#Hm... 3 of the 4 founding members of Diaspora are still with us, even their posts are older.
It is @Ilya Zhitomirskiy, @Raphael Sofaer and @Maxwell Salzberg... cannot find Daniel Grippi.
D* was launched November 2010. And on August 28, 2012 Daniel and Maxwell announced, Diaspora* Will Now Be A Comunity Project.
As a PS. they write,
We also want to give special thanks to a few people who recently, and over the past few years, have shown us what a special community we have. It is by no means complete:
Mr ZYX, sean tilley, David Morley, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, Joe Braun, David Morley, Hans Fase, Florian Staudacher, Movilla, Stephan Schulz, Sarah Mei, Tom Scott, kinky joe, denschub, justin thomas, Steven Hancock, Diasp, Jason Robinson
For those interested, there is a video Daniel Grippi and Raphael Sofaer - on - Diaspora: Federated social networking from Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Question: Is Diaspora's web presence still owned by FSSN? And, is FSSN the Free Space Secure Network?
More info at https://diasporafoundation.org/
#Diaspora #founders #IlyaZhitomirskiy #DanielGrippi #RaphaelSofaer #MaxwellSalzberg #social #network #archive-org
@ramil rodaje*<em> @Mulkurul @J R @Giacomo Bergami and oc all who #love D!