

One night, the town shook as if from an earthquake. In the morning, the townsfolk found that a new cave opening had appeared in the hillside, a pile of rock and earth near the entrance. A monstrous ogre walked out, towering above the humans. Some remembered seeing it many years before.

“Why have you come here?” asked the mayor, crossing her arms to keep her composure.

“I need a new home. Can I stay here?” the deep, booming voice was incongruent with the pleading question.

The local blacksmith noticed glittering in the debris outside the cave. There was ore, perhaps even gold. He whispered in the mayor’s ear.

“Perhaps we can trade. Can you bring out more of this rock to pay for your stay?” the mayor asked.

“I can. But tell me, does the baker who makes those delicious, tiny éclairs still live here?”

“I do,” the old baker piped up from the crowd.

“I think we have a deal,” smiled the mayor.

#microfiction #story #monster


#evil #monster Bill Gates, WEF Wants Humans To Be CHIPPED, Creepy Patents PROVE #Doomsday #Agenda:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BQAwnJ7tlLY

00:13 The World Economic Forum aims to microchip the entire population, linking it to various aspects of life, raising concerns about privacy and control.
00:42 Bill Gates invested in a company developing birth control implant chips, reflecting a potential use of technology for controlling population growth.
00:55 Microsoft was awarded a patent (060606) for a device connecting to the body, collecting biometric data in exchange for access to cryptocurrency, invoking references to biblical prophecy.
01:23 Bill Gates funded a birth control microchip lasting 16 years, with remote control capabilities, sparking concerns about ethical implications and depopulation agendas.
03:28 The discussion delves into the theory that the apparent New World Order agenda presents a manufactured evil, with figures like Trump and Elon Musk positioned as false lights to counteract it.
04:50 Elon Musk's role is discussed in the context of biblical prophecy, with speculation on whether he could be the false prophet creating an image (AI) that the world would worship.
08:33 The influence of cultural narratives, particularly superhero movies, is highlighted in shaping societal values and perspectives, drawing parallels with Elon Musk's persona as portrayed in films.
11:41 The discussion shifts to the potential risks of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), with Elon Musk's Neuralink seen as an attempt to integrate humanity with AGI to prevent uncontrollable scenarios.
15:27 The concept of "Deus Ex Machina" is explored in the context of Elon Musk's actions and statements, suggesting a narrative where Musk positions himself as a savior figure in the face of advancing #AI.


night's pages
{patchwork narrative} a flash #fiction serial following the story of a child #vampire, the eternal child #monster working out that existence


Back in my mortal days, when they did they would say
I was a sweet-looking child, so very many years ago.
I don’t appear in mirrors now;
I wouldn’t know if that sweetness persists.
If you saw me, a scrawny child of indeterminate gender,
unkempt, ill-clothed, filthy like a refugee,
would you wish me gone, wish me well, feel terror?
You see such children on the streets. I do.
Refugees from domestic wars are a secret no one keeps.
When I take one, I feel a kind of blessing, a kindred irony.
I don’t turn them.
Damnation is not for me a means of making friends.
I feel them, smell them, make an altar of my senses.
A sacred feast of sacrificial lamb’s blood
ought to require deep honor, respect.
I do befriend them, to give them that last memory
of innocent love.
We walk together to some secret place, a shared adventure.
If it is their place, they enjoy the ritual of inviting me in
to their sanctum.
I listen to woes and dreams that I honestly bond with.
I give what I am able, take what little treasure they possess.
There are too many people this world regrets.
Too many extras that won’t be missed, whose destruction
was never in doubt.
My kind can only cull a few.
People, though, you are clever.
You find ways, devise games
to destroy and self-destruct at all gradations of cruelty.
Is the monster in the demon or the man set free
of mortal restraint?
Or, does mortality constrain?
How large a body count can one mortal lifespan support?
Can we include those who are not directly killed,
but slow poisoned by soul-burning hatred?



#INDIA is #submerged! #Dam #Destroyed, #Monster #Flash #Flood & #Landslide Washed #Millions of #Houses & #Cars

"The recent #catastrophic #natural #disasters in India has stunned the# world.
Extremely heavy monsoon rains triggered massive flash flooding and landslides, causing tremendous destruction across large parts of the country.
This monster natural disasters washed away millions of homes, businesses, and vehicles.
Sadly, hundreds of lives were also lost in the devastating flash floods and mudslides.
Scientists say climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of many types of natural disasters.
As the planet warms, weather patterns are disrupted, leading to more extreme rainfall capable of causing devastating natural disasters like this one.
India's vulnerability to these natural disasters is increased by its climate, mountainous terrain in many regions, and large population living in flood-prone areas.
This terrible tragedy underscores the urgent need to improve natural disasters preparedness and response.
Climate change is expected to keep worsening natural disasters around the world.
All nations must make resilience to these natural disasters a top priority.
Improved early warning systems, flood control infrastructure, and public education can help mitigate loss of life and destruction when the next inevitable natural disasters strikes.
The world grieves with India as the country works to recover and rebuild from this monster natural disasters.
We can only hope global leaders take the growing threat of climate change-fueled natural disasters seriously.
More must be done to protect people worldwide from the heartbreak and devastation of natural disasters like this one.
Our thoughts are with the victims and rescuers responding to this horrific natural disasters in India.

00:00 - natural disasters
00:28 - sikkim flash flood
02:50 - sikkim flood
04:55 - sikkim floods
07:00 - india flood
10:20 - india storm
13:55 - india news
16:33 - heavy rain

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6FpQSC9BMvk