


Quote Premiered on 7 Dec #2022
Author Robert Temple joins #JayWeidner for a far ranging discussion on the #Plasma #Universe and #how this new #science #confirms many #ancient #spiritual #beliefs. The show ends with Robert reminiscing about the two years he spent on the set of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

@12:15.....Robert ... "One of the things I like to stress is that science is finally catching up with Ancient #Wisdom..."

@15;30.....Jay....Are there powers that be that don't want people looking into this?
Robert .... "Certainly - because if we understand all this then we can't be controlled by all the psychopaths that rule the #world.."

@16:00...Robert... "The authoritarianism is growing daily - it doesn't matter if you're left wing or right wing - that's all beside the point - the fact is it's the control freaks versus the rest of us..."

@31:30... Jay... "The big wake up call is exactly this subject - because once you actually understand the spiritual landscape of plasma physics you realise that you are eternal - you're not going to die and therefore there's nothing to be afraid of ..."

@43:00... (regarding plasma physics)....Jay... I think it's at the basis of all the spiritual traditions - I think it's at the basis of alchemy, especially - I think it's at the basis of the previous civilization that was here before the cataclysm......."


The #Coming #Changes
(Streamed July 11 2023)

1 hour 34 minutes.

#JayWeidner is joined by an all-star panel to discuss where we are headed over the next 6 months.

(Warning - it is somewhat unpleasant so anyone needing to stay on a positive wavelength to deal with these changes should probably avoid this one. It is however a very interesting discussion among some fine minds on many topics - from upcoming food and medicine shortages, cosmic waves, magnetic fields collapsing, people losing their minds, inter-dimensional interference, an upcoming cosmic event, the CIA, MKUltra, psyops, Bluebeam and so on. )

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=WFvlkzOli8A


#JayWeidner: #Crimes Against #Architecture - The #Deliberate #Destruction of Our #Magical #Past

#Alchemy + Architecture. Mr #Weidner posits a major and nefarious #cover-up of our #history around 1000 AD. Homo Sap has been around considerably longer than the 2,500 years worth of documented #history we have, and that's all that we have. #How could that be?

Published 10th November 2022 (58:33) #Interview @ 5:00

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1XQqJzbuXes