

My writers' group reviewed the seventh and last of the #stories in my 'story cycle', a set of stories in what I describe as a low-magic #fantasy world (which became increasingly #queer as I went). It's a chunky one, much longer than the previous six. Most of them wanted me to write more, possibly turning this story into a novel. I don't think so. The stories all together are meant to form a novella.

Still, it's good to be appreciated and receive constructive feedback, and I was congratulated on finishing this project, even if there's still a fair amount of editing to do. It feels good. After all, I wrote the first story more than ten years ago, when two friends and I formed a small writing group. I picked the up the writing during lockdown and it's finally getting there.

#WIP #WritingCommunity #writers #amwriting


The Strongman Fantasy

And Dictatorship in Real Life


Quite a few Americans like the idea of strongman rule. Why not a dictator who will get things done?

Strongman rule is a fantasy. Essential to it is the idea that a strongman will be your strongman. He won't. In a democracy, elected representatives listen to constituents. We take this for granted, and imagine that a dictator would owe us something. But the vote you cast for him affirms your irrelevance. The whole point is that the strongman owes us nothing. We get abused and we get used to it.

#strongman #fantasy #democracy #election


Am I enslaved forever, where time and space unite?
Deep within a world where torment souls take flight?
Reality's canvas, a hollow echo, stark and cold,
like tears of a dreamer, mourning tales untold.

Locked within the dungeon of my own melody,
for reality threatens to shatter but bends its knee.
The world outside may rage, yet here is peace,
where humanity is my shield, chaos finds release.

I drift, a silent leaf on the morning breeze,
a lost child, seeking solace in whispers with ease.
Humanity's reality feels, foreign, distant, cold,
yearning to ascend to embraces anonymity like gold.

Is reality mere necessity, a masquerade of senses?
Or does a hidden spider weave truth's defenses?
Yet what beauty lies in this ethereal tapestry,
hiding the dark hole surrounded stardust imperishably.

#fantasy #reality #poesy


Love the visuals. I would watch this movie. But I'm not sure why it's been given a narration suitable for a documentary about the migratory habits of the woodlouse. Also, the music. I mean, there are some excellent movies from this era (obviously), but with some important exceptions their soundtracks tend to be pretty ghastly... but not this ghastly. Pretty sure moviegoers have always been expecting THRILLS ! SPILLS ! EXCITMENT ! DANGER ! WITH ONE THOUSAND OLIPHANTS ! and so forth, and even the most penny-pinching directory could have sprung for a better soundtrack than a single novice trumpeter.




China Opens Huge Underground Dark Matter Lab

Yeah, sure... a 7,800' deep hole in the ground to study dark matter; something that cannot be seen, touched, smelt, sensed, created/destroyed, or possibly even exists at all in the universe, except in the minds of imaginative theoretical physicists who use it as a placeholder for their unknown and unexplainable observations.

Wonder what good thing will seep out of this hole in the ground to destroy the world someday.

#Science #Dark_Matter #Physics #Fantasy #Holes_in_the_Ground #China