pour notre équipe. Sa présence a permis de garantir un maximum de #sécurité lors des #exercices, tout en nous offrant une #expérience de #tournage inoubliable dans le quartier le moins #fréquentable de la #capitale.

#ArtsMartiaux #Paris #France #karatebushido #mbh #seldefense #martialarts #wingchunmaster #kungfu #artsmartiaux #selfdefense #KungFu #WingChun #SamboCombat #MMA #expertselfdefense #testderue #Paris #PortedelaChapelle #DidierBeddar #MBH #ceinturenoire #sécurité #défensepersonnelle #vidéoselfdefense #combat #techniquesdecombat #training #entraînement #détermination #motivation


La #vie au #temps des #châteaux forts - #MoyenÂge - Légende - #Documentaire #histoire

Le Moyen Âge est l'âge d'or des #ChâteauxForts. À travers l'histoire de Guillaume, seigneur fictif de Castelnac, et des villageois de sa seigneurie, ce documentaire, conçu à la fois pour les enfants et leurs parents, raconte étape par étape la #construction de ces #forteresses, puis décrit la vie quotidienne à l'ombre de leurs murs. Sont tour à tour abordés les #métiers de la #construction, les #techniques de #combat, les #arts de la table, l' #organisation #seigneuriale, la #médecine et l' #hygiène, la #nourriture, l' #éducation, autant d'éléments importants de la vie quotidienne de l'époque. En plus des reconstitutions sur de véritables sites #médiévaux, des #historiens apportent leur éclairage.





François #JARRIGE est #historien, #maître de #conférences en #histoire #contemporaine à l' #université de #Bourgogne. Il est entre autres l' #auteur de " #Technocritiques : Du #refus des #machines à la #contestation des #technosciences". Il #travaille sur histoire des #sociétés #industrielles et #interroge les #conflits, #débats et #controverses qui accompagnent les changements #techniques et l’ #industrialisation de l’ #Occident.

Dans cette #interview par #OlivierBerruyer pour #Élucid, François Jarrige revient sur la #notion de #progrès, omniprésente dans les #discours #politiques et #médiatiques. Contrairement à ce qu'affirme l' #adage, on peut arrêter le progrès ! Ou tout du moins le #questionner, et #observer que la course incessante aux #nouvelles #technologies, loin d'apporter plus de #confort à l' #humanité, tend à #détruire nos #liens #sociaux, et notre #environnement. Il serait donc temps de cesser de #disqualifier ceux qui élèvent des #contestations contre cette #idéologie, et de #réfléchir à #bâtir un #monde réellement conforme aux #besoins du plus grand nombre.

👉 L' #article d' #AnthonyGalluzzo sur le #Mythe de l' #entrepreneur : https://elucid.media/democratie/mythe-entrepreneur-legitime-capitalisme-elite-anthony-galluzzo/


Le #pouvoir de la #narration - #LisaAzuelos & #IdrissAberkane | #Teaser - #Scanderia

Découvrez la première #masterclass de la #réalisatrice Lisa #Azuelos (L.O.L, Dalida, Comme t’y es belle…) !
Accompagnée de l’ #écrivain Idriss #Aberkane, elle vous livre son #expérience de plus de 30 ans dans le #cinéma. « Le pouvoir de la Narration » vous dévoile leurs #techniques d’ #écriture, leurs #conseils pour susciter l’ #inspiration et surtout, les #clés d’une narration captivante.
#Kubrick, #Tarantino, #Zemeckis… Laissez-vous guider sur la voie des plus grands #réalisateurs, au gré des #analyses de Lisa et Idriss – qui décryptent pour vous leurs #méthodes à #succès. #Anecdotes, conseils et #études de cas vous permettront de mieux comprendre le #monde du cinéma et de vous lancer dans la réalisation de votre idée 💡



#Guédelon II, une #aventure #médiévale | #ARTE

En #Bourgogne, depuis plus de vingt ans, des #archéologues et des #artisans bâtissent le #châteaufort de Guédelon selon les #techniques et les #matériaux du #MoyenÂge. Ce #documentaire propose une #nouvelle #exploration de cet #incroyable #chantier et en dévoile des phases inédites.

Plus grand site d’ #archéologie #expérimentale au #monde, le chantier du #château #médiéval de Guédelon, en Bourgogne, qui s’effectue avec des #outils, des #matériaux et des techniques du XIIIe siècle, poursuit une #expérience unique #entreprise il y a plus de deux décennies. Au fil des saisons, il aura offert aux "œuvriers", comme se nomment eux-mêmes les #artisans qui y officient avec l'aide des archéologues, de s’approprier les savoir-faire des #bâtisseurs du Moyen Âge. Un public nombreux – 300 000 visiteurs en 2017 – vient admirer sur le chantier la virtuosité de ces #tailleurs de #pierre, #charpentiers ou #forgerons capables de transformer le grès de cette ancienne #carrière et le #bois de #chênes d’une #forêt voisine pour élever un imposant #ouvrage #fortifié. Aventure #humaine grandeur #nature, la construction rassemble une quarantaine d’artisans, épaulés par des centaines de #bénévoles, et par un comité #scientifique constitué d’archéologues et d’ #historiens.

Grands #défis

En 2015, Guédelon : renaissance d’un château médiéval, déjà coproduit par ARTE et l’Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives), offrait une première immersion au cœur du site. Le temps d’une saison, cette nouvelle exploration dévoile des phases inédites du chantier et présente une vue d’ensemble du bâti sorti de terre grâce à de spectaculaires images aériennes.




▶ Jean-Baptiste FRESSOZ est #historien des #sciences, des #techniques et de l' #environnement, ainsi que #chercheur au #CNRS. Il s'intéresse particulièrement à la question de la #transition énergétique, qui selon lui est largement mystifiée, et empêche de comprendre le bourbier dans lequel nous sommes plongés avec la crise #environnementale.

En cette semaine de juin, la #France souffre d'une #canicule hors du commun, et très précoce. Dans le même temps, le dernier #rapport du #GIEC nous #alerte sérieusement sur la #catastrophe à venir. Plus que jamais nous ressentons la menace d'un #effondrement imminent de ce #système fondé sur la #croissance et l’ #abondance. Peut-on encore s'en sortir?

C'est ce que l'on va voir, dans cet entretien par #OlivierBerruyer pour #Élucid.



Photographing in Black and White: Seeing Beyond Color


By removing color, we change how the viewer’s eyes see the photograph. No longer dependent upon color cues, we must find our visual information in the physical characteristics of shape, form, texture, and lines.

In my presentations, I often ask why, if color photography were so wonderful, black and white was invented first. It is, of course, a joke. A little friendly rivalry. The truth is that I love color photographs. They can be meaningful and inspirational. I have the utmost respect for those who do it well. But I was never one of them.

I am not alone. There are many photographers who, like me, photograph almost exclusively in black and white. We are in the minority, however. There are even more who photograph in black and white part-time. We have each chosen to create and present some or all of our work this way, and we do so for our own reasons. Some are rebelling against the popularity of color photography and others have a love for what are considered traditional landscapes. But many, like me, simply don’t have a meaningful creative response to color.

In order to understand what black and white photography has to offer, we need to get some perspective. When we look at a color photograph, the first thing we mentally process is that the scene is depicted in color. Only after that do we begin to study the physical characteristics of the objects in the frame such as shapes, forms, textures, and lines.

These attributes, along with color, help define the look and feel of everything in front of our camera. When we remove the layer of color, either in the field or during processing, what remains are the four descriptive physical attributes. It is in the study and presentation of these – shape, form, texture, and line – in which black and white photography excels. I refer to it not as working without color but seeing beyond it.

So, how can we recognize and make use of these characteristics to improve our black and white photographs?


In art terminology, a form is simply an object that appears three-dimensional. Forms show a range of tones and represent their subject matter. A tree looks like a tree, a rock like a rock, and a platypus like a… well.. like a duck mixed with a beaver, but you get the point. They look what they are and what we expect them to be. Forms are what we most often see when we are looking at traditional landscape photographs.

The boulders, branches, and mountains in this scene all show three-dimensional characteristics; thus, would be considered artistic forms. | 24mm, f/8 @ 30 seconds, ISO100

Forms are easily recognized so people have little trouble in understanding what they are looking at. That accessibility brings the viewer into the scene, evoking feelings of inclusion, appreciation, and comfort.

Forms can be categorized as either geometric or organic. Geometric forms have regular, precise, structured outlines and often appear, even if natural, as being manmade. They include buildings, roads, telephone poles or automobiles. Naturally occurring objects such as crystals or basalt formations, with their straight edges and sharp angles, can also be considered geometric.

rganic forms such as a leaf, mountain range or meandering stream have irregular or wavy outlines and often appear to be from the natural world. As their outline is less mathematical than a geometric form, they have a softer, more relaxing presence in the photograph.


Shapes are similar to forms but appear as two-dimensional and have little interior detail. For example, if a sphere were considered a form, then a simple, white circle would be considered a shape.

As with forms, shapes can be categorized as either geometric or organic. Due their precise structure, geometric shapes can be quite abstract and powerful. Organic shapes, because their outlines are more free form and less formulaic, are often less abstract but can still be a powerful compositional element, especially if juxtaposed against their geometric kin.

The organic shapes of the blown snow contrast with the decidedly geometric shapes of the parking lot lines. | 24mm, f/13 @ 1/60, ISO100

Of course, as with all things artistic, there is often no clear defining line between shapes and forms. Some elements, such as a smooth, dark tree trunk, might exhibit characteristics of both form and shape. The categorization, however, is not important. What is important is that we recognize the qualities of objects in our frame and what they add to or take away from our composition. Only then can we make smart and informed creative decisions while photographing and processing (printing).

Juxtaposing the accessibility of forms against the abstractness of shapes leads to unique and compelling compositions which will be sure to hold the viewer’s attention.

The uniformly spaced, rectangular windows against a dark background play against the haphazard brush marks on a bright white wall. | 45mm, f/8 @ 1/30, ISO100


When we think of lines, we often think of leading lines – roads, sunrays, fences, etc. – which orient us towards, and thus draw attention to, our main subject. But lines are much more. They are one of the most common elements in our compositions. Lines exist as individual objects which are often very strong and stark compositional elements, but also create the outlines and interiors of objects in our photograph and in this regard are often overlooked.

By getting a low angle, these wavy street lines become a strong focal point in an otherwise unremarkable scene. | 45mm, f/8 @ 1/60, ISO100 This old grain elevator is, due to heavy post-processing, reduced almost entirely to a study of lines. | 85mm, f/5.6 @ 1/125, ISO100

Lines can be as straight as an arrow or curved like a bow. They can wind lazily, be sharply angular or even form a circle. Their orientation is important. Lines which are parallel or level with the frame appear static and dull, but lines which are angled up at to the right often appear dynamic and energetic (at least in Western cultures whose text reads from left to right).

The distant trees form lines which direct the viewer’s eye to the foreground evergreen which, in turn, points the eye towards the dynamic line at the top of the frame. | 24mm, f/11 @ 1/45, ISO100


Although not a stand-alone element like form, shape or line, texture plays a critical role in defining the visual characteristics of an object’s surface. Smooth objects such a birch tree or a patch of white snow on a cloudy day will show little texture, whereas rougher surfaces such as the trunk of an oak tree or a bale of hay may show rich texture.

The rough texture of these hay bales integrates with the rough textures of both the foreground grasses and the background saplings. | 50mm, f/11 @ 1 second, ISO100

Textures can also be manipulated by technique. A body of water on a windy day, photographed with a fast shutter speed, will emphasize details of the water’s surface (texture). That same body of water, photographed with a shutter speed measured in many seconds, appears smooth and silky. Either is a valid creative decision.

Texture is necessary to help define a form’s structure, and to give it a three-dimensional look. Without texture, objects appear flat, metallic, plastic or even glassy. That is why the heavily edited, overly smoothed faces of social media influencers look so phony to our eyes.

The visual impact of texture is highly dependent upon lighting and post-processing. It is essential to defining form so it is not something we can ignore. As with everything else in our frame, we need to be aware of the way it affects our composition. Too much texture may well be distracting. Go easy on that structure slider in Lightroom; likewise, too little may look odd.

Each of these four elements plays a critical role in black and white photography and is what the medium does best. It is our responsibility, as creative photographers, to not only recognize their presence and power, but to compose these various elements into a cohesive and compelling photograph.

The foreground lines and shapes direct the viewer’s eye to the start of the soft-textured, distant hills. | 120mm, f/11 @ 1/250, ISO100

P.S. -- There are some scenes – no matter how compelling the shapes, forms, textures or lines – in which color is important and so defining that the image fails without it. In that case, no matter the skill or talent of the dedicated black and white photographer, the fight was over before it even began. So if we can’t beat the color photographers we will, at least in these cases, join them.

The garish and contrasting colors of this room are vital to the identity of this image. If we remove these colors, this image is destined to fail. | 24mm, f/8 @ 1/6, ISO100

**The article is courtesy ofELEMENTS Magazine. **ELEMENTS is the new monthly magazine dedicated to the finest landscape photography, insightful editorials, and fluid, clean design. Inside you will find exclusive and in-depth articles and imagery by the best landscape photographers in the world such as Freeman Patterson, Bruce Barnbaum, Rachael Talibart, Charles Cramer, Hans Strand, Erin Babnik, and Tony Hewitt, to name a few. Use the PETAPIXEL10 code for a 10% discount off the annual subscription.

_About the author: Chuck Kimmerle is a U.S.-based, fine art landscape photographer who prefers to work in the reticent and quiet areas located in between the popular, overcrowded, and over photographed, destinations of grand beauty. While his style is rooted within the foundations of traditional landscape photography, his observations and interactions are both contemporary and introspective.

If you feel a connection to Chuck's work, please consider supporting him by purchasing one of his exquisitely crafted prints, or by simply sending a note of appreciation. _

#editorial #educational #blackandwhite #chuckkimmerle #elements #elementsmagazine #fineart #fineartlandscapephotography #fineartphotography #landscapephotography #techniques


The Covidian Cult by C.J. Hopkins / October 13th, 2020

Source: https://dissidentvoice.org/2020/10/the-covidian-cult/

One of the hallmarks of #totalitarianism is mass conformity to a psychotic official #narrative.

Nazism and Stalinism are the classic examples, but the phenomenon is better observed in cults and other sub-cultural societal groups.

These narratives are invariably paranoid, portraying the cult as threatened or persecuted by an evil #enemy or antagonistic force which only unquestioning conformity to the cult’s #ideology can save its members from.

Moreover, cult leaders will often radically change these narratives for no apparent reason, forcing their cult members to abruptly forswear (and often even denounce as “heresy”) the beliefs they had previously been forced to profess, and behave as if they had never believed them, which causes their minds to further short circuit, until they eventually give up even trying to think rationally, and just mindlessly parrot whatever nonsensical gibberish the cult leader fills their heads with.

The cult leader isn’t trying to communicate. He is trying to disorient and control the listener’s mind.

If all this sounds familiar, good. Because the same #techniques that most cult leaders use to control the #minds of the members of their cults are used by #totalitarian systems to control the minds of entire #societies: Milieu Control, Loaded Language, Sacred #Science, Demand for Purity, and other standard mind-control techniques.

It is happening to most of our societies right now. An official narrative is being implemented. A totalitarian official narrative. A totally psychotic official narrative, no less delusional than that of the Nazis, or the Manson family, or any other cult.

This is what totalitarians and cult leaders count on, and exploit to implant their narratives in our minds, and why actual initiation rituals (as opposed to purely symbolic rituals) begin by attacking the subject’s mind with terror, pain, physical exhaustion, psychedelic drugs, or some other means of obliterating the subject’s perception of reality.

Nor can they perceive the delusional nature of the official “#Covid-19” narrative, no more than those in Nazi Germany were able to perceive how completely delusional their official “master race” narrative was.

Their initiation into the Covidian #Cult began in January, when the medical authorities and corporate #media turned on The Fear with projections of hundreds of millions of deaths and #fake photos of people dropping dead in the streets. The psychological conditioning has continued for months. The global masses have been subjected to a constant stream of #propaganda, manufactured #hysteria, wild speculation, conflicting directives, exaggerations, lies, and tawdry theatrical effects.

Facts do not matter to totalitarians and cult members. What matters is loyalty to the cult or the party.

What we are up against is not a misunderstanding or a rational argument over scientific facts. It is a fanatical ideological movement. A global totalitarian movement … the first of its kind in human history.

Instead of the #cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands within it.

I wish I could be more optimistic, and maybe offer some sort of plan of action, but the only historical parallel I can think of is how #Christianity “converted” the pagan world … which doesn’t really bode so well for us. While you’re sitting at home during the “second wave” lockdowns, you might want to brush up on that history.

Reposted from: https://diasp.org/posts/f9bf60e0f07d0138cc162a0000053625

#covid19 #pandemic #cult #society


#HassanFathy #Egyptian #Architect #Engineer #Professor #Artist #Musician #Visionary #Inventor #Arab #Pioneer #Architecture #Mud #Brick #Adobe #Nubian #African #Building #Techniques #Earth #Vernacular #Design #Traditional #Culture #History #Egypt #Our #World

Hassan Fathy (1900 – 1989) حسن فتحي

Hassan Fathy, born in Alexandria, was a cosmopolitan trilingual professor-engineer-architect, musician, dramatist, and inventor. One of Egypt's most renowned architects. Fathy was recognized with the Aga Khan Award for Architecture Chairman’s Award in 1980.

He designed nearly 160 separate projects, from modest country retreats to fully planned communities with police, fire, and medical services, markets, schools, theatres, and places for worship and recreation. These communities included many functional buildings such as laundry facilities, ovens, and wells.

He utilized ancient design methods and materials, as well as knowledge of the rural Egyptian economic situation with a wide knowledge of ancient architectural and town design techniques. He trained local inhabitants to make their own materials and build their own buildings.

Hassan Fathy developed his own ideas, inculcating traditional Arab styles like the malkhaf (wind catcher), the shukshaykha (lantern dome) and the mashrabeya (wooden lattice screens). He designed complete communities including utilities and services, country retreats, special projects, and homes.

Hassan Fathy had already worked for decades in his beloved Egypt before he designed and built for the homeless community of Gourna, Upper Egypt,: which attracted international acclaim.

The old Gourna village was situated near archeological Pharaonic sites on the western shore of Upper Egypt. The Department of Antiquities commissioned Hassan Fathy to meet the challenge of providing a home for a poor community of 7,000 people. His solution differed drastically, not requiring the machinations of the established building industry of concrete and steel. For New Gourna he utilized natural resources using mud-brick, a signature of adobe architecture, and features of Egyptian architecture such as enclosed courtyards and domed vaulted roofing. He worked with the local people to develop the new village, training them to make the materials to construct their own buildings with. In this way, he was able to provide an environment specific to the inhabitants’ needs and revive decorative techniques that were quickly disappearing with the expansion of the Global Village.

Hassan Fathy's General Principles as Guidelines:

  1. Belief in the primary of human values in architecture.

  2. Importance of a universal rather than a limited approach.

  3. Use of appropriate technology.

  4. Need for socially oriented, cooperative construction techniques.

  5. Essential role of tradition.

  6. Re-establishment of national cultural pride through the act of building.

"How do we go from the architect/constructor system to the architect-owner/builder system? One man cannot build a house, but ten men can build ten houses very easily, even a hundred houses. We need a system that allows the traditional way of cooperation to work in our society. We must subject technology and science to the economy of the poor and penniless. We must add the the aesthetic factor because the cheaper we build the more beauty we should add to respect man." -Hassan Fathy

One of the most outstanding Arab architects of our time, a great inspiration ~