#LipaRadić died at only seventeen years old in her #fight against the #Nazis, but they could not break her heroic spirit.
Lipa Radić was only 15 years old when the Axis Powers invaded #Yugoslavia in 1941. However, this brave young woman joined Yugoslavia's #partisans in the fight against the Nazis - a #battle that ended with her execution at just 17 years old.
On February 8, 1943, Lipa #Radić was brought to the hastily erected gallows in full view of the public. Moments before her hanging, Radek was offered a pardon if she revealed the names of her party comrades.
She responded enthusiastically, 'I am not a traitor to my people. Those you ask about will reveal themselves when they have succeeded in eliminating all the wicked, even the last human, and thus she has been hanged.