

Cerfeuil des bois - Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm

Cerfeuil des bois - Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm


Photo du 1 mai 2024 sous licence CC BY-NC-SA. Mes autres photos : https://pixelfed.social/dandauge

Plante vivace de la famille des Apiacées - Ombellifères - (Apiaceae) aux feuilles alternes, engainantes, de forme composée, découpée. Les fleurs sont en ombelle, de couleur blanche. Elle fleurit d’avril à août. Elle est en partie comestible.

#jardin #flore #fleur #flower #botanique #botanik #plantes #plants #photography #photo #nature #biodiversité #environnement #mywork #myphoto #photographie #vegetal


I planted this cherry #tomato from seeds when I returned to South of France 2 years ago. It has been producing tomatoes since then and now it has massive bunches of flowers growing on it.

Have never seen anything like this before. It's like 15-20 flowers and tomatoes on one single branch and have about 10 of them on each plant (3 total). these are the ones I planted directly in the 50L soil bags I bought from the store.

#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #SouthOfFrance #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants


Vulpin des prés - Alopecurus pratensis L

Vulpin des prés - Alopecurus pratensis L


Photo du 1 mai 2024 sous licence CC BY-NC-SA. Mes autres photos : https://pixelfed.social/dandauge

Plante vivace de la famille des Poacées - Graminées - (Poaceae) aux feuilles alternes, engainantes, de forme simple, entière. Les fleurs sont en épi, de couleur verte. Elle fleurit d’avril à juin.

#jardin #flore #botanique #botanik #plantes #plants #photography #photo #nature #biodiversité #environnement #mywork #myphoto #photographie #vegetal


It happened to me multiple times!

Remember in 2018 when I went to Ghana for 3 weeks, I was sure that my plants on my balcony in south of Paris would be dead by the time I returned.

Came home to a jungle of tomato and cucumber plants and even flowers were all blooming. the ones on the front balcony didn't make it, so I guess it rained a lot with wind toward the north when I was gone! Brought some 2kg of cherry tomatoes to work the next day plus a lot of them I dried in the oven and later used in a sauce.

#Gardening #Plants #Humor #Funny