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00:01:32 Recalbox #RGB #JAMMA - https://swll.to/Lrotwc
00:04:10 30 ans #SamuraiShodown - https://swll.to/byCwA
00:05:00 La #disparition des #jeuxvidéo #classiques - https://swll.to/WBxgH
00:14:18 Arrêter de soufflez dans votre #Switch - https://swll.to/rEjEqr1
00:15:46 #Nintendo bloquerait le remake de #F-Zero - https://swll.to/4hhAF
00:17:02 Nouvelle #8BitDo #NEOGEO - https://swll.to/0gYsv
00:19:34 #YujiNaka condamné - https://swll.to/uYoIdD
00:20:27 #Nouveau #jeu de #PeterMolyneux - https://swll.to/0FLGl
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00:28:51 Banjo-Kazooie une franchise désirée - https://swll.to/nyI5uZ
00:30:19 Un Zapper #NES inhabituel - https://swll.to/YJfgaL
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00:32:54 Énorme #trésor de #documents Sega - https://swll.to/9CrEl
00:34:12 #Documentaire 'First-Person Shooter' - https://swll.to/TOg9nIY
00:36:35 La #techno qui a failli tuer l’ #industrie de l’ #arcade - https://swll.to/I8iFI
00:37:32 #Interview de Cyrille - Moulinex - Baron - https://swll.to/jUy2lZ
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00:45:27 #Homebrew #Games Summer #Showcase 2023 - https://swll.to/uSsrE


00:46:27 #Flashback 2 - https://swll.to/P4D3rk
00:50:37 Tevi Battle System - https://swll.to/Bmk7A3H
00:52:18 Garlic - https://swll.to/mkPwJ
00:54:05 Dying Breed - https://swll.to/ZAora0
00:57:00 River City : Rival Showdown - https://swll.to/C4SAd
00:59:18 Abathor - https://swll.to/wFoDdW
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01:10:10 Nouveau #BOING #Magazine - https://swll.to/YOSwuj
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01:20:20 Cease To Breathe - https://swll.to/ugrpra9
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01:25:33 The #Settlers: New Allies - https://swll.to/C1dzd
01:27:31 Gimmick! - https://swll.to/jwQp9I
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01:30:27 Fallen leaf - https://swll.to/aDavC6


01:32:46 At0mium lance un Duck Hunt inversé ! - https://swll.to/i7cBH
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01:42:26 Ninja Turtle sur #MasterSystem - https://swll.to/rJ4IPwm
01:44:28 Smash Bros. Mod 'Smash Remix' N64 - https://swll.to/shWbQUc
01:46:54 Super Mario / Celeste ROM Hack - https://swll.to/AHHWw
01:49:37 Nights Into Dreams en 60FPS - https://swll.to/wtxRT
01:51:31 Un bonus Doom sur N64 - https://swll.to/umk5JDZ
01:52:56 Super Mario Bros DX - https://swll.to/HJz7Le
01:54:56 Spyro 3 Hack sur #Playstation - https://swll.to/IC9ulo


01:57:07 La claque entre la NES et la Super NES - https://swll.to/et78d
01:59:30 Pi Terminal : un design pour le Pi 4 - https://swll.to/RYjqE8
02:02:14 La première Snake manette - https://swll.to/8btWXMS
02:03:13 Des #CRT découverts dans une grange - https://swll.to/blkcg5B
02:04:39 Une #GameBoy Advance devient switch - https://swll.to/LiYHe
02:06:07 Un mod Super #MarioBros. sur une NES - https://swll.to/5lsP9
02:08:03 Dark Souls x Tony Hawk Pro Skater - https://swll.to/WWOIA


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#retrocomputer #videogames


Red Dead Redemption 2’s ‘beautiful’ expansion introduces almost 50 new characters and more

Group of American Indians, some with bows drawn
Given that it’s been almost five full years since the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, you’d have thought that most people, having completed the game, would have already moved on to other single-player adventures. There’s only so much that you can do in one game, right?

Well, apparently not, because even if Rockstar Games isn’t going to add any more content, what’s stopping the fanbase from making new things themselves? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. One modder’s latest creation has added almost 50 unique characters to the game, and fans are stunned.

But the mod will only work for the desktop platform (not consoles), and only if you already have the game.

See https://www.gamingbible.com/news/red-dead-redemption-2-mod-introduces-more-characters-448881-20230425
#Blog, #gaming, #mods, #RDR2, #reddeadredemption2, #technology


How to use Shizuku for ADB rootless mods on any Android device

Today it’s mostly power users who still mod their devices, but that’s only because it requires full root access to make it happen. The Shizuku app changes that, and will hopefully bring some new and old modders back onto the scene.

Shizuku uses a unique service that allows third-party apps access to system-level Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). It achieves this through the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) interface. ADB commands are somewhat limited by nature; however, combining them with system APIs gives you a significant amount of control. You also don’t have to bother learning about the Android rooting process to start using Shizuku.

Just as with the wireless debugging feature, you must reactivate the Shizuku service each time you reboot your device (if your phone is not rooted). These two methods rely on the ADB interface, which only makes temporary changes to your device without root access. Since you don’t need to reboot that often these days, it likely won’t be an issue for most.

Yes only four apps are listed right now at https://shizuku.rikka.app/apps/ but it will likely grow if this becomes popular.

See https://www.androidpolice.com/how-to-use-shizuku-for-adb-rootless-mods-on-any-android-device/

#technology #android #mods #Shizuku #adb
#Blog, ##adb, ##android, ##modding, ##shizuku, ##technology


Valheim gets a new 1.1GB HD Texture Pack (Mod), overhauling most of its textures

Modder ‘Willybach’ released earlier this week a 1.1GB HD Texture Pack for Valheim that aims to improve most of its textures. This pack covers most Biomes so far and many Building and Crafting textures. Furthermore, and by using AI techniques, it tries to stay as close to the vanilla textures as possible.

As the modder noted, loading times are drastically reduced, as well as performance. Additionally, this pack does not suffer from an issue that reverted rocks back to their vanilla textures.

See Valheim gets a new 1.1GB HD Texture Pack, overhauling most of its textures

#technology #gaming #valheim #mods


Modder 'Willybach' released earlier this week a 1.1GB HD Texture Pack for Valheim that aims to improve most of its textures.
