From the favourite blog of mine:
The internet and the overmind
[...] how the Neanderthals died out. They had been around for at least half a million years before H. sapiens showed up. “Over just a few thousand years after modern humans moved into Europe, Neanderthal numbers dwindled to the point of extinction,” the Smithsonian Institute tells us. “All traces of Neanderthals disappeared by about 40,000 years ago.” It may be facile of me to talk about coffee shop decor coordination in the same breath as the extinction of Neanderthals, but the fact remains: there is a hard line between people who remember what it was like not to be plugged unceasingly into the Feed, to have their own lives, and those for whom there is the algorithm.
#LWON #SallyAdee #Internet #Civilisation #DavidBowie #ArthurCClarke